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 on: February 15, 2025, 05:37:30 PM 
Started by cineater - Last post by cineater
Cher really used David Geffen and screwed him over.  He told her if you see me walking down the street, cross over to the other side.  She's kind of like Elizabeth Taylor except she didn't marry all of them.  Basically, she meets a guy and falls in love.  I thought David Geffen was gay?

 on: February 15, 2025, 11:17:25 AM 
Started by Spirit - Last post by cineater
I don't know that side of the world well enough but I'm going to say my favorite garden city of Singapore.

 on: February 15, 2025, 07:46:34 AM 
Started by Spirit - Last post by Mysteron
It's a Facebook event created by someone.

Anyone can create these, so not exactly reliable at this point.


Yeah, it's been there ages, but it could randomly fit the schedule, although checking their calender, if it's the Optus, then there's a match the next day. Australia or the islands is a fair guess unless they go to India or China

 on: February 15, 2025, 04:46:25 AM 
Started by Spirit - Last post by jarmo
It's a Facebook event created by someone.

Anyone can create these, so not exactly reliable at this point.


 on: February 15, 2025, 02:49:37 AM 
Started by Spirit - Last post by Mysteron
May 1st, 2025: Incheon, South Korea @ Songdo Moonlight Festival Park
May 5th, 2025: Yokohama, Japan @ K-Arena
May 23rd, 2025: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia @ Mohammed Abdo Arena

Any guesses where to after Yokohama?


There's something on Google that says they are in Perth Australia on May 17th. I don't know if that's right or not

 on: February 14, 2025, 04:42:37 PM 
Started by cineater - Last post by cineater
In dreamland, I'm following someone to the car.  She climbs into the driverseat, turns and it's Marsha!  I was so surprised, the smile on my face still hurts.  She had hair, not in a style I would have put her in but styled in a bob.  We laughed at seeing each other.  "You're not taking this well."  Not something I can respond to even in the real world but we moved on, mostly just giggling at how happy we were.  She looked good.

Normally today I would have jumped out of bed with the alarm for a meeting that would have included Marsha.  As it was, I had turned off the alarm and was going in and out.  Tried to get the dream back but it was gone.  Still it's on my joy list.  I have a couple of things on there for this year which is better then when I hadn't added anything since last May.

 on: February 14, 2025, 09:12:48 AM 
Started by Spirit - Last post by jarmo
May 1st, 2025: Incheon, South Korea @ Songdo Moonlight Festival Park
May 5th, 2025: Yokohama, Japan @ K-Arena
May 23rd, 2025: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia @ Mohammed Abdo Arena

Any guesses where to after Yokohama?


 on: February 13, 2025, 01:36:24 PM 
Started by cineater - Last post by cineater
Okay, I'm still laughing about the cheese.   hihi  Here's the youtube of it:

Keep Yourself Alive works just as well as coffee first thing in the morning.   Cheesy

 on: February 13, 2025, 12:23:16 AM 
Started by cineater - Last post by cineater
Damn this came out good.  I made a few substitutions, additions.

Potato Soup

4-5 large potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes
1/2 lb bacon (I used 1 lb of Italian sausage) cooked and crumbled
1 onion, chopped
4T butter
3/4 can of PET evaporated milk  (I used the whole can, just makes it thicker so I added 1/4c water)
Parsley flakes  (Was out of those so I used fresh spinach)
Shredded Cheddar Cheese and chopped green onions chopped, for garnish
Salt and Pepper to taste

Cook bacon, crumble when cooled.
Saute onion in small amount of bacon grease.
Boil cubed potatoes and sauteed onions in large saucepan in enough water to barely cover top of potatoes.  Cook until tender.
Drain water if there is more than half left or add if less than that.
Add butter, bacon, milk, parsley flakes, salt and pepper.  (Where I thought it was too thick and added more water but it should be creamy)
Cook until butter completely melts.
Serve topped with garnishes.

Handed down recipe so no idea on servings, calorie count or nutritional value.  Dirtied up a few pans, knief, cutting board but pretty easy to make.  Creamy, hearty soup.

 on: February 12, 2025, 03:00:06 PM 
Started by cineater - Last post by BOILER GUNZ
what are folks most excited about, when it comes to Guns N' Roses?
Personally, I am looking forward to new merch. I really like what they have been doing lately.
I just ordered a set of 6 wine glasses!  beer

Super! Great question! I’m kind of old school about merchandise. I like posters (25 x 36) (27 x 40) and door posters!  I also like cotton terry cloth wristbands with the bands logo.  I still have to get that CD one from Richard! I found a black and white checkered one like robin used to wear. And the vintage looking snapback trucker hats are cool.  All that kind of shit you’d get in the 80’s and 90’s!

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