Ahhhh, yes. Axl cares what the fans think. I suppose that's why he physically and verbally attacks them in the middle of shows.
people flipping him off and throwing things and taking his picture when people know it is against the rules... hmm yeah they are real fans.... with fans like that who would need an enemy...
That's probably the same reason that, just 18 months ago, he didn't bother showing up to half his tour. He cares so much for our support that he ... didn't ever explain or apologize.
Have you ever bothered to THINK that maybe hes still in a lawsuit for that and has been advised not to speak of it?
Regarding the ludricous amount of time he's spent on the album, the only possible motive for keeping it bottled up for so long when, by his own admission, it was all but complete two years ago, is that he's afraid of what people might say about it.
yeah that must be it.. you fuckiing know it... also by his own admission the tracks keep changing coz they keep making better songs... yeah im sure a man that has played live for MILLIONS of people is afraid of what people might say about it... get real...
That's not being a bad-assed motherfucker. That's being a little boy with a trembling lower lip and a limp wrist.
reeeeeely??? wow how long did it take u to come up with that one???
So Detroit was because of the band, not the telepromptor?
Even if that was true,
it was... watch the bootleg...
what difference does it make?
quite a bit... ur comparing the equipment to the band..
No one in the audience of about 65 cared that something minor went wrong -- everyone was having a good time.
65? what show did u watch? or did you? im sure everyone would have a real good time if the music sucked...
Shit happens all the time at live shows. It's part of the fun. You don't run away. You laugh about it and play on.
Its fun to hear the band you paid money for fuck up the songs?? esp the old songs?
esp the the old songs played by a new band...
You're clearly not informed about the facts behind his gripes in "Get in the Ring."
clearly??? really??? educate me then smart guy...
I won't address your retort
coz you cant ..
other than to say that he was squealing like a pig about people who had hurt his tender feelings
yeah thats it... thats your argument? come on big boy debate it with me.... i dare you....
not about actual errors of fact. Don't be offended, you're just misinformed.
i called you out to debate it here on the board... list your "facts" on why he was squiling like a pig... if people use thier media outlets to bash him... whats the fucking problem with him using his media to bash back??? your a jackass...
Anyway, I'm not going to fill this thread with point-by-point arguments with you,
coz you will loose.... your just posting needless axl bashing.
so go ahead and blast back with whatever incoherent babble comes next.
sure will....
If it makes you feel better, go ahead and start a thousand threads with "gnrgoblue blows little boys," and I will shrug my shoulders and not give a shit.
na, no need you already said it yourself....
Axl, take note.