1994 - Hell BloodSucking Replacements
1995 - Breakup
1996 - Breakup
1996 - Breakup
1997 - Breakup Replacements
1998 - Arrested
1999 - Riots WTJ LiveERA
2000 - Recluse
2001 - Riots ThrownOut Canceled
2002 - Riots WTJ Canceled Insane Nervous Breakdown
2003 - Insane Recluse Coming Soon Sued
2004 - Greatest Hits Sued
Funny this was the same theme as 85-93
1985 - Hell Tour Breakdown
1987 - Breakup WTJ Drugs
1988 - Drugs Riots Breakup Dead Canceled
1989 - Drugs Breakup Dead
1990 - Replacements Arrested Drugs
1991 - Replacements Arrested Riots Canceled Sued
1992 - Insane Riots Canceled Sued
1993 - Dead Sued Breakup
So we gather form the Gn'R promotion that they:
They are always on the verge of breakup, they have canceled a few shows, there have been riots and arrested members. Someone is insane and a few have used drugs. Everybody gets sued.
Nothing has changed. Nothing has been forgotten.