Some of you are so clueless its scary
Being that im nice...reread this great lil post. its sums it all up for you lamers.
I can't believe that I have read this shit on a GNR board.\\GNR is about freedom, and that includes the clothes you wear.
Some of you are sounding very old, a bit like my parents infact, its very sad.
1. Axl the hard man of rock n roll dresses like a rap star, and dressing does have A LOT to do with rock, hence kiss, leather pants rock etc etc.
I know because bike shorts and kilts were so rock n roll too. A) Axl has been wearing jerseys for a long time, he has even worn them in th eold days. How come no1 said he was trying to be a thug then?
What has to do with rock is attitude. Gnr and axl have and never will follow any rulebooks, nor since when is there a fukin rule book for rock n roll?
The rest of the band dont live up to the hard rock image GNR set. it was all about the music AND the fact that 5 mates from the hard mean streets made it to worldwide success not that they were hired to play music that others wrote, there is no band unity look at robin n bucket do they ever seem to communicate like izzy n slash used to?>
This shows your stupidity.
A) this ne wlineup is not baout playing the old material. LAst tour was the exception.
This new lineup has its own material. Actually probably more material than the old lineup had. Point is when the ball gets rolling they will have their own music.
No band unity? I suggest you buy a few more bootlegs. This band is always joking around with each other and playing with each other on stage. How is that not unity? They jam next to each other as well. Plus read the quaotes of what tommy says about axl and the other members. Yea i know hes gettin paid so hes just sayin that. mY bad i should have known.
Impatience at album, if it was done and as good as Axl said they would have released it period, or at least updated the website n posted clips, VR are happy to do so why not GNR?
Or they arent ready to go ahead with it yet due to other reasons.
If you were so disgusted in the whole process you wouldbnt be here whining about how a rock band doesnt update their website. But you remain here because you know that gnr might actually have a masterpiece on their hands. Who cares what vr does?
I hope peopel like you who complain about this communication bullshit complained back in the day when gnr in the illusion era began to decline interviews to magaizines etc. Its the same thing. Now we just have the internet. But you didnt because the music was out and rocked. We dont have the music so all you pussies dwell on is fan communication and how axl dresses. its understandable but thats why gnr are in good shape. Their music will make them rise or fall. And thats all im concerned about,,,is the music.
GNR is Dead
Gnr aint dead...just some of the old members decided not to evolve