This is One In A Million from the mygnr forum( i gotted booted for no apparent reason, one day i just couldnt log on anymore, lol). anyway, sadly enough i was watching some new show on mtv this afternoon where they take dorky guys and set them up on dates with hot chicks. the guys each have somebody who is in another room telling them things to say through and earpiece they were. at certain points in the date their guy in the secret room gives them challenges that win them money.
anyway, one of the challenges was that each guy had to ask the girls favorite band and then diss it. welll what do you think one of the girls favorite bands was? GNR. He was like "GNR, wow". well how he dissed them was by saying "axls a bit of a jerk and tried to make an attempted coming back" she was like "well hes an artist with a temperment.
i just thought i would post it, i thought it was funny and suprising at the same time.
does anybody like axl anymore
GET IN THE RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!