Dont know why i wanna start a topic,
:-\i believe some form of GNR are reading this so here it goes...
Thank you very much Axl for your letter and keeping us confident about the album and future of GNR, i always thought Robin, Tommy and Richard were thee coolest thing about the new lineup, they are guys that make it feel like GNR. Buckethead on the other hand, i excepted into GNR, thought about it hard and bla bla bla...i excepted him, but i always thought (IMO) he's the only one who could be replaced, sure they all can be replaced but BH was the one who was...i dont know...the one who was always in the corner of the stage while all the other guys were havin' a fuckin' blast, playing music.
N' to top it off, thank you very very much Robin, you have all the style mate, i saw you at Big Day Out 99' and you got the shit on stage man, Buckethead has nothin' over you, or Richard. Who gives a fuck about how fast you are BH, those guys have total stage presence and you have this blank face that has no emotion for this band, and it ruins it.
My puppet hand says Good Ridence Buckethead.