I went back to read... & now I feel like an ass.
I meant to say the following:
"If not for Zeppelin ----- then Bon Jovi, Hard Blues Rock & metal would not have existed as it was marketed. I hope somebody picks me up on this statement cuzzz I don't have time
at first I said "if not for Zeppelin & Bon Jovi the shitzz wouldnt have existed"
what I'm geting at is...... Jimmy Page invented hard rock, so he invented Bon Bon
now leave me alone - i'm trying to listen to Prince
D, you know i'm only fucking with ya. but jovi there was a reason why A man named Axl would get so offended by being called Bon Jovi & then make a point of it. Its because Axl was the real thing during that time & jovi was a performer. boo fucking hooo
_bP = done = watching re-runs of 'Alley McBeal'