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Author Topic: Classic Rock Review of Carling Apollo show  (Read 2698 times)
« on: August 03, 2006, 03:34:02 AM »

New Classic Rock Mag has a review of the Carling Apollo Show:

Guns N' Roses  Carling Apollo, London

By the time you read this it's quite likely that the eagerly awaited Guns N Roses tour will have disintegrated into an unholy mess of lawsuits, mental breakdowns, unpaid bills and cancelled shows.  The furore surrounding the concerts seems to have eclipsed the music and artists involved.  The media reaction to the state of Axl's mental wellbeing has brought on an unprecendented onslaught of printed vitriol.  Which is a shame because, hand on heart, I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed their 'intimate' London show as much as when I saw them make their spectacular debut at the Marquee.
     Love him or loathe hime (and most seem to go for the latter) Axl, without a shadow of a doubt, represents the spirit and fire of GN'R.
     Predictably the evening has its drama.  The scene outside the venue is more like the setting for an embassy siege than a rock show.  There are massive barriers surrounding the building as the large throng of fans are ferried into different sections for no apparently logical resean.  At 8.40pm we're still waiting outside, and people are beginning to express concerns as to whether the show will start on time.
     "Axl dont give a shit, man" moans Eric, an American fan who has followed the whole tour.  "In Lisbon they were warned that if they overran they'd be fined $1000 a minute" he claims.  "They didnt go on until midnight".
     Inside the atmosphere is electric.  Theres varied mixture of fans, styles and ages:  Kings Road totty, Hells Angels, Rastafarians, metalheads, goths and er ... Bon Jovi fans.
     As time ticks on, support Avenged Sevenfold's turgid set - during which the bars did good business - is just a distant, painful memory as the rumour mill begins to crank into action, talk of 'panic attacks' and suggestions that the band wont show for hours.  Due on at 9pm, by 10.30 a few parents start leaving with the disappointed, bleary-eyed kids, much to the disgust on one fan propped precariously at the bar.
     Guns N Roses eventually hit the stage at 10.40.  With dramatic into music and a few explosions the audience's anxiety and resentments are replaced with jubliation as Axl and crew kick into Welcome to the Jungle.  Looking a little stockier, distinctly orange and - as one journalist observed recently - like a cross between Mick Hucknall and the Bride of Chucky, Axl ran up and down the stage to greet a sea of outstretched hands.  Its so Easy and Mr Brownstone followed.  Guitarist Robin Finck resembled a skinnier version of Rick Rubin and was distinctive by his knee high red boots.  He commanded the stage with the ease of a long time member and was a perfect foil for Axl, who seemed less energetic than usual but vocally strong.  ..........................
    Guest vocalist Sebastian Bach got a surprisingly warm welcome when he came on stage for My Michelle, but unfortunately by the time the band closed the set with an obligatory Paradise City many people had left to catch transport home.
     Although marred by Axl's unmanageability, overall the show was a success.  Yes the band (Names them all I wont bother) - are anonymous and replaceable, but they do the required job for what can best be described as the best Guns N Roses tribute band in the world.  But ... the audience loved it, and Axl delivered.  And hey, who's going to be singing alson to Velvet Revolver songs in 20 years time?  (By Peter Makowski)  Sorry for any typing errors I'm a little rustyPTU
Death Cube K
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 03:50:16 AM »

By the time you read this it's quite likely that the eagerly awaited Guns N Roses tour will have disintegrated into an unholy mess of lawsuits, mental breakdowns, unpaid bills and cancelled shows.  The furore surrounding the concerts seems to have eclipsed the music and artists involved. 

Haha, in your face stupid asshole.
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« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2006, 03:56:34 AM »

an cool review actually....  i mean he could`ve left out the part in the beginning, but what the hell... he had to remain neutral Grin

Psychologically, you could consider this a reunion tour because I`ve managed to find enough pieces of my mind in order to be with you here tonight - - Axl Rose, Chicago 2002
Death Cube K
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2006, 04:04:24 AM »

When they bring up how Axl is chubby, I know Axl have done a great show. If that's the best they could come up with, then it must have been great. Especially when Axl isnt a tad chubby either.

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« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2006, 04:20:05 AM »

Very bad journalism, very disppointing coming from classic rock...would expect this rubbish from Kerrang.

Sarcy tone throughout which means any positives given can be taken either way.  Thought it was funny the way he gambled on the tour falling apart when in actual fact it could not have gone better hihi
Death Cube K
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2006, 04:30:43 AM »

Classic Rock have always been bad when it comes to GNR. Not as bad as others, but I stopped buying the mag because of all the errors and lies they print when it comes to Axl and GNR. Most people just read and sees it as the truth. Some people know better
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2006, 04:48:14 AM »

What pisses me off the most is the "best tribute band" shit.  How can they be a tribute band when they ARE Gun n Roses!!!  Axl may be the only remaining member of the original five but was the term tribute band used when Matt Sorum replaced Steven Adler?  What about when Dizzy joined, what about when Gilby Clarke replaced Izzy?  When exactly was it decided that they were nothing more than a f**kin tribute band! I was at this show and it totally rocked.  The crowd were going mental and as it was my first view of they new guitarists my apprehension was completely thrown in the bin after that gig.  I've emailed my response to this write up to the mag and corrected them on the use of the term tribute band.  After all, 'printing lies starting contraversy' cannot be allowed!
Death Cube K
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2006, 05:52:56 AM »

When does the line go between a tribute band and a real band? Was it a triubute band in 92-93 when 2 members were gone already? And most importantly, they lost their main song writer besides Axl?

And is it a tribute band when they got 2-3 albums out??

« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2006, 06:13:18 AM »

When does the line go between a tribute band and a real band? Was it a triubute band in 92-93 when 2 members were gone already? And most importantly, they lost their main song writer besides Axl?

And is it a tribute band when they got 2-3 albums out??
Yes. They will be an AFD tribute band, with their own songs added to the setlist, just like they are now... Doesn't mean I don't like them though. I just think you've got to call it like it is...

« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2006, 06:13:59 AM »

There is only one way to stop those statements, release music, tour under your own material etc.

As long as no new music gets released they will be stuck with that attitude from the media.
Death Cube K
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2006, 06:23:41 AM »

There is only one way to stop those statements, release music, tour under your own material etc.

Axl are giving the average crowd exactly what they want. Something they enjoy. You can't deny them that.
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« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2006, 06:27:47 AM »

By the time you read this it's quite likely that the eagerly awaited Guns N Roses tour will have disintegrated into an unholy mess of lawsuits, mental breakdowns, unpaid bills and cancelled shows.? The furore surrounding the concerts seems to have eclipsed the music and artists involved.?

Haha, in your face stupid asshole.

haha.. yea... suck on that!?! Tongue

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« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2006, 07:35:34 AM »

Not a terrible review, we've seen a lot worse.

Not one mention of the actual performance details, we know they kick into Welcome to the Jungle, thats about it.   Who is who in the band should be important if you are going to compare the new band to the old ( tribute band comment). Ever hear of a tribute band writing new songs ? Well at least he mentions Robin, who IMO is the best asset to GNR right now besides Axl. Another reviewer who doesn't back up his statements.

He did give GNR credit for some things, which was good.......................

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« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2006, 08:36:00 AM »

thats a kool review, hopefuly the media are starting to warm to guns n roses
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