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Author Topic: The Strawman  (Read 6082 times)
Mennesker Er Dumme

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« on: November 07, 2008, 12:45:26 PM »

Do you ever wonder why your name is written in all capital letters on your drivers license, bank statements and electrical bills? English grammar specifically states that upper and lower case is the proper form, so why is this? Most probably don't even notice, but there is, as always, a reason behind it. We call it the Strawman.

But first some background information. In the business world money, or more specifically, cash is referred to as liquidity. The word, as you probably see, comes from 'to flow', with water as its strongest connotation. This originates from ancient times when commerce was mainly done by sea, and preferably, rivers. A boat can carry an increased load at a reduced cost, and since there were no compasses you would mostly stick to the coasts and rivers to easier navigate and avoid wrecking your ship in a storm.

On both sides of a river are the river banks. They contain and direct the currency. As a consequence there are two laws that rule this earth. "The Law of the land", which governs people, and the "The Law of water, or The Law of God", which governs business.

There are different rules among different people and nations, but in business there is only one. It's the only way it can function. You do business with Joe Smith, you pay up. You do business with Ernst Happel from Switzerland, you pay up. You honor the contract, no matter who or what it is your dealing with. In America it is called UCC, Uniform Commercial Code. In other countries it goes by different names, but they're all based on the same principles.

So what has this to do with your drivers license? Well, being that there are two laws, one cannot do business with the other. They operate in different spheres of reality. Corporations can only do business with other corporations. They are fictions of man, and has no reality in the physical world.

This is where the Strawman comes in. Governments, banks, insurance companies, they are all corporations, and for them to deal with you, the phsyical sovereign being, they need some sort of go-between. That's why, at birth, they create a corporation in your name. That corporations name is simply yours, only written in all capital letters, as all corporations are.

The government can't force this on you, so they get your mother to authorize it when she signs for your Birth Certificate. Your future silence equals consent. This is a certificate of manifest, which otherwise are used by commercial ships to notify the authorities what it is bringing into the economy. The parents can rescind the contract within 3 business day.

A ship is delivered through the water by the dock.

You are delivered through your mothers water, by the doc.

You are a Maritime Admiralty Product, and you have entered the economy of this country, what is your worth? Nobody knows, so your corporations account is credited with an amount of 1.000.000$. You, representing your company, are now, among other things, bound by contract to pay off the debt of your holding company, the government. Along with all your fellow sister companies. As to not discriminate I suppose.

So when you receive mail with your name in all capital letters know that it is not you they are addressing, it is your corporation. You don't have to go to court. Your corporation goes to court. A court is something you play a game on. The judge rules from the bench, which comes from Latin, meaning 'bank', and somebody has to pay. But you don't have any control over your corporation, you don't even know about it, so it's not really fair, is it?

There is remedy though. You file a UCC-1 Financing Statement with a Security Agreement. This will make you the due holder of your corporation, remember the government is just a perpetual administrator authorized to do so by your legal guardian, your mother, and your consequent consent by silence. All they require is your notification. That is the Law.

Now nobody can do business with your corporation unless you consent to it. That means, in theory, you can avoid taxation, fines and jail. But remember, you need 'money' to live. This is only offered by one corporation, the Federal Reserve, and by using their private, copyrighted notes you agree to a bunch of shit. So you don't want to disconnect yourself completely from the system. But you can know that it is only a game of fiction and learn how to play it. The government and corporations sure know how to play it, and luckily for us they are greedy enough to constantly break the rules.

When you loan money from a bank you're not really loaning their money, you're loaning someone elses. That's why only you sign the contract. The bank never has the intention of loaning you anything. They're just making it appear so so they can scam people. What they're directing to you is not even money, it's debt. That means they are in breach of a string of UCC statues. It may be legal under 'the law', but 'The Law' reigns supreme. They said they would loan you money, they never did. They said it was a loan, it wasn't. They gave you the appearance of mutual consent, but they never signed anything.

It's fraud, and you can file a complaint notifying them of that fact. They will be forced to rescind your debt when after 10 days they have silently consented by not responding to your claim. They can't respond. They don't have the proper documents. The process in itself is a bit more complicated, so if you want to know more this is the place to go.

Ah, mere infantry. Poor beggars.

GN'R Tour Overview 1984-2007

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« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2008, 04:27:06 PM »

The 'corporation' of the guy running that website has no problem taking your 'donations'  rofl  Pseudo-law is  not as bad as quack medicine, but it'll get you into just about as much trouble.
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