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Author Topic: Was Axl making fun of Led Zeppelin in NYC 2002?  (Read 15049 times)
Deliverance Banjo Player

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« Reply #40 on: August 20, 2005, 04:13:46 AM »

Led Zepplin greatest band ever? U cant be serious

Robert Plant sounds like someone has his nuts in a vice grip

Ill take Axl over that guy anyday and I hate when Aerosmith or any group I love put their fuckin song in a commercial.

How much money do u need?

It just diminishes everything.

WTTJ on San Andreas doesnt count because Axl is involved with the game, its not the same thing.

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« Reply #41 on: August 20, 2005, 04:27:15 AM »

Wasn't "Paradise City" on The Longest Yard? atleast it was on the trailer.

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« Reply #42 on: August 21, 2005, 06:42:28 PM »

WTTJ on San Andreas doesnt count because Axl is involved with the game, its not the same thing.

Hahahaha! Thats rich! "it's not the same thing" ...  rofl

Guess thats just opinion because I think it is the same thing.  ok  Not only that but I would be more ashamed to have my bands definitive song associated with a "video game" then for a car commercial.

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« Reply #43 on: August 21, 2005, 07:10:52 PM »

Axl is real

he always has been he always will be

One of the things that makes Axl so great is the fact he is real

one of the few celebrities u will ever find that says what is on his mind without regard to an "image" or alienating or pissing people off.

I respect him for it even if i dont always agree with him.

Most give the scripted politically correct statements, but not Axl.

I love when people say that Zepplin are the greatest band ever, there is no such thing as a greatest band ever because music is subjective.

I would take a warrant CD over a Zepplin Cd

how bout that?

Id rather listen to the backstreet Boys than Beethoven

just the truth.

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« Reply #44 on: August 21, 2005, 07:38:10 PM »

Axl is real

he always has been he always will be

One of the things that makes Axl so great is the fact he is real

one of the few celebrities u will ever find that says what is on his mind without regard to an "image" or alienating or pissing people off.

I respect him for it even if i dont always agree with him.

Most give the scripted politically correct statements, but not Axl.

I love when people say that Zepplin are the greatest band ever, there is no such thing as a greatest band ever because music is subjective.

I would take a warrant CD over a Zepplin Cd

how bout that?

Id rather listen to the backstreet Boys than Beethoven

just the truth.


Cool for you man , enjoy those backstreet boys.  ok


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« Reply #45 on: August 22, 2005, 02:08:05 AM »

it's called being a sellout? Shocked

do you really wanna think of a fucking car or pepsi or a stupid movie or something everytime you hear Paradise City or Sweet Child?? nervous I don't, that's what slash and duff want though, as much cash as possible by exploiting classic GnR tunes

Rock and roll is supposed to rebel against the system and now rock icons (Zepplin) are helping to sell cadillacs to rich old people. think about it

you hit the nail right on the head though. why sell the song to a corporation, they are Led fucking Zepplin. they don't need exposure like that people will buy and listen to their music regardless

Zeppelin is far from selling out. Don't talk about sellout on a gn'r board. WTTJ has been used numerous times this year. Zeppelin barely let Cameron Crowe use their songs in movies for fucks sake. And he is personal friends with jimmy and robert. Get your fucking facts straight. They did it once. And it was a huge deal. Cadillac has yet to change the promomtion.

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« Reply #46 on: August 22, 2005, 02:10:24 AM »

Maybe Led Zeppelin don't own the publishing rights to their own songs and therefore have nothing to say about who can or cannot use their music?

I don't know but that a possibility since they are from the time that a lot of bands signed bad contracts.

Well, you obviously don't know. Led Zeppelin are the only band EVER to take 90% of all profits. They had and still have the best record deal EVER.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2005, 02:20:01 AM by electricmage » Logged

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« Reply #47 on: August 22, 2005, 02:13:54 AM »

In the past few years, I have slowed down on GnR news...can someone tell was Jungle used for GTA? is it in fact true that Axl sold his rights to GnR catalogue to Sanctuary?Huh

Yes , he did sell "publishing" rights.

And btw , axl himself was a voice actor for the videogame.

and publishing rights is only the rights to publish lyrics and musical notation in books and whatnot not sell the songs themselves

Besides GTA is wayyy cooler than Cadillac ?Smiley cuz in GTA you can kill things and stuff ?hihi

if you kill things with a Cadillac your grampa will get in trouble rofl

good point Saul but if GTA doesn't rebel against the system I don't know what does, and that's what Rock n Roll is all about... rebellion

Not an old guy in a car with heated seats and headlight wipers

What about Paradise City in the trailer for "The Longest Yard". What the fuck does Paradise city have to do with inmates playing football?

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« Reply #48 on: August 22, 2005, 02:19:13 AM »

Axl is real

he always has been he always will be

One of the things that makes Axl so great is the fact he is real

one of the few celebrities u will ever find that says what is on his mind without regard to an "image" or alienating or pissing people off.

I respect him for it even if i dont always agree with him.

Most give the scripted politically correct statements, but not Axl.

I love when people say that Zepplin are the greatest band ever, there is no such thing as a greatest band ever because music is subjective.

I would take a warrant CD over a Zepplin Cd

how bout that?

Id rather listen to the backstreet Boys than Beethoven

just the truth.

You aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?

Also, Zeppelin is the second best selling ever. Under the fucking beatles. Over the stones.

And yes, you can say greatest band ever. Just look at all the examples on that "da beatles will ruin guns forever" thread.
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« Reply #49 on: August 22, 2005, 03:07:05 AM »

U gonna insult my intelligence by stating opinions as facts, way to go pal!

even by your logic they'd still be second to the Beatles, so there ya go. but anyway

U cant say something is better than something else because? u cant argue musical taste.

So saying they are YOUR greatest band ever is fine.

But Im tired of Critics trying to force feed stuff down my throat as fact when it isnt fact. Just cause we've been told Hendrix is the greatest guitarist ever doesnt mean he is, I mean the beatles, Hendrix, Led Zepplin, to critics nothing can ever be greater and I think that is bullshit.

Perception is reality

If u get told something long enough that becomes reality

There is no such thing as a greatest band of all time.

The Beatles? Id much rather listen to GNR,Bon Jovi,Prince even Motley Crue

Led Zepplin? I just dont feel it

So stop taking subjective material and trying to make it something else, U just cant do that with music.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2005, 03:09:43 AM by D? » Logged

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« Reply #50 on: August 22, 2005, 04:51:18 PM »

The day Axl writes a song half as good as anything on Led Zep II, Four Symbols or Physical Graffiti, then he can think about extracting the urine out of the mighty Zep. beer

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« Reply #51 on: August 22, 2005, 04:55:21 PM »

U cant say something is better than something else because  u cant argue musical taste.

Simply not true. Beethoven's fifth is objectively a better peice of music than twinkle twinkle little star. It is possible to argue musical taste.

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« Reply #52 on: August 22, 2005, 06:51:30 PM »

Maybe robert drives a caddie

WTTJ on San Andreas doesnt count because Axl is involved with the game, its not the same thing.

Hahahaha! Thats rich! "it's not the same thing" ...? rofl

Guess thats just opinion because I think it is the same thing.? ok? Not only that but I would be more ashamed to have my bands definitive song associated with a "video game" then for a car commercial.

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Deliverance Banjo Player

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« Reply #53 on: August 22, 2005, 08:20:08 PM »

U cant say something is better than something else because? u cant argue musical taste.

Simply not true. Beethoven's fifth is objectively a better peice of music than twinkle twinkle little star. It is possible to argue musical taste.

U can say a piece of music is "more complex" than another piece but I guarantee u somewhere in the world someone likes Twinkle twinkle better.

I dont but I guarantee u'd be surprised.

because something is more complex doesnt make it better

Radiohead are a hundred times more complex musically than Bon Jovi but to me Bon Jovi are a 100 times better band than Radiohead even though I can acknowledge the fact Radiohead are more complex.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2005, 08:22:24 PM by D? » Logged

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« Reply #54 on: August 22, 2005, 08:53:37 PM »

Basically if you ask 100 random people who the greatest band ever is they are not all going to say Led Zeppelin.


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« Reply #55 on: August 22, 2005, 09:42:48 PM »

The mighty Zep sold the rights to that one song just to be used for Cadillac. Please don't disrespect the greatest band ever to walk the earth. Thanks. ok

totally agree, and back you up 100%

Led Zepplin are Legends, and axl had no right to make fun of them or even make a comment like that.
What a fucking idiot, as much as i love axl he pisses me off sometimes. :ok:


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« Reply #56 on: August 22, 2005, 09:45:02 PM »

Basically if you ask 100 random people who the greatest band ever is they are not all going to say Led Zeppelin.

70% of them will

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« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2005, 09:47:14 PM »

U cant say something is better than something else because  u cant argue musical taste.

Simply not true. Beethoven's fifth is objectively a better peice of music than twinkle twinkle little star. It is possible to argue musical taste.

U can say a piece of music is "more complex" than another piece but I guarantee u somewhere in the world someone likes Twinkle twinkle better.

I dont but I guarantee u'd be surprised.

because something is more complex doesnt make it better

Radiohead are a hundred times more complex musically than Bon Jovi but to me Bon Jovi are a 100 times better band than Radiohead even though I can acknowledge the fact Radiohead are more complex.

D You totally rock !!!! hihi

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« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2005, 11:20:58 PM »

Axl was js making a humorous remark, so what. Led Zeppelin have always been very controlling over the use of their music, and why wouldnt they be? But the idea of them using it to sell cadillacs is amusing.  peace

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« Reply #59 on: August 23, 2005, 12:39:20 AM »

well, a couple years ago there was a resurgence of classic rock albums being bought by younger kids who were into the white stripes and all these bands being played on MTV. When someone you idolize mentions how much he loves Zeppelin, you are probably going to buy an album. I think jimmy, jpj and robert noticed this and wanted to bring some music to a wider audience. But do you people really want to complain? Why don't you bitch some more, and maybe all these fucking kids who dont know a thing about Guns, Zeppelin or any other great act, go out and buy some more beyonce albums. If Zeppelin wants to put a kick ass rock n roll song, titled "Rock n' Roll", then by all means go ahead. It's better then hearing Britney Spears on a fucking Pepsi commercial.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2005, 12:41:40 AM by electricmage » Logged
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