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ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
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Topic: ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun" (Read 10177 times)
Deliverance Banjo Player
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ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
April 01, 2004, 06:04:57 PM »
everyone who has read my posts on this song knows im not a big fan of it, ive always said it was an ok song but totally over rated
ive now had a change of heart since buying the greatest hits and listening to it over and over
on the spaghetti incident coupled with all the other subpar songs it was ok
on the greatest hits aint it fun and sympathy for the devil are both unlistenable pieces of trash
these songs lyrically,vocally,musically suck in everyway imaginable,
before it was ok now it is treacherous and deplorable, horrible song, mike monroe sounds like duff singing *but hanoi rocks yeah
take off aint it fun, sftd and put estranged, greatest hits would be perfect
those songs are way out of their league
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #1 on:
April 01, 2004, 07:02:55 PM »
Aint it Fun isnt a bad tune!!! sure they didnt write it but the Slashes guitar on it as well as Axl are great!!!!
I can listen to that song over and over again.. the entire Spagetti CD is great... Way underated..
Riding The Nightrain
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #2 on:
April 02, 2004, 12:00:03 AM »
I love Ain't It Fun, the guitar rocks on it. I thought ya might have said i used to think it was ok and now i love it but i'm mistaken
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #3 on:
April 02, 2004, 12:16:38 AM »
Quote from: D on April 01, 2004, 06:04:57 PM
these songs lyrically,vocally,musically suck in everyway imaginable
I am SOOO interested...
mike monroe sounds like duff singing
Ever thought that he might've been trying to adapt his vocals to fit the song/Stiv Bators? Mike is a great singer, and to compare him with Duff is insane. Even Axl would laugh at that.
*but hanoi rocks yeah
Get over your obsession with Hanoi Rocks, man. Do they really bother you that much?
take off aint it fun, sftd and put estranged, greatest hits would be perfect
This has already been said a million times, and I'm sure most people agree.
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #4 on:
April 02, 2004, 01:37:17 AM »
These are personal opinions that we have. I love Ain't it Fun and bashing Monroe/Hanoi Rocks is no use, it's irrelevant.
in the other hand I personally feel that GH album should be cover free. Perhaps KOHD or Live And Let Die could be on the album but nothing more. And that is only my opinion.
Butch Français
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #5 on:
April 02, 2004, 08:32:21 AM »
one of the best ones on TSI?
the original is maybe better though.
of course there is no us and them, but them they do not think the same
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #6 on:
April 02, 2004, 10:16:16 AM »
I like Ain't It Fun. Don't know why you don't like MM and Hanoi Rocks. What's that album, twelve shots or rocks? It's great.
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #7 on:
April 02, 2004, 01:02:38 PM »
Ain't It Fun is my favourite song from Spaghetti... guitars and vocals and everything else is perfect!
p.s. Hanoi Rocks 'Twelve Shots On The Rocks' is really great!
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #8 on:
April 02, 2004, 01:24:50 PM »
Aint it fun rocks!!!! Dont be a pet!
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #9 on:
April 02, 2004, 03:21:35 PM »
Sympathy is a classic, to bash the lyrics is just wrong, haha. I actually love the GNR cover of it, but the original is one of the greatest songs ever so you can't really compare. Monroe and Hanoi Rocks are great, give them a chance if you haven't. Why do you hate them? If it wasn't for them you wouldn't have your GNR and that's a damn fact, even Axl admits that. Try the original, it was a great album, and so is their new one, Twelve Shots. It's one of the best fuckin albums I've heard in a damn long time.
To think the one you love could hurt ya now, it's a little hard to believe.. but everybody darlin sometimes bites thehand that feeds.
Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #10 on:
April 02, 2004, 04:27:24 PM »
D, I am afraid you're post of is totally bullshit except estranged thing. These songs sux both musical and lyrical?
For AIF, Slash's guitars was one of his best. The lyrics are very good. Slash or Axl quoted that song similiar saying "we like that song cos It's kinda telling gn'r".
Aint it fun when you'have broken up everything you just began
For Sympathy, this song is classic. So no need to make comments.
I agree with you on too much cover songs on GH. I choose Nightrain,Estranged and Coma by taking out KOHD and Sympathy. 1 cover is ok but not 5!
To conclude These songs shouldnt have to be on GH but they totally rock.
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #11 on:
April 02, 2004, 04:35:39 PM »
I got to say, that I fully fucking love Sympathy For The Devil. That is a special song, and GNR's take on it is fucking badass. I think it outshines the original simply, because it kicks more ass.
And D, to say the lyrics are bad is crazy. I know its just your opinion but, that is crazy talk. Amazing lyrics that say something deep and effective, while flowing poetically. That is a rare thing.
And Aint it Fun is more fun with the word "cunt" in it. Yea you can use that quote people. I don 't mind sharing my genius.
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #12 on:
April 02, 2004, 04:44:00 PM »
Aint it Fun's a good cover by a great band, Nothing more.
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #13 on:
April 02, 2004, 05:13:17 PM »
Ain't it fun and Sympathy for the devil are fantastic songs.
Quick! To the bandwagon!
Deliverance Banjo Player
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #14 on:
April 02, 2004, 05:27:03 PM »
the lyrics of sympathy for the devil are great
aint it fun is good on TSI
but standing next to GNR songs these songs are way out of place
listen to GH's all the way thru
when it gets to aint it fun and sftd its like what the fuck is this shit
compare guitars of aint it fun to estranged or november rain, or SCOM or WTTJ or even paradise city nightrain locomotive
this is far from slash's best, this is on par with slash's work on so fine
u can tell sftd is the beginning of the end for GNR and as well with aint it fun cause the energy is missing or at least it is for me
ive tried and tried
cause normally like with garden of eden, i hated this song for 10 years and all of a sudden its one of my favorites but with aint it fun the more i listen the more i loathe it, the lyrics are junior highish at best, monroe sounds like duff
and dont give me this god damn bullshit about no hanoi rocks no gnr
that is the dumbest,stupidest, most ludicrous statement ever said
axl may have been tryin to give praise to how good hanoi were simply cause he believed in them, but im sure axl doesnt believe that
no hanoi no GNR?
fuckin please!
what bout zepplin? aerosmith?
GNR were to talented to not make it, the only way GNR wouldnt have hit it big is if axl never moved to LA
he did and the rest is history
so please never ever ever say without some second rate band like hanoi rocks there wouldnt be a GNR
thats just retarded on every wave length known to man
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #15 on:
April 02, 2004, 05:47:38 PM »
Slash's guitar work on this song rocks. The lyrics aren't great, but the way they are sung are chilling and appealing.
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #16 on:
April 02, 2004, 05:50:51 PM »
I personnally like "Aint it fun" and "Sympathy For The Devil" but I would liked to have seen Estranged, Nightrain, and Mr Brownstone on the greatest hits because I love Mr Brownstone such a great song! Well every GN'R do I love.
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #17 on:
April 02, 2004, 07:19:09 PM »
Quote from: D on April 02, 2004, 05:27:03 PM
u can tell sftd is the beginning of the end for GNR and as well with aint it fun cause the energy is missing or at least it is for me
Well, these are just opinions, but to me SFTD has tons of energy, especially when it comes to Axl's vocals. You can hear that he's really into it.
and dont give me this god damn bullshit about no hanoi rocks no gnr
that is the dumbest,stupidest, most ludicrous statement ever said
Try reading your posts, and maybe you'll set your standards a little lower.
One thing funny about history is that everything affects everything. We don't know what would be different about GNR today, hadn't it been for Hanoi Rocks. And that also goes for other bands that influenced them. I'm not saying GNR wouldn't exist, but who knows what would be different (including the band's looks/image). Izzy was obviously a huge Hanoi fan, and that probably had some effect to his writing as well.
so please never ever ever say without some second rate band like hanoi rocks there wouldnt be a GNR
Hanoi Rocks are just as second rate as you are intelligent. They are pioneers who had a great attitude and brilliant live shows. They aren't a cult band for no reason.
Last Edit: April 02, 2004, 07:27:42 PM by Skeletor
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #18 on:
April 02, 2004, 07:19:46 PM »
Rubbish man, that's just the lazy persons take on the whole TSI album and it's singles.
It's not meant to be Appetite and does not try to be! It's an awsome band doing great versions of songs many of us didn't know and found out about the bands behind them through that album. The Damned, The Misfits, Johnny Thunders ect
It's a rawkess album you just stick on when you fancy fueled hearty sing-along lol and it's fucking great.
And on the now v old GH debate - many realise it is a singles collection hence the word hits lol. So yeh should have included every single they have released around the world. Which would include It's so easy, Nightrain, Estranged and maybe one or two more. But Mr Brownstone and Coma - which are un-questionably superb songs- were not singles, as far as i know. As for the covers were they hits? Yes all big hits in the UK/Europe at least. And people do remember the GN'R versions they are great versions, sp yeh they should all be on there.
Anyway, it's out and it's doing superbly well, so it's pointless moaning now. One day no doubt we will get a true Retrospective which explores to greater depths the magic of GN'R
It's a mass of confusion like the lies they sell to you !
Deliverance Banjo Player
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Re:ive had a change of heart about "aint it fun"
Reply #19 on:
April 02, 2004, 08:13:55 PM »
insult my intelligence skeletor u jip joint cocksucker
anyone who thinks aint it fun and sftd are on par with gnr's best songs are snorting the hillbilly heroin
hanoi influenced gnr's early image? thank god axl or whoever had the foresight to change that hideous image, cause had axl kept lookin like he did on the wttj video they wouldve been clumpt with the rest of the hair bands
not to offend but when GNR dressed in that image they looked like a bunch of fags and thank god they wiped off the stupid make up and put the hairspray away
u see assclowns image is what u do when u dont have talent
image is what u use to sell records when u cant play sing or write
never put hanoi in the same sentence as GNR, that is showing that u have second rate intelligence by doing so
im not trying to argue personal taste, i love "down on the farm" i dont care about u" but i wouldnt love em in the same context as the greatest hits, see what im saying, those songs are ok, i mean they are listenable in the proper context i.e. TSI, but when they run back to back with some of the greatest rock songs ever written they stick out like skeletor and his hermaphrodite organs
im the minority here but i have the balls to stick to my opinions and not agree with the majority for fear of not being liked
i hate both those songs, i dont care to post and argue, so keep em coming!
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