hahahhaha you've all gotten so offended when i voted for michael jackson.
kicking me off the site what is wrong with you people!
for having a different opinion about music? since when did i comment on michael jackson's private life, that has nothing to do with this. Back in that era michael jackson was the biggest icon in the world, gnr just didn't compare to him. I couldn't give a flying fuck what he does now, that's irrelevant.
don't bring up michael jackson's private life because axl is getting closer and closer to becoming just a little weird himself. the question was about that era aswell, so what my opinion of axl is now is irrelevant too.
look i love gnr, but just because i'm on this board does not mean i place gnr above EVERY single musician that has ever walked this earth. gnr are one of my favourie bands but to me they're not the greatest ever.
now just leave my opinion be.
Edit: I voted for MJ because the original question was who was the greatest pop culture icon of that era. Had the question been who's music do you like better there would have been a better chance of me choosing gnr. When i said "just a rock n roll band" i meant that it is very hard for a rock n roll band to become a bigger pop culture icon than a damn popstar like MJ. Pop is more mainstream and appeals to more fans than rock n roll. So that is what i meant by that comment. Jeez you guys don't have to have complete loyalty to gnr you know, axl isn't gonna come kill you if you vote for MJ