According to my sources, this is his childhood home.
bonus picture: The Brownstone Apartments, supposedly the inspiration for Mr. Brownstone.
Heh... wow, his house looks so typically redneck (except for the good condition its in)! All that's needed is for the truck to be a bit more banged up (and the house), and there to be random beer cans flung everywhere!
Oh, and an old guy with a bigass beard and a rifle sitting outside in a rocking chair wearing a beer hat and old dungarees with a mangy dog sitting next to him!
On the topic though... there probably was some random guy who lived in one of those apartments (or owned them! Perhaps that's where the apartments got their name!) who was either a heroin addict or a heroin dealer, and that's what introduced Axl and Izzy to the drug. Plus it was also probably the brown rocks kind too, just to have the whole triple coincidence thing!