Ok this is something I ain't done in ages... transcribing as best I can the lyrics for a GnR song that few would prolly have SEEN the official lyrics for.
Listening to the video source of the above mentioned Roxy show, I picked this out:
Goodnight Tonight
If you head to a party,
You know the party it has begun,
Goodnight tonight
Goodnight tonight
If you heard it on the floor (phone?)
Then you'll hear it now once more,
Goodnight tonight
Goodnight tonight
Goodnight tonight
Crying on the phone,
We're gonna do it more,
No we don't know where we'll go,
Never knew what avenue
(whatever this is, it ends rhyming with tree.. could possibly be street)
And I yearn to be free.
Goodnight tonight (till end)
For those interested, maybe we could amuse ourselves while we wait for a new release and try to figure out what the lyrics are from that show.