Source: WEILAND: I Get No Respect From The Press - May 14, 2004
VELVET REVOLVER frontman Scott Weiland has posted the following message on the band's official web site:
"I feel that I can no longer be a part of the rock 'Press Type Thing'.
"Although I greatly appreciate the respect our album has been given in review, it has become increasingly clear that in 'respect' to me, the word journalism' is blurred with tabloid sensationalism and untruths. I will not stoop to the level of these mosquitoes in order to simply sell records. I won't play your fucking game.
"VELVET REVOLVER agreed a month ago to do a feature for Rolling Stone. I have already committed to this. In the past my relationship with R.S. has been an honest one for the most part. I have had a very positive and open relationship with one writer there over the years when S.T.P. has been featured on covers and so on. His name is David Fricke. If it could be worked out that he and I speak than I would feel more comfortable to participate in this last piece.
"This decision is not just about me. I have two young children, one of which is old enough to comprehend things, but not yet of the age to be able to distinguish the truth from outright lies.
"I understand that you guys may feel that you won't be able to crawl inside my head, and I am sympathetic to that, so I will contact you all through the website via Yoko every few days to keep in touch and answer questions."
endGypsy comment: *para-phrase singing* Yi-pi-yi-ay, Yi-pi-yi-o ... Ghost "Writers" In The Sky