So I'm a fan of comic books and those of you that read comic books like myself, will know that World War Hulk started today. Anyway, I was reading a few articles on what was being said about it and I came across NOT ONE, but two different GN'R and Axl mentions on two different sites. NO they aren't anything major whatsoever, but I still thought it was odd to see two different sites mentioning the band. I'll post the links to those pages and I'll copy and paste what was said here: IN THE JUNGLE, BABY!Bruce Banner: metal fan? When the Hulk wants Black Bolt to (Inhu)man up and unleash his powers full blast during their fight,
he tries to goad him into it with a quote from Guns n? Roses? ?Welcome to the Jungle?: ?I wanna hear you scream.? Hey Hulk?maybe after you finish smashing the planet, you can get Axl to release that new album! the face of it, we need to see Green Scar put a hurting on a goodly number of ?heroes.? So how is it that Pak and pals manage to use this massive issue as the first step in the reclamation of Iron Man? With solid, well-planned writing, and overall top flight craftsmanship. World War Hulk might not be the most highbrow project to come out in 2007,
but it has my inner fourteen-year-old throwing horns like Slash just kicked into ?Rocket Queen?.Things roar to a start with a quick recap of the events of ?Planet Hulk? (Illuminati bad, Hulk land on planet and win war, ship go boom, Hulk angry, Hulk come home to smash. We all good? Excellent.) First on the hit parade is Black Bolt.
You saw the preview of this scene previously on Newsarama, as Hulk gets in a little GNR reference of his own while taking it to the Inhuman leader on the face of the Moon. John Romita Jr. was born to draw this stuff. His style lends itself particularly well to larger-than-life, epic conflict. The Hulk in mid-leap, screaming in rage, is an image of pure, visceral power. Great stuff.