smeagol2124 IF VR can make it near impossible for the album to leak, I think Axl will do it.
But we will see.? I still dont think it will leak out, but if it does, it will be just a few days before its set to come out.
I got "Contraband" off of about 2 or 3 weeks before it was released.? It's nealy impossibe to 100% leaks.? When big realeases do get leaked, like the last Eminem and Metallica albums, their release dates are pushed up.? I'm sure Axl will do everything in his power to prevent leaks, but once he turns the master over to the record company, it's out of his hands.?
But, lets focus on the MAIN problem here...we need a completed album first before we can talk about any of this.
Like i said near impossible.
Not many people had the album before it came out.
And what VR did on Kaaza was ingenious.