My two best friends and I have recently decided to start writing our own music.? Linked below is the mp3 of the opening 40 seconds or so of the song.? All we put in so far are my lyrics and my drummer playing the piano, though we do have the bass and guitar parts worked out to be added once the tempo picks up (song part not included).? I really was in to the song when I first started writing it, but after we started to record it, my pals started to guess whether or not my voice fits the song.? However, several of my friends have listened to this and think it's promising and not bad at all.? I'd really appreciate it if some of you would take a minute to download and listen to this and post any feedback positive and ecspecially NEGATIVE about this song.? I'm not writing this to make anyone else happy, but at the same time I want to know if the song has any promise.? So please take a minute and give me your opinions.
- Guns N RockMusic?