Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: Greengirl on January 26, 2004, 12:04:33 PM

Title: November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Greengirl on January 26, 2004, 12:04:33 PM
Does anyone know how the girl in the November Rain video died?

Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: jet on January 26, 2004, 12:49:19 PM
That's why I was thinking she was shot by Axl (remember he goes to "Guns" store? But find Trilogy video (smth like that) where this stuff were discussed. I was told that in that was Axl killed himself.
 So I don't know it either. :crying:

Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: jarmo on January 26, 2004, 01:25:36 PM
Half of her face was covered in the casket, so I assume she was shot.


Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Rebecca Duff Rose on January 26, 2004, 03:23:46 PM
 :o Oh God!
I've always wondered that too!

Why? did he kill her???????
Tell me more.................  :-*

Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: jet on January 27, 2004, 02:04:36 PM
Because Slash was in love with her and, obviously, she was too ;)

Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Reed_Bailey on February 05, 2004, 07:20:49 PM
The character Stephanie Seymour's part is based on in the video kills herself in the story.  The reason for half of her face being covered in the casket is becasue she shoots herself in the head.  I can't locate my copy of the book at the moment to give more detail than that.  But that's the jist of it.

Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Rebecca Duff Rose on February 16, 2004, 02:57:54 PM
The character Stephanie Seymour's part is based on in the video kills herself in the story.  The reason for half of her face being covered in the casket is becasue she shoots herself in the head.  I can't locate my copy of the book at the moment to give more detail than that.  But that's the jist of it.


Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: slashman91 on February 21, 2004, 05:44:48 PM
are you fucking serous holy shit :o

Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: jet on February 22, 2004, 05:26:59 AM
The character Stephanie Seymour's part is based on in the video kills herself in the story.  The reason for half of her face being covered in the casket is becasue she shoots herself in the head.  


Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: wonderall on February 24, 2004, 06:24:13 AM
My idea of the video is that...He is having nightmare about someone he loved. She is half dead, that is why they had the split coffin.  He is having a nightmare that maybe oneday she will kill herself...If you watch Making of the video Nov. Rain he says so. ?t would be his worst nightmare".

He is having a dream about someone he loved but he couldn't have, listen to the's simple once you understand it.

Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: jet on February 24, 2004, 09:03:12 AM
Actuaaly I haven't noticed any split coffin. Whatever, I should look better. Have you got "Making of..." from And in what format do you have it?

Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: SlashFan on March 01, 2004, 10:42:57 PM
I never noticed what was going on in the video I just thought Axl killed her.I mostly listen to the music,I never care what the video is about. :no:

Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Immortal-Cry on March 02, 2004, 06:02:57 AM
I never noticed what was going on in the video I just thought Axl killed her.I mostly listen to the music,I never care what the video is about. :no:
oh but you should, the trilogie videos are realy worth to interprate. and the videos combine the 3 songs to one strange but structured story.

Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: *RightNextDoorToHull* on April 05, 2004, 09:18:33 PM
Trilogy videos ey?  :o
Well, i know that Don't Cry and November Rain are obviously linked- i know that, but what's the 3rd one? and is it the concluding part- i.e after Novermber Rain?  :-\ Please? (am i just being dumb here- i'm sorry! hehe)

---x x x---

Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: SwedeChildO'Mine on April 06, 2004, 05:12:59 AM
Estranged is the third part. (even if it says that it's the fourth)

You all should read Without You by Del James. (just search: "del james"+"without you")

It's one of the best stories I've ever read and if you read you'll get better insight of the trilogy videos.

Title: Re:November Rain, Please help!
Post by: jarmo on April 06, 2004, 05:37:15 AM
Estranged is the third part. (even if it says that it's the fourth)

Estranged was supposed to be the third part. Instead they made it a different story so it became part IV.


Title: Re: November Rain, Please help!
Post by: izzyrose on January 01, 2006, 10:56:56 AM
if you watch at the end of the video it says "based on a short story called 'without you'" so i assume the woman dies in that. i thought the song originally was written about his love for eran everly that died. (i thought that the woman lying in the casket represented the dead love). that's until i realised that november rain was wriiten befor he met eran everley. i think.

                                                                           : ok: izzyrose :peace:

Title: Re: November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Sakib on January 01, 2006, 03:59:10 PM
if you watch at the end of the video it says "based on a short story called 'without you'" so i assume the woman dies in that. i thought the song originally was written about his love for eran everly that died. (i thought that the woman lying in the casket represented the dead love). that's until i realised that november rain was wriiten befor he met eran everley. i think.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?: ok: izzyrose :peace:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?:beer:

Parrykins, it's odd that i never knew that and i've seen the video 24 times. and it's ERIN Everly. not ERAN.

Title: Re: November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Albert S Miller on January 01, 2006, 08:17:21 PM
Per the video, somewhere in there I do believe Axl states that it is kinda hard playing the role with Stephanie when the person the song is related to is someone else, meaning Erin.  I don't know if the song was written before he new Erin, but he was definately dating Erin when he became GN'R.  If the song existed at the time it was definately put on the back burner like Don't Cry, and finished at a later time. However in a book that I own, which is by the way unauthorized, it states this:  "Though the video to the song would appear cryptic and refer to situation beyond a relationship problem, the lyrics were romantic and direct, Axl suppurating "so if you want to love me then darlin don't refrain."  This was an admittance that he required love as much as anyone and he felt together (with Stephanie the subject of the song) he and his 'perfect woman' could still find a way.  'Cause nothin lasts forever even cold November rain".  I myself would choose to believe the video more so as it comes directly from Axl.
Now for the short story-Stephanie shot herself in the head, if you look closely at the video, while she is laying in the casket that was specially constructed, it allows her face to look as it was before the suicide.  If I can remember, as it has been a little while since I have read the book, Axl did not kill himself, but died in a fire that was started by accident due to a forgotten ciggarette he had lit. Hope some of this is helpful.

Title: Re: November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 02, 2006, 04:24:35 PM
I always though she was hit inderectly by a lightning thats why her face was half black, guess I was wrong  :nervous:

Title: Re: November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Mia on January 04, 2006, 01:09:07 PM
"However in a book that I own, which is by the way unauthorized, it states this:  "Though the video to the song would appear cryptic and refer to situation beyond a relationship problem, the lyrics were romantic and direct, Axl suppurating "so if you want to love me then darlin don't refrain."  This was an admittance that he required love as much as anyone and he felt together (with Stephanie the subject of the song) he and his 'perfect woman' could still find a way.  'Cause nothin lasts forever even cold November rain".

  ::) (At the book, not you - was it The Band that Time Forgot, by any chance?)

Most of NR was written in the early 80s. Axl stated during the 1990 Howard Stern interview that his relationship with Erin had helped him to finish it. It has fuck all to do with SS.

In the video, the chick who is played by SS but is really based on EE commits suicide, as others have said. Del James' story Without You is about a rockstar and his beloved, those characters are based on Axl and Erin and the trilogy is loosely based on the story.

Title: Re: November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Albert S Miller on January 04, 2006, 01:28:34 PM
your first paragraph was previously written on page 1!!!!

Title: Re: November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Albert S Miller on January 04, 2006, 01:31:09 PM
sorry was that my own paragraph!!! not awake yet.  Yes it was the band that time forgot.  So sorry....  you did hit the nail on the head about the rest.


Title: Re: November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Mia on January 04, 2006, 01:33:49 PM
That's okay.

Holy crap, TBTtF is full of shit! Doesn't it also claim that Estranged and Back off Bitch are about Seymour? Even though they're on a record that was released a few months after they *started* dating?

Title: Re: November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Albert S Miller on January 04, 2006, 09:34:05 PM
in the video the making of 'Estranged'  Axl states that it is not soley written or focused soley on one subject.  It is an emotional release on Axl's part.  He states that NR is about not wanting to be ina a state of having to deal with inrequieted love/ 'Estranged is acknowledging it and being there and trying to figure out what the fluck to do. He said it was like being catapulted out into the universe and having no choice about it, and trying to figure out what to do, also realizing the things you wanted and worked for just cannot happen and theres nothing yu can do about it.  He wrote the song basically about who he is and how he feels about all of it, in regards to the breakup of his marriage with Erin and how he didn't want it to end.  It is sending a message to Dillon (Stephanies son)  or says it is also his way of communicating with him, as he had been taken away from Axl.  He states he was told one thing and shown another, and that Dillon was robbed of certain things and so was he.  He also states the song can be applied to alot of other situations or friendships or family things where you knew it had to end.

Title: Re: November Rain, Please help!
Post by: Albert S Miller on January 04, 2006, 09:55:21 PM
TBTTF does make those claims, he probably applied BOB to Steph after the breakup.  I guess thats why those books are unofficial.  They have given me something to do while waiting for 'Chinese Dem'.