Okay, guess what came in the mail: Pandemoniumfromamerica
Actually the general feel of the album is that of a soundtrack...if you ever bought a movie soundtrack (like Beetlejuice...ie a soundtrack that has instrumentals, orchestration, spoken word)
Red River Valley starts off with a feel like you get when you listen to chicken scratch off of the GNR bootlegs (only it starts out a bit slower-country walz tempo) but then it evolves into a funky bass space trip (really cool--BH plays bass and getar on that one) the spoke words pieces (pandemoniumfrom america, shadow... are pretty cool. Back to babylon is awesome...leave it and holyhead (both instrumental) had a finger licking tinge of Colma in it with regard to the tone of his guitar. Fall of Troy has a total indian feel with that "twang" on the guitar.
Overall it's an interesting CD with some grreat musical gems, woven in a blanket of words and sounds. You might want to put this on on Sunday morning with your coffee, but it wouldn't be a "must have" at a 'party' or anything.
Some asides, the pics you see on the web link are actually on the inside of the title page...album is dedicated to noam chomsky.