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Author Topic: NYC Review  (Read 54967 times)
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« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2004, 08:49:33 AM »

1)16) I think this band will rock, but no one can do anything to the degree that Axl can. Finally seeing Slash and Duff in person was fucking cool, but i wasn't star-struck like i was with Axl. Axl is just the best, period....he IS rock n roll......or was??? shit!
THIS BAND IS NOT GUNS AND ROSES! this band is called VELVET REVOLVER. when are you people going to realize that,axl is gone,he'll never be back 'cause he has no voice,gn'r is gone 'cause axl took it away,now is velvet revolver time so enjoy the show.
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2004, 09:13:30 AM »

Duff had such an awesome stage presence. He even winked at me when he saw my Chinese Democracy shirt. It was funny but he smiled.

Haha, that is funny.  It's cool that Duff had a sense of humor about it though.  And it's great to hear a known Axl fan give such a positive review of the show.  ok  Tomorrow night for me!   Cool

I've have never been to a show so Chaotic as this one before!! The energy was incredible! I lost my shoe, my digital camera and my pants!! Luckily I was able to retrieve all 3! Cheesy  

Your pants?   rofl  Now that's a chaotic show!   hihi

I am surprised they allowed cameras in there.  I'd love to take pictures, but I'd be too afraid of losing my camera or having it stolen.  I always take my watch off too before the crowd really gets going.  But I'm pretty sure I could hang onto my shoes and my pants though.   hihi
« Last Edit: May 27, 2004, 09:22:10 AM by Dizzy » Logged
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« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2004, 09:44:10 AM »

And it's great to hear a known Axl fan give such a positive review of the show.
Just because Im an Axl/gnr fan doest mean i never liked slash and them. I have always liked slash and duff. Anyways enjoy the hsow and i took some really cool pictures so hopefully ill get them up.

"...regardless of the outcome, our hearts, lives and our passion has been put into this project every step of the way. If for no other reason, we feel those elements alone merit your consideration..."
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« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2004, 10:17:31 AM »

Awesome show!!! Had a special feeling to it. The opening band was aweful. They literally got booed off the stage(people are there to have a good time, not to hear your personal oppinion on politics you arogant bastards!!! Dont impose them on me whether I agree with you or not!!!) Well anyway, Slash rocked as usual and seemed in a very good mood as did Duff. Its so easy was the highlight of the night for me. Hey did anybody notice Gina Gershon sitting on the side in the VIP area? She is smoking hot!!!!
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« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2004, 10:32:43 AM »

Yo I saw Gina Gershon there.... she is mad fine

and for everybody in this thread who started hating on the GNR/VR comparisons......COME ON!!!!!!!!

3/5ths of this band was in GNR

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« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2004, 12:19:19 PM »

was gina gershon wearing a red skirt? i saw some fine woman in a red skirt from the balcony on t he other side.

i thought t he show was great but they should have thrown some of the gnr or stp songs into the middle of th e main set to break up the new tunes a bit.
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« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2004, 12:56:41 PM »

I've have never been to a show so Chaotic as this one before!! The energy was incredible! I lost my shoe, my digital camera and my pants!! Luckily I was able to retrieve all 3! Cheesy  

You better explain how you lost your pants  hihi

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« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2004, 01:47:36 PM »

Some thoughts about last night.
I was up in the VIP section, (the balcony) where the family of the band sits (i was a few feet away from Duff's wife and from music exec Clive Davis (they obviously had the best seats, they were reserved tables). Since i was up top, i had a different perspective on the show because i could see everything: all the audience and the band.
i disagree with whoever said that the show never reached fever pitch. I could see the entire crowd and let me tell you, they OWNED this crowd. There were many moments where the place was about to explode- It's So Easy, Slither (which was fucking RIDICULOUS in how good it sounded), and the last song they played
I don't need to elaborate on Duff/Slash because obviously they are amazing. Matt too. And the chemistry is incredible. you really feel these guys feeding off each other. But scott is second to none as a frontman. First of all, his VOICE!! it was hard to believe we were listening to this live. He has one of the best, clearest voices in music today. Absolutely incredible. He is THE man for that spot and he owned the crowd. Truly did.

I was standing next to a guy who works for ClearChannel and he told me that the music industry is pretty sure that these guys "are it". There is nothing to compare to Velvet Revolver right now. They are the best on the scene.
And i'm saying, they were absolutely incredible, the crowd was delirious and i am so excited to see their album go #1.

By the way, i initially said that Fall to Pieces wasn't all i had hoped, but it absolutely does grow on you, and Scott's voice is so beautiful and Slash's guitar work is really great too.


Oh, also, i got to stand with a few fans/family with the band (minus Scott who i hear doesn't do these pre-show appearences) while they signed autographs, took pictures (all before the show) and they were all so fucking cool. They are really great to their fans, especially Slash who couldn't be any cooler. Coming out and shaking hands can be a pain for musicians, but they really looked like they wanted to meet with everyone and were enjoying it, that is wasn't a hassle to hang out for a bit with their fans. Duff's wife was there also, standing gaurd, making sure no hot chicks got near her man (not that i blame her), but it was pretty funny. I was kind of pissed i got so close to them and forgot my camera, but... next time.  Smiley
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« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2004, 02:11:24 PM »

was gina gershon wearing a red skirt? i saw some fine woman in a red skirt from the balcony on t he other side.

i thought t he show was great but they should have thrown some of the gnr or stp songs into the middle of th e main set to break up the new tunes a bit.

Gina was in jeans and she was in the VIP area on the right hand side. Right by the stage.
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« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2004, 03:33:00 PM »

some great posts in this thread

i didn't notice gina gershon, but i was on the balcony, near the wives. i DID see one black woman with a reserved table...i thought maybe it was slash's mom?Huh?? don't know. she looked like she was there by herself.

some final thoughts: it NEVER did go over the top, trust me. yes, the place was going wild on the floor, but thats b/c most of those people were kids who just wanted to mosh. yes, there was a bit of a mosh pit going. some of those guys were my friends from my neighborhood, some hoodlums! lol again, i thought it was an 8.5 maybe was fuckin cool...not magical, but very very very cool.

and by the way, SLITHER was unreal. i think MAYBE that was the song that brought the crowd closest to going over the top. everyone was fuckin singing the chorus, it was HOT!! that song is SO FUCKIN GOOD....perfect for scott. and jesus, slash nailed his solo AMAZINGLY...much better then the frozen letterman studio.

in closing, it was cool sitting with the wives and friends, but i rather be on the floor. MAYBE thats why i never felt like it went over the top. CT, MSG - i was on the floor and it was psychotic magical madness!!! but you're all right about axl, he's done NOTHING....what a fucking shame. Can't believe Fortus was there...hhhmmmm....Axl must be home in his basement painting or playing with barbies. all the "MEMBERS OF GNR" are either on tour or spread around the country. i think Axl just rather sit in his house and smoke weed....thats the only thing i can think of.....WHY WOULD HE NOT WANNA DO GNR?Huh

SLither rocks, hardcore, set me free is hot...this band is going to explode, there is nothing else out there to even compare. must've been cool for them, and slash in particular, to come to nyc and have a mosh pit and crowd surfers in the audience. yea, it rocked.

- Greg
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« Reply #30 on: May 27, 2004, 04:18:44 PM »

Cant believe all this talk about GNR and comparisons to VR and blah blah blah.......

For all you people saying Scott is no Axl, well then you never saw STP live.  I've been an STP fan since day one and have been lucky enough to see them in concert a few times including at Roseland in 2000.  Scott Weiland is one of the most amazing front man period and while everyone else looks at this band as GNR with a new singer, I look at it as this amazing singer / performer with a new band that just happens to include 3 ex-GNR guys who are incredible performers in their own right.  Just like I have decided not to compare them to STP, there's no way they should be compared to GNR.  

They are a brand new band and they completely rocked last night!!!!  I made it up to within 5 people from the stage and it was definately mind blowing.  

Anyone who gets a chance should definately check these guys out......

(Gina Gershon is so friggin hot in real life!!)
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« Reply #31 on: May 27, 2004, 04:42:58 PM »

Who was the opening band at the NYC show, wasnt it Silvertide like the rest of the tour?

Ron Jeremy - BEND OVER.
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« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2004, 05:27:46 PM »

no it wasnt Silvertide

it was a group called Living Things i think

they said they were from St Louis

like i said they sucked huge balls
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« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2004, 05:52:22 PM »

It was a great show but not magical and ill tell you why. Scott Weiland. He was awesome but he doesnt have that charm or charisma. DOnt get me wrong hes awesome but he doesnt have that magical factor.

btw...not to make this another gnrvr thing...but how come no1 makes fun of weilands cop gear and the way he dresses yet many of you make fun of pittman who has the same look?Just somehting i thought as i watched last night.....


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« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2004, 06:38:57 PM »

btw...not to make this another gnrvr thing...but how come no1 makes fun of weilands cop gear and the way he dresses yet many of you make fun of pittman who has the same look?Just somehting i thought as i watched last night.....

Well I dont believe Ive ever commented on Pittmans style of dress, I think one reason is that Weiland is the frontman, not a keyboard player.  It might be a double-standard, but its a little more acceptable for a frontman to me flamboyant or ostentatious than a second keyboard player/effects engineer.  

Axl might get made fun of for the biker shorts, but I dont think anybody knocks the cop hat.  A frontman can pull it off...keyboard players, not as well apparently.  

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« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2004, 06:49:54 PM »

It was a great show but not magical and ill tell you why. Scott Weiland. He was awesome but he doesnt have that charm or charisma. DOnt get me wrong hes awesome but he doesnt have that magical factor.

btw...not to make this another gnrvr thing...but how come no1 makes fun of weilands cop gear and the way he dresses yet many of you make fun of pittman who has the same look?Just somehting i thought as i watched last night.....

Were obviously not all going to agree on this, but i think that Scott's voice surpasses Axl (and i love Axl). He isn't Axl, and he has his own thing going, but i found his performance extradionarily effective. I liked his little dancing (more than Axl's running and jumping). I like his strung-out heroine chic look, i like the megaphone, i like the black eyeliner. Scott Weiland brings a "hip" sort of glamorous element into this band and will help to attract a different type of fan, the kind of person who would NEVER be seen at a GnR show (or one with 3/5ths of the new members). I couldn't believe seeing these kids walking around the VIP section. The punk kids, the real alternative kids. They are not the rock kids, but Scott has crossover appeal and will snag an audience that is rather snobby and elitist about what music they like. I can't tell you how surprised i was to see these people in the audience.

And Booker, i totally agree with you. I don't really make fun of people's clothing either, but the musicians (expecially the second-stringers) DO need to show some discression. Scott looked hot in his little police hat.  yes

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« Reply #36 on: May 27, 2004, 07:29:40 PM »

[The punk kids, the real alternative kids. They are not the rock kids, but Scott has crossover appeal and will snag an audience that is rather snobby and elitist about what music they like. I can't tell you how surprised i was to see these people in the audience.

I've been saying this since the day Weiland was announced.

The credibility he brings from the alterna/modern rock crowd is unfathomable.  The same audience that Slash had never sniffed in his prior bands is now bowing in reverence to VR.

Who said he couldn't "evolve"?.....

Evolution complete.


"So when we finish our CD, if we book a show and just play the CD and wave our hands around, it would be like what DJs do, right?" -Dave Navarro

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« Reply #37 on: May 27, 2004, 07:47:46 PM »

[The punk kids, the real alternative kids. They are not the rock kids, but Scott has crossover appeal and will snag an audience that is rather snobby and elitist about what music they like. I can't tell you how surprised i was to see these people in the audience.

I've been saying this since the day Weiland was announced.

The credibility he brings from the alterna/modern rock crowd is unfathomable.  The same audience that Slash had never sniffed in his prior bands is now bowing in reverence to VR.

Who said he couldn't "evolve"?.....

Evolution complete.

Oh, have you? Well done you!!  ok Because you are absolutely right. There were people in that audience who wouldn't be CAUGHT DEAD listening to Guns N Roses, much less at a Guns concert but they like and approve of VR. Amazing! I had to see it with my own eyes.

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« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2004, 08:10:15 PM »

I've been saying this since the day Weiland was announced.

The credibility he brings from the alterna/modern rock crowd is unfathomable.  The same audience that Slash had never sniffed in his prior bands is now bowing in reverence to VR.

Who said he couldn't "evolve"?.....

Evolution complete.

Oh, have you? Well done you!!  ok Because you are absolutely right. There were people in that audience who wouldn't be CAUGHT DEAD listening to Guns N Roses, much less at a Guns concert but they like and approve of VR. Amazing! I had to see it with my own eyes.

The transformation/perception has been amazing to witness.  I was listening to KDGE (modern rock giant) in Dallas yesterday when "Slither" was announced, the DJ said something to the effect (paraphrasing) "Here's Weiland's new band, VR.. Slash has a great solo in this song...Oh My God, I just mentioned Slash.  I've never said that name on this station before.."  

From a Joe Perry-esque existence to modern rock guitar hero..

How cool is that?

"So when we finish our CD, if we book a show and just play the CD and wave our hands around, it would be like what DJs do, right?" -Dave Navarro

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« Reply #39 on: May 27, 2004, 08:13:39 PM »

sorry for the dumb question, but what does this mean?

From a Joe Perry-esque existence to modern rock guitar hero..

do you think that VR are going to be absolutely huge and the next big thing in music, ALL music? because people last night at the concert seemed to think so...

ETA: and if the answer is "yes", then do you think they will be ready and willing to carry the torch left behind when Guns and Nirvana bowed out? That's quite a responsibilty for a bunch of guys with families and who, really, just did this out of their pure love for making music (and not some need for money/fame/etc..)
« Last Edit: May 27, 2004, 08:16:48 PM by badgirl » Logged
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