Wishing him good health for tomorrow's show, the entire tour and always.
He was so solid all last year, I see little reason to think he simply forgot how to do the job over the past 90 or whatever days.
Give it a handful of shows. I'm sure it will all be fine.
My concern is more on a personal level. These shows go on around 4:30 or 5 AM in the morning my time so I'm physically and empathetically groggy. I really enjoy and appreciate the periscope and facebook streams but I admit it upsets me to watch thinking/knowing that Axl is not feeling well. (example: I was nervous when his foot cast came off and he being mobile again on stage for fear of him being in pain or maybe causing himself additional injury).
I also have a lot of empathy for the crowd because, as many of us have witnessed at our own shows, nothing beats seeing Axl & GNR live and it would suck if - for whatever reason - someone in the band could not bring their A-game.
I'm sure it will all be fine.
I'm sure it will all be fine, too.