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Author Topic: Pets  (Read 92571 times)

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« Reply #120 on: February 23, 2024, 11:28:11 PM »

My 12 year old Riri love
« Last Edit: February 23, 2024, 11:36:09 PM by Natalie » Logged

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« Reply #121 on: February 24, 2024, 11:15:53 AM »

She's a beauty.   Cheesy

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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"Ol? Ol? Ol?, Axl Axl!!!"

« Reply #122 on: March 17, 2024, 03:53:05 PM »

 love love

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« Reply #123 on: April 25, 2024, 03:34:54 PM »

I caught Little Boy.  He couldn't even put weight on his paw.  He came up during the day to eat and I rear ended him into the cat carrier.  First time I've heard him talk outside of his I'm going to kick your ass scream to another cat.  How many times did I say feral cat yet the vet tech took him out of the krate.  He wasn't going back in but didn't tear her up either.  They had to wrap him in a towel to take him to the box where they gas him so they can examine him.  I left him up there to be worked into the schedule.  I don't even want to guess at what this is going to cost.  Somebody needs to help him and I guess that is me.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #124 on: April 26, 2024, 03:47:01 AM »

It's an old fracture that has healed but is causing him pain when the weather acts up or he strains it.  He did well with them.  He didn't even bitch about riding in the car.  Brought him back home and he hung out on the back porch for a bit.  I elected not to have him fixed because he would have had to stay inside for a week.  Not that I wouldn't have done that for him but he would have went crazy trying to get out of the house the whole time.  And imo, it takes a certain amount of balls to survive in the wild.  He needs all the testosterone he can get.  I'll see if he still comes around me after this.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #125 on: April 30, 2024, 12:32:10 AM »

That's a new one.  I hear this squeak and Terrapin jumps off the bed.  Go out in the hall and the two cats have something cornered.  Kind of looks like a baby bird but it has fur.  It's a baby bat on the ground.  No idea how that got in here.  Still alive but I don't know if it could fly.  Put it back outside.  Had to let it crawl out of the bag.

Little Boy finally showed back up and seems to have no hard feelings towards me.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #126 on: August 04, 2024, 02:01:50 PM »

What is with Lily?  She's all over me.  And with the other cats she's expressing her dominance.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #127 on: October 01, 2024, 04:34:03 PM »

Oh yeah, Lily has had it with Terrapin's shit.   hihi  I guess they figure she's not a young cat to be torrerated any more and Lily is going to establish herself as the dominated cat.  Work it out girls because I'm not having all the ruckus.  You all know who controls the door and the food.   hihi  Yeah, I'm the queen around here.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #128 on: October 16, 2024, 04:50:54 PM »

Lily does not have a grey chest.  My first thought when she appeared last night at the door with a mouse in her mouth.  You are not coming in here!  It was already dead but she had to play with it a little more before eating it.   Undecided

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #129 on: November 05, 2024, 02:23:05 PM »

Uh-oh.  Lily and Simone were both sitting by the kitchen cabinets staring.  That means mice!  I've left all the cabinets open.  I use Shake Away.  It's packets of herbs that work really well but it's been a couple of years since I replaced them.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #130 on: November 13, 2024, 08:06:55 PM »

Terrapin got into it last night with a racoon!  Not a scratch on her.  The racoon ran up the tree when I went out to break it up.  Just didn't sound like your normal cat fight.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #131 on: November 19, 2024, 05:56:42 PM »

I haven't seen Little Boy in a couple of months.   Sad  I'll give him a little more time before I give up on him coming back around.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #132 on: December 22, 2024, 05:59:22 PM »

Terrapin keeps going after the Hershey's Kisses.  Not for the chocolate but the tin foil.  I put them back in the cabinet and she still hunts them down.  I have little pieces of tin foil all over the house.  I put them in the fridge but she's a damn determined cat about this.   hihi

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #133 on: January 22, 2025, 03:47:51 PM »

Oh god!   hihi  Lily is due for her annual examine.  Trying to catch her and get her in the crate causes both of us so much anxiety.  I dread it for weeks before her appointment.  I call today to schedule and they say this afternoon.  Oh shit, I am so not prepared for that.  On the other hand, let's just get this over with, okay. Wish me luck!

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #134 on: March 05, 2025, 10:30:16 PM »

Lily jumps off the bench but doesn't see Terrapin who reaches out and paws her in the butt.  Lily jumps straight up and comes down hissing.   rofl  Sorry Lily but that was funny.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
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