After Hendrix, we had the most creative and important period in music history. After Cobain, we got a bunch of generic grunge rip-offs and "nu metal." You tell me who was more important.
This is a great quote
But I think that just because you may not like Nirvana's music that much, you can't deny that they had the biggest influence on the music world since The Beatles and Hendrix era. True, Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones, Queen, the Who, Pink Floyd, and Black Sabbath, were very influential and important, but they were just EVOLVING over the rock REVOLUTION started by the likes of the Beatles and Hendrix. Nirvana (mostly because of their support by the industry and music critics) started a whole new REVOLUTION that tore everything down. Nirvana DID change the music world more than any other band in history since the Beatles era. That is undeniable. As you said, after Cobain, we got a bunch of generic grunge rip-offs and nu metal. It's so ironic when the critics claim that Cobain was the one who revived rock. If you wake up and smell the coffee, rock is pretty much dead right now. There are still many people going to see classic rock shows, but we're a dying generation. The majority of kids are "down with" rap now. It's over! There will either have to be a new Beatles or Led Zeppelin type of band, or in a few decades, rock will be completely gone since the market for the generic rip-offs is shrinking all the time. And Chinese Democracy will
NOT be the album that brings back rock. You can forget that! The critics are waiting to pounce on CD with accusations of "overproduction" and such like a pack of starving wolves on a trapped rabbit. On top of that, I doubt the nice people at Geffen who brought us the Nirvana revolution will be too crazy about pushing Chinese Democracy. Didn't Axl already say that they are not very enthusiastic about working with "veteran" acts? CD will not sell more than 3X platinum in the US, and that's if we're lucky. The rest of the world might be a different story.