I was doing a yahoo search on Axl Rose to see what would come up. Besides all these weird flower websites (no I'm not joking, try it for yourself) I ran across an old interview that Axl did with Kurt Loder from MTV. I'm not sure how old it is, at least a couple of years, whenever Live Era came out maybe, because it's mentioned. It's really long, but I ran across a paragraph that made me do a double take.
Loder: Is it fair to say that we may never be hearing this stuff ever again? This old material?
Axl Rose: No, no, that's not true at all. In fact, actually, I have re-recorded "Appetite" and --
Loder: You re-recorded "Appetite For Destruction?"
Axl Rose: Yes, I have.
Loder: The whole album?
Axl Rose: Yes.
I may have missed this at some point, but is this true? Here's a link to the interview, which is actually very interesting.