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Author Topic: DUFF : AXL ROSE Never Wrote Any Of The GUNS N' ROSES MUSIC  (Read 123214 times)

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« Reply #120 on: October 15, 2004, 04:10:39 PM »

when axl says he wrote it he means the lyrics though, right?

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« Reply #121 on: October 15, 2004, 04:14:54 PM »

im not sayin he didnt write any music but on afd unless he hummed a riff or something i dont see where any of u have an argument.

i think Duff meant music as in guitars,bass,solo's,drums etc

so by some of you guys logic, axl started singing SCOM and that made slash play the classic openin riff?

when writing a song, a lot of times the vocal melody comes out of the music thats being played.

the band jam on a riff or a piece of music, the singer finds his key and sings over the music, so most of the time *not all of the time* but most of the time the melodies are born out of the music.

Duff is wrong sayin he didnt write any music but lets be serious for a moment, if any of u think axl had a guitar creating all of izzy and slash's riffs and solo's u obviously need to check into a very good rehab center.

lets not undermine the historic contribution of the old band because of our loyalty to axl.

im gonna tell u something right now and me being the huge axl fan i am, it pains me to say this, but the facts are the facts.

If W. Axl Rose had joined the bulletboys instead of getting with slash,izzy and co. i guarantee we wouldnt be here discussing Axl and Chinese Democracy today.

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« Reply #122 on: October 15, 2004, 04:15:03 PM »


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« Reply #123 on: October 15, 2004, 04:15:12 PM »

Axl's smartest move would be not to answer to this. What Duff said is pretty laughable imo.

"Firstly, all of Axl's music credits on AFD are for vocal melodies.  Aside from vocal melodies, Axl didn't write any music on AFD.  Vocal melodies are 25% of the writing credit.  So add that to the lyrics (Axl wrote about half the lyrics on AFD), and that's why he got so much writing credit for AFD.  I think it was 36% or something.

However, as many people have mentioned, he did write acoustic guitar and piano music for various songs.  So Duff is incorrect by stating Axl NEVER wrote music."

That's about it.

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« Reply #124 on: October 15, 2004, 04:41:26 PM »

The most difficult thing to understand about this and other negative comments about Axl that have come from Duff is why the guy sounds so bitter?  He's a member of a famous and commerically successful band and yet he feels the need to regularly slam Axl with accusations that don't seem to hold any water.  I like Duff better back in the day when he was wasted during his interviews.  He sounds old and bitter now.
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« Reply #125 on: October 15, 2004, 05:00:30 PM »

when axl says he wrote it he means the lyrics though, right?

What Duff is saying is that Axl would say "I wrote this about..." when Axl actually didn't write the lyrics or music.

Could somebody who knows their GN'R bootlegs come up with an example of when Axl has said something like that?

I know he introduced songs with "We wrote this song.....", "This song is about...." and things like that. But did he ever say "I wrote this song..." about a song he wasn't credited for? For example "So Fine" or "Mr Brownstone"?


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« Reply #126 on: October 15, 2004, 05:11:23 PM »

So he wrote most of the lirycs,the melodies,some acoustic guitar and piano parts,so what the fuck's the problem?? What was he suppose to do,write Slash's riffs? If I remember correctly,on the Illusions albums he has about 49% of the credits.

Duff should shut the fuck up,he's just a bass player,and he's no John Deacon.The vast majority of casual GNR fans don't know and don't need to know anyone but Axl and Slash,and Izzy was important too,but Velvet Revolver suddenly made him a fuckin star

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« Reply #127 on: October 15, 2004, 05:14:14 PM »

There's not much of an argument here. The discussion is about Duff's claim that Axl wrote no music at all.

That's bullshit, everyone here knows it's bullshit, so there is no need to discuss exactly how much, who wrote, on which song. All I have to say is "November Rain", and I've proved Duff wrong.

As for Axl saying "I wrote this song about....". He has every right to - He wrote lyrics which were personal to him and so explains to us what he was writing them about. When you say "I wrote this song about....", you are talking about the lyrics, not the music.

Duff clearly didn't like Axl drawing attention to himself as an individual, within the band. All I can say is that Axl spent enough time on stage drawing attention to other individual members including telling the audience who wrote certain songs.

I hope this is Duff being misquoted, and not a moment of total stupidity cus I like the guy....


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« Reply #128 on: October 15, 2004, 05:17:02 PM »

Dude, he DIDNT write the music, except the shit songs like NOVEMBER RAIN.  ESTRANGED would be crap without the amazing guitar performace by Slash (something to the thanks by Axl to Slash).

Point is Axl is not a musician, except for a horrible song or two.  Who can forget the incredible acoustic guitar chords that he plays in the beginning of Dead Horse? crying

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« Reply #129 on: October 15, 2004, 05:27:12 PM »

Dude, he DIDNT write the music, except the shit songs like NOVEMBER RAIN.? ESTRANGED would be crap without the amazing guitar performace by Slash (something to the thanks by Axl to Slash).

Point is Axl is not a musician, except for a horrible song or two.? Who can forget the incredible acoustic guitar chords that he plays in the beginning of Dead Horse? crying

you're gonna get alotta stick for saying that

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« Reply #130 on: October 15, 2004, 05:28:44 PM »

Dude, he DIDNT write the music, except the shit songs like NOVEMBER RAIN.

So what you're saying is he did write music.  hihi



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« Reply #131 on: October 15, 2004, 05:32:15 PM »

Whatever, how many of non guitarists learn all the guitar chords or all riffs on one song from GNR by heart? I guess most of you can hum whole Vocal melodies on all GNR songs. I?m Sorry, it sucks but is pretty obvious.? Undecided

And apparently it's Axl who wrote most of the Vocal melodies.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2004, 05:34:07 PM by ppbebe » Logged
« Reply #132 on: October 15, 2004, 05:36:59 PM »

I dont like seeing this hypocrisy from Duff. First he says he wants a new start then digs this up. The past should be left there....

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« Reply #133 on: October 15, 2004, 05:57:27 PM »

What's with Duff?..."double talkin jive ass motherfucker" hihi

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« Reply #134 on: October 15, 2004, 06:13:39 PM »

Song structures are important part of writing and I think Axl had a lot to offer in that section. He's got great musical vision. Riffs and chords on songs like Locomotive and Coma are written all by Slash but all those little mid-sections and extra-parts are probably Axl's ideas. I mean how many 8-minute epics has Slash written with Snakepit or VR? Slash can come up with a great riff anytime but you need more than that to have a great song.

Secondly. There's been said that it's easy to come up with a melody line when you've got chords already written. Yeah, but doens't it work also other way around? I seriously doubt that songs like Patience or SCOM were started by someone else than Axl

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« Last Edit: October 15, 2004, 06:16:52 PM by unclezoso » Logged

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« Reply #135 on: October 15, 2004, 06:20:03 PM »

Helllo!! It was something I expected since a very long time.
C'mon guys,   why would somebody write music for 10 years,  yet,  no cd was ever recorded!?
It doesn't matter who you like or don't (after all,   it alwys seemed all the ex members were on one and Axl on the other side!?  One or two people can be wrong,  but not so many.),  but you can't honestly belive that no record came out since 91 cause he is doing an masterpiece?
Anyone on this board could bring out an masterpiece if he was jobless for 13 years just writing music.
8 songs for an single cd can't be so hard to write.
All the former band members brought out more than 2 cd's (Gilby n Izzy 5 or 6),  yet Axl = 0,  although so many people with different ideas came and went.
It is obvious.

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« Reply #136 on: October 15, 2004, 06:21:04 PM »

Dude, he DIDNT write the music, except the shit songs like NOVEMBER RAIN.? ESTRANGED would be crap without the amazing guitar performace by Slash (something to the thanks by Axl to Slash).

Point is Axl is not a musician, except for a horrible song or two.? Who can forget the incredible acoustic guitar chords that he plays in the beginning of Dead Horse? crying
The bold text just highlights how able you are to talk about music.

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« Reply #137 on: October 15, 2004, 06:29:48 PM »

Also,  I am not bashing anyone... But,   a)  some of you must have stickers on your ears cause I am listening to Dead Horse since 13 years and THERE IS NO PIANO (unless some of you are under drug influence.).

b)   No offence to Axl,  but I don't play guitar and I can play his chords on Dead Horse,  so....

c)   You Axl lovers are missing an important chapter there talking about Axl writing guitar parts for Dead Horse.
If you were around back then,  you would know that SLASH taught AXL the opening chords for DEAD HORSE.
After ILLUSION TOUR was over,  Axl sought SLASH to teach him guitar playing,  after SLASH left,  Axl asked Paul Huge Tobias or whatever his name is to teach him some guitar playing.
I'd love if some of you could explain me how the f.+0,.. he wrote guitar parts for Dead Horse if he couldn't play guitar!?
Would be thankful for that info ok

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« Reply #138 on: October 15, 2004, 06:31:48 PM »

OK... this thing from Duff really irritated me, because at one time I thought Duff was probably a pretty cool dude, but, him saying something so bitter and angry irritated me. 

Especially, when I remember recently reading a quote from him when he was still in GNR.  I don't know the source of this quote, but it is from another GNR fansite.  It claims that Duff said this: 

"Axl, lyrically, is brilliant in my eyes. Some of the shit that goes through his head is like, WHOAH!"

Like I said, I don't know where this quote originated. 

Even if Axl never wrote the music... lyrics are just as important as the music to a song.  Without lyrics, you have an instrumental, and not many people buy albums for the instrumentals.  It's the words to a song that generally are so moving and make the fans relate to the songs.  Generally, you don't hear fans say (unless they are also musicians)  "Damn, I really related to that guitar solo."  But you do hear fans say "I could really relate to what that song was saying.  It was like it spoke directly to me." 

In interviews while he was with GNR, Duff would often express general displeasure in the fact that Axl was generally the center of attention in the band.  (Example, he would lament that people would approach him backstage and ask "Where's Axl" so often that his wife at that time had a tee-shirt printed for him that said "No I don't know where Axl is". 

This most recent statement suggests to me that his bitterness toward Axl continues.

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« Reply #139 on: October 15, 2004, 06:32:35 PM »

There's no way I'm gonna read all the posts in this thread, so my apologies if this has been posted before...

But do you guys understand that there's more to writing a song than just coming up with a good guitar riff?  Or a good bass line?   Some of the posts sounds like some of you think that just because Slash wrote the riff for Welcome to the Jungle, he must have written the whole song.  There is song structure, regardless of which, if any, instruments are used.

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