Well it's that time again for another update to the ol' collection. As always these aren't all the items that are new. Just go to my website and look for any items in green - those are new items. Also, if you are willing to part with anything, my wanted section has also been updated. And lastly, even if it's not on my wanted site, or even if I already have it, it doesn't mean that I don't want it or want another so always feel free to email me! Now for what you've all been waiting for...
Appetite Japan SHM Promo CD:
http://troccolitm.com/CDAppJapSHMPro.htmlThe Spaghettit Incident Japan SHM Promo CD:
http://troccolitm.com/CDSpagJapSHMPro.htmlUse Your Illusion 1 Japan SHM Promo CD:
http://troccolitm.com/CDUYI1JapSHMPro.htmlUse Your Illsuion 2 Japan SHM Promo CD:
http://troccolitm.com/CDUYI2JapSHMPro.htmlOh My God Japan Promo Cassette Tape:
http://troccolitm.com/TapeOMGJapPro.html2nd GNR Shirt, Europe/UK 1987:
http://troccolitm.com/2ndShirt.htmlAerosmith/GNR Leather Tour Jacket:
http://troccolitm.com/AeroGNRJack.htmlAppetite Cloth Tour Jacket:
http://troccolitm.com/AppJackAlt.htmlDuff Lies Era Shirt:
http://troccolitm.com/ShirtDuff.htmlUzi Suicide GNR Shirt:
http://troccolitm.com/ShirtGNRUzi.htmlAppetite Japan 1988 Tour Shirt:
http://troccolitm.com/ShirtJapApp.htmlAppetite Australia 1988 Tour Shirt:
http://troccolitm.com/ShirtOz.htLong Sleeved Green Versace Shirt:
http://troccolitm.com/ShirtVersace.htmlAppetite White Leather Tour Jacket:
http://troccolitm.com/WhiteJack.htmlNovember Rain Picture Disc 12" Red Rim:
http://troccolitm.com/12NovRedPD.htmlOversized Tour Itinerary made for Axl:
http://troccolitm.com/52071893TourItinAxl.htmlJapan Photo Book:
http://troccolitm.com/BookJapPhoto.htmlRed Hot Chili Peppers/GNR 1986 Flyer:
http://troccolitm.com/FlyerRHCPGNR.htmlLive Era Promo Magnet:
http://troccolitm.com/MagnetLiveEra.htmlOctober 8, 1987 Hammersmith Odeon Poster:
http://troccolitm.com/Poster.htmlNovember 13, 2011 Minneapolis Poster:
http://troccolitm.com/PosterMinn.html1988 Ritz Show Invite:
http://troccolitm.com/RitzInvite.htmlRock and Roll Hall Fame CD and Book:
http://troccolitm.com/RRHallFame.htmlArgentina Use Your Illusion 1 CD Misprint:
http://troccolitm.com/CDUYIMisp.html (Don't Damn Me not listed on back)
Axl Rockline Interview Tape:
http://troccolitm.com/TapeAxlRock.htmlSpaghetti Incident Publicity Copy # 1 Cassette Tape:
http://troccolitm.com/TapeProSpag.htmlEstranged South Korea CD:
http://troccolitm.com/CDEstKor.htmlKnockin' On Heaven's Door South Korea CD:
http://troccolitm.com/CDKnockKor.htmlSympathy For The Devil South Korea CD:
http://troccolitm.com/CDSympKor.htmlYesterdays South Korea CD: