insult my intelligence skeletor u jip joint cocksucker
Pointing out you're an ignorant dumbass is obviously redundant since you constantly keep reminding everyone of it yourself. I apologize and won't do it ever again.
anyone who thinks aint it fun and sftd are on par with gnr's best songs are snorting the hillbilly heroin
Who's claiming that? There are more alternatives than
1) The songs are utter crap
2) They are on par with GNR's best material
Binary thinking, eh?
hanoi influenced gnr's early image? thank god axl or whoever had the foresight to change that hideous image, cause had axl kept lookin like he did on the wttj video they wouldve been clumpt with the rest of the hair bands
There are more things to a band's looks than the lead singer's hairstyle.
not to offend but when GNR dressed in that image they looked like a bunch of fags and thank god they wiped off the stupid make up and put the hairspray away
You sound like a total redneck. Oh, wait a minute. You are one.
image is what u use to sell records when u cant play sing or write
Well GNR used their image to sell records a lot more than Hanoi Rocks did. GNR's reputation was what made them interesting to the masses, not the epicness of Estranged etc.
never put hanoi in the same sentence as GNR, that is showing that u have second rate intelligence by doing so
Right. They just happen to be an integral part of GNR's past, and a major influence. But things like that must not mean much to a mental titan such as yourself...
im the minority here but i have the balls to stick to my opinions and not agree with the majority for fear of not being liked
You're my fuckin' hero!