hmmmmm fast songs.
typical would be some sorta slow lead intro, or a drum intro or hell just break right into the riff. slow feedback buildup is always good.
then main riff, loop for however long with drum bass second guitar entering to make massive sound each time through.
once played like twice with full band either:
a) play the same riff with more palm muting or only certain parts of it. leaving tonnes of room for vocals. leaving out the middle of the riff with pm's then ending it at full volume is always good so you sorta get a call and response from vocals and guitar.
b)think of a completely different riff for the verse, again keep it so theres room for vocals.
then either
a)go to a chorus with a different riff
b) if you used a different riff for the verse revert back to the intro riff for the chorus. balls to the wall.
then do that a couple of times, then have a slow part, the chorus chords arpeggio'd with some delay at half time is always good.
then break back into normal speed with a blistering run up the neck. i recommend running up e minor pentatonic. start it at 3rd fret 6th string then hammer/pull off super happy combo your way all the way up to a 1st string 17th fret bend to B. do this for whatever key the song is in. after that just do some unison bends of the chorus chords, with little fills end with a nice bending vibrato.
next part of the solo is important, you wanna look at the chords of the chorus or whatever ur soling over and think.......hmmmmmmm how can i make some super happy super fast solo combo mania. you need to find somewhere (usually 1st 2nd 3rd string anywhere from 5th fretor whereever u want to start the run of craziness) all the notes that reside in the chords at certain points in time for the rhythm. try and find some super happy crazy solo boxes for each chord resulting in simply hammering and pulling off 3 notes (of the chord or the major scale of that chord). 1 string is fine or 2 strings. once you've found some boxes for each chord figure it out til you have ascending patterns til about oh i dunno the 22nd fret for a super orgasmic bend (even more orgasmic if you can break the string at this point for effect).
So as the chords are changing (just say theres 3 rhythm chords total) your ascending in a pattern that is still in key with each one but it is also getting higher with each chord change to the eruption of the rock n roll gods for that final bend. who cares about intonation just bend that til it breaks.
after the solo have a final verse with lead fills.
then have a final chorus
then an outro solo remember those boxes of notes you made, well don't ascend them just keep doing the same 3. then find next shit hot guitar player who can harmonize what your playing in 3rds. it'll sound brilliant.
and that sir, is a fast rock song to a tee.
oh yeah and lyrics wise. for the verse lyrics don't have to be too important. hell they don't even have to make sense. they have to be rhythmic. try and use 1 syllable words in combination to get some frantic lyrics.
i'm a runnin i'm a gunnin i'm a takin what's uh given what's uh given to meeeee (end of main riff for response)
i'm a lootin i'm a shootin i'm a shakin it up yeah shakin rock n roll machine " "
look at those lyrics, they all roll real fast, all real rhythmic. the audience doesn't care what the hell you're saying til they get your lyrics booklet anyway. look the example i made makes absolutley no all.....their cliche....its everything fast rock n roll song lyrics are meant to be. i didnt bother matching up the number of syllables but thats real important too. its all about the rhythm.
for the chorus everything changes, you want long vocal notes for example "woaaaaaaaaaaaah" okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay" "yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"
thats enough for today.
im all worn out