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Author Topic: New Gn'R Guitarist Found?  (Read 108769 times)

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« Reply #220 on: October 03, 2004, 01:34:45 PM »

Axl doesn't need excuses as he doesn't owe this album to anyone but himself.

Actually he does OWE an album to the record company. There is this little matter of 13 million dollars that says as much. Unless he plans on writing a check out of pocket to cover all that(which I certainly wouldn't put past him), then he does owe an album to them. Axl loves contracts and litigious enforcement more than anyone in the world, maybe he should try fulfulling his end of the contract like he expects of everyone who works for him Huh

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« Reply #221 on: October 03, 2004, 02:30:35 PM »

I must say, the more I read about this guy and the more I hear, the more excited I get about him being in GN'R.

He update the newssection saying:

Yeah, and ONE MORE TIME time just to make sure *everyone* understands, GnR is considering me on guitar, I'm grateful, we're talking, no decisions have been made, it's up to Mr. Rose of course, I'll let y'all know whatever happens - thanks? Smiley

I actually hope you read this Axl. If it means anything: this is the guy you want!
And this is going to sound funny but... If I was as technically skilled as he is, I would be the man for the spot. But with this man around, I would somewhere want him to take 'my place'.

Here's to makin' the right choices!


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« Last Edit: October 03, 2004, 02:55:01 PM by Nicos » Logged

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« Reply #222 on: October 03, 2004, 04:10:29 PM »

I downloaded a little clip on his website, when he plays "Iron Maiden - Run to the hills" I think he sings good.

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« Reply #223 on: October 03, 2004, 04:37:17 PM »

if Chinese Democracy is as far along as Tommy and Dizzy have said, and they are doing the mixing now, i doubt this new guitarist will re-record Bucket's parts.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2004, 06:53:17 PM by GnFnR87 » Logged

Shows:?? 5/17/06 @ Hammerstein, 11/10/06 @ MSG
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« Reply #224 on: October 03, 2004, 05:32:19 PM »

 Cheesy I don?t see keeping BH parts on CD disrespecting to the new guy, nor alienating him from the band.

The live and the studio always differ. He can show what he can do on tour to begin with.

 Cheesy This guy seems to have a good taste in composing too. Is he the right one?

The clincher might b his personality- whether he and others hit it off well.

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« Reply #225 on: October 03, 2004, 07:55:46 PM »

Unfortunately, BH fucked that up for everybody.

umm, well as I recall the 2002 tour couldn't continue because of something associated with axl who coincidently decides when the album will be turned over to the label. So, putting this all on BH seems a bit sketchy to me.

Try reading that part in context with the rest of what I was saying there and maybe it won't be "sketchy".? Roll Eyes

umm, well as I recall the 2002 tour couldn't continue because of something associated with axl
Do you really believe that Axl cancelled the rest of the tour to watch one basketball game?? confused


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« Reply #226 on: October 03, 2004, 08:32:41 PM »

did i say that it was due to a basketball game? It was some circumstance surrounding axl's absence from the arena. All reports were that the band was there and ready.

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Its something different and will be a big surprise

« Reply #227 on: October 03, 2004, 10:07:05 PM »

Mr Bummblefoot is going to be an excellent addition to the band. His resume off the stage is cool as well. HEs going to fit right in with the guys. FOr those who were concerned about the band with Bucket not being a "band" your concerns have been answered.....

its gonna be fun

Speaking for myself, if I may,  here's part of an email I sent to Axl's manager after a long phone conversation we had, kinda reaffirming stuff we had spoken about, addressing past obstacles he said they've had. It's a little personal, as it was meant for Merck & Axl...


Subject: YO!
Date: 8/13/2004 6:39:09 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Bumblefoot

Heeeeeeeeey, a pleasure speaking with ya the other day  More info - I'm 34, don't drink, smoke or do drugs, no addictions, no felony charges, no illnesses or weird health stuff. Happily married for 8 years, no kids...

Musical stuff I can bring into the group - fretless guitar, synth guitar, lotsa vocals, songwriting, orchestra scoring. Can do it, but don't need to do it - perfectly content with shuttin'-up-and-playin'-my-geetar.

I'm a workaholic, never do anything half-assed and never forget how blessed we are to be able to bust our asses doing what we love. Other stuff I do - B.O.D. member of a nonprofit MS Research Foundation, teach music production once-a-week at a college in NY...

Nobody in the group would have the burden of being my musical "life support" - I don't freak over stuff or need to be in control... Done all kinds of tours under less-than-luxurious circumstances... can definitely handle touring.


Left out text after the "..." as not to bore ya with redundant ramblings. So, that's what I think I can add to the group if called upon - more vocals, new guitar sounds, writing, orchestrating, solid work-ethic (THE most important thing), stability and they'd always have a *designated driver* - lol. And I eat the leftovers.

The guy is pretty cool for keepin ghis fans and the roamers inofrmed. If we want stuff liek this to continue I think we should refrain from bombarding him with emails and stuff liek that. Or being disrespectful on his board. Lets see how far this goes and Im sure he will continue to give us some tidbits.
I liek stuff liek this cause it shows what gnr is looking for as well. Cool stuff. ANyways lets not be dicks bout this.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2004, 10:24:10 PM by younggunner » Logged

"...regardless of the outcome, our hearts, lives and our passion has been put into this project every step of the way. If for no other reason, we feel those elements alone merit your consideration..."
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« Reply #228 on: October 03, 2004, 10:26:01 PM »

This guy might be a good fit, if he does have to redo some parts for CD, lets hope he does them fast. I want the album by FEB

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« Reply #229 on: October 03, 2004, 10:59:11 PM »

That part he said about orchestra scoring seems pretty interesting with the rumors from Marco Beltrami and more recent articles where its been said before that there is some orchestra stuff on the album. Seems like a pretty solid resume to me and Im sure Axl would be pleased with this guy.

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« Reply #230 on: October 03, 2004, 11:31:18 PM »

A tour in about 5-6 months seems to be looking likely. I think they've looked for a guitarist for the tour but i doubt he'll record on the album.

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« Reply #231 on: October 03, 2004, 11:54:06 PM »

And i thought Buckethead was talented...holy shit man, Bumblefoot is amazing player...he can play anything you throw him in his lop and do it better than any one.

Man Axl,  Bumblefoot is the man you have been looking for to have in GNR...this guy is gone shine with the rest of the band!  hihi

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« Reply #232 on: October 04, 2004, 12:35:38 AM »

The guy is making a hard push, no doubt about it...I just wonder if management likes its candidates to be so..public...about negotiations.

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« Reply #233 on: October 04, 2004, 12:54:12 AM »

Isn't Bumblefoot the band and Ron Thal the player?

I find that i'm far more powerful and effective when i can celebrate another's way, rather than to wish to own it.
« Reply #234 on: October 04, 2004, 02:04:32 AM »

Isn't Bumblefoot the band and Ron Thal the player?

I think so.....
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« Reply #235 on: October 04, 2004, 03:51:42 AM »

i hope people are joking that they think that robin and richard could be the lead players.    what a laugh!
  i saw those guys in chicago, and neither of them could even pull off a simple copy of a drugged out slash
solo.   how hard could that be?  playing something note by note with just a hint of drunken emotion?

  only BH pulled it off live and i know axl must know that for sure.

robin is a stage prop rythm guitarists  and richard is a stork like semi rythm slacker.

i thought the R in Rio 3   with BH, robin and Paul were the chemistry,  and at least Paul was cute.
  us chicks like to see anyone cute, besides axl of course,   and the only close is Paul.
The old GnR had sex appeal,  and these clowns,  besides the blond Paul,  are mere sidemen

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« Reply #236 on: October 04, 2004, 04:06:25 AM »

I just listened to the "Sweet child"-version. Jesus, how cool ist that? Makin' fun of a song (in a cool and respectful way), having fun playin' it live - and yet make such a fuckin' tight coverversion!

I mean hey - many Bands we know couldn't play this song so good even ih they tried it seriously. And in this version, it's done by the way, whhile makin' jokes!


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« Reply #237 on: October 04, 2004, 04:08:20 AM »

i hope people are joking that they think that robin and richard could be the lead players.? ? what a laugh!
? i saw those guys in chicago, and neither of them could even pull off a simple copy of a drugged out slash
solo.? ?how hard could that be?? playing something note by note with just a hint of drunken emotion?

? only BH pulled it off live and i know axl must know that for sure.

robin is a stage prop rythm guitarists? and richard is a stork like semi rythm slacker.

i thought the R in Rio 3? ?with BH, robin and Paul were the chemistry,? and at least Paul was cute.
? us chicks like to see anyone cute, besides axl of course,? ?and the only close is Paul.
The old GnR had sex appeal,? and these clowns,? besides the blond Paul,? are mere sidemen

I think you were drunk or on drugs that night, Richard n' Robin shit a giant fat turd on every solo they play from AFD n' YUI's, im not lyin'.
Im not a fag or nothin' n ' dont know whats good lookin' in a bloke but i thought Paul was pretty fugly, plus the cemistry in RIR III was...good but no way near as unreal without Richard!!!!

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« Reply #238 on: October 04, 2004, 05:38:10 AM »

Thank You!! Richard and Robin have been doing a great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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« Reply #239 on: October 04, 2004, 06:07:54 AM »

Robin and Richard are the backbone of Gn'r. They Fuckin Rule  ok

and here's a video of the guy that i think is the best 4 Gn'R- Doug Aldrich Live with Whitesnake in Lisbon Smiley
« Last Edit: October 04, 2004, 06:14:02 AM by MeanBone » Logged

Chinese Democracy!
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