It gets its Uk DVD release on 11th June ill be buying it for sure, i thought it was great when i saw it
I really wish i could understand what people liked about this film
I didnt find even a moment of it intresting - and their attempts to do ''action'' just had me rushing to my dvd collection to see how its done right.
Most boring film i have ever seen
You are just the type of person i hate watching films with, my friend is just like you, because he cant understand a film or does not like it, means the film is crap and that people who do like it are wrong for doing so, i have actually stopped watching films with him now he is just so annoying with it. Id love to know what films you do actually like as all i ever seem to read is you slating them sometimes before you have even seen them. Heres an idea try not to over analyze a film thats just meant to be a bit of fun, hey who knows maybe you will enjoy it. It must be somthing to do with you being a Liverpool fan.