The drums are really, really loud in this video. Maybe you need new amps to make the guitars louder?
It's not St. Anger bad, but those drums are still too loud.
Can we hear a ballad from your band? Maybe you need one at times so the singer can rest his voice. I assume he was just tired from earlier songs, he doesn't sound that good. He needs more range. His stage presence is also really, really lacking, he needs to watch more GNR bootlegs! Maybe get better cardio health and run around some.
The guitar playing is really good, that's the best part of your band. You play very well, with kick ass solos in It's So Easy and SCOM. I can't hear any of the bass though.
I also didn't hear The Trooper.
Overall, you're in a good band. You've definitely been practicing a lot, you are easily the best musician on stage.