I was in grade 11 (I think). I rushed to the record store and bought the tapes as they were being put out on the shelves then rushed home to listen to them. I was so hyped about UYI because of Civil War being on them. I had heard it a long while before the release date on the radio but hadn't heard it at all since, so I put on UYI2 first. I remember, too, that people at school couldn't belive Axl would sing something like "Ain't that fresh" but i loved it! To this day that song kicks ass!!!! (Civil War, SCOM and One in A million are my favorites). [I was so disappointed when they didn't play it in Toronto for the 2002 tour btw]. After Get in the Ring came on I think I listened to it about a million times!! playing it for my brothers and all my friends, It was hilarious.
you have to remember at that time there was really nothing like it (swearing) but now thats all you hear. ha ha good times!
I don't even think I heard anything about the UYI albums until about a week before they were released though, I don't think CD will be much different.