Les Guns sont bien de retour Un retour qu?on esp?rait plus. Les Guns?n?Roses ont bien confirm? qu?un nouvel album, intitul? Chinese Revolution, ?tait en pr?paration. Un best-of, pour faire monter la chantilly, sera publi? dans l?entre-temps.
Le groupe pr?voit ?galement une date en Europe (Lisbonne) le 30 mai, la premi?re depuis leur d?sastreuse tourn?e de retour en 2002, lors de laquelle la quasi-totalit? des concerts avait ?t? annul?e. (19 f?vr. 2004)
Basically, it says that this is a come-back that nobody hoped for anymore ; the album is supposedly called
Chinese Revolution and is now confirmed to be 'in preparation'
. GH is only meant 'to whip the cream'. They also announce the Rio gig.
http://www.lesinrocks.com/ListeNews.cfm?iditem=163516 They obviously don't know much, but the simple fact that they report on GnR without the slightest hint of sarcasm is a good thing, because this is a magazine that hated the old band with a passion !