I couldn't really get that good of a picture. The cam I have has no flash so it doesn't show up well way to dark. Basically it looks like Troccolis but appears to be on thicker paper do to the fact that it looks as though his needs to be held now to be open and mine doesn't. Both of mine are on heavy quality type paper not like most flyers I have seen.
http://www.troccolitm.com/HOBPoster.html?1223926202173how can you judge the thickness of paper from a pic? fair enough there are objects in the corners to hold it open but that doesnt mean anything
could you take a pic maybe during the daytime without needing a flash?.... you do have a daytime where you live dont you
also the thicker paper doesnt mean its legit though, most promo posters and flyers etc are on the cheaper type paper anyway to reduce cost