Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Gnrfan on November 29, 2002, 08:29:39 AM

Title: Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Gnrfan on November 29, 2002, 08:29:39 AM
I think Axl is a little nervous about it personally.

He has not sold out all the venues..... With some only just over half full.

I think the album is of great quality and Axl knows it...... But i think he also knows we are in a different time of music.

I mean Linkin Park are Running the top office at the moment like it or not...... They are Shit we know that but they did sell alot of Albums.

I wonder whether Axl worries despite how good the album is coz of the musical age we live in it won't be as sucsessful as he and Interscope want it to be.

What are you views on it?

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: lastroots on November 29, 2002, 08:33:32 AM
He wants to make it perfect and he knows he's able to.
He might be nervous because it's been so long since he released anything.
But, as we know, he's on the internet regularly and knows our opinions concerning the new stuff (probably the reason why he wiped Silk Worms off the setlist).
He knows we love most of the new stuff.#


Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Gnrfan on November 29, 2002, 08:46:33 AM
I'm not saying that he thinks the album is crap coz we all know from the stuff he has played already it won't be.

But the lack of new songs even at this point of the tour.... well i suppose its sensible but one more would not hurt.

I think he views MSG as the place to start but then if the album is out in Feb - June then why would he play them?

Anyway back to my original point i think he does worry a little about how the album will be recieved...... I think this album could make or break Axl.... i mean he wants to show the world he don't need the others and Having seen him live twice i know he does not need them.

But its not the 90's or late 80's anymore its not a Rock World anymore..... I think Axl is a little nervous about how fans of bands such as Chili Peppers and Linkin Park will view the album.

Coz as much as we hate Linkin Park their fans are his target audience as he knows people like us will buy the album.... its the other rock fans that Axl has really gotta get to buy the album to make CD a Success and i think it does matter to him how high in the charts it goes

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: lastroots on November 29, 2002, 08:49:38 AM
He has to be careful. If ChinDem flops, He'll never do anything again and the Record Companies will say: "Axl Rose? The guy that needs 8 years to make a record and then completely fails? No!"

I think there has to be much more advertising soon. Nearly nothing works without advertising.


Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Gnrfan on November 29, 2002, 08:59:33 AM
He has to be careful. If ChinDem flops, He'll never do anything again and the Record Companies will say: "Axl Rose? The guy that needs 8 years to make a record and then completely fails? No!"

I think there has to be much more advertising soon. Nearly nothing works without advertising.



We are now passed the days where its cool not to promote your stuff..... Coz these days the Marketing Manager is the other member of the band.

To have a sucsessful album it is virtually impossible to do without quite a bit of promoting.... now i suppose playing gigs is promoting but i think some adverts are needed.

Before people jump on me... some albums do become big without marketing i.e. White ladder (David Gray) Parachutes (ColdPlay) but not many.

I think no matter what happens Axl will release two or three albums but he really needs CD to be well recieved..... I don't think people would think that about Axl Rose but the scale of his albums would probally make it hard to make many more if the Record Company had no faithin him.... But this won't happen.

But lots of people i know don't know the album is coming out until i have told them and some just say they are old and hav ehad their time (ignorance) but for younger people that can be the view.

Axl has to make GNR cool again and i'm sure by this time next year..... Axl will be back in his Office controlling Rock music with his Assistant MR BHEAD [ok] [yes]

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: MrProxy on November 29, 2002, 09:51:50 AM
i think he must be nervous about ChinDem coz its normal to be nervous when you put something out.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Gnrfan on November 29, 2002, 09:55:36 AM
i think he must be nervous about ChinDem coz its normal to be nervous when you put something out.

Yeah maybe but he has to be more nervous about this album than when he put out AFD or UYI as this is personal..... Its his album in sense and he has to prove to himself he can do it without the others.

Axl needs that ego boost IMO and who wouldn't its only natural to wanna prove people wrong and axl has lots of them to prove wrong

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Gauda on November 29, 2002, 10:12:09 AM
For me it seems that Axl knows his got great songs.. I think he loves this album, it`s his and he has done it his way.. No pressure from within the band or from record label.. He talks really high about his big guns, he sounds so convinced.. And thats also the reason I think he is nervous, this is the music he wants to make.. It wouldnt be good if it failed..

I really think this album is gonna do great though.. I listened to The Blues again.. The singing on it is simply amazing, especially this part:

What this means to me is more then I know you'd believe
what I found was your love has cost more then it should've
what I thought was true before without I couldn't see
what I thought was beautiful is only memories

And the wonderful ah`s afterwards.. I can`t waint to hear the studio version.. This is a song of soul and perfection and still it rocks live..

This cd is gonna rock! :D

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: hippiechick914 on November 29, 2002, 11:33:50 AM
I think Axl might be a bit nervous about Chinese Democracy coming out, but looking fully at the new material we have already heard, this is like the type of music we haven't heard in ten years.  In the past ten years I have not heard a single song that rivals the magnitude of Madagascar and The Blues.  While IMO Chinese Democracy isn't as strong of a song as either The Blues or Madagascar, there hasn't been really any other songs out there that have had its presence either.  

Sure there was Nirvana, you had your Pearl Jam, we had all this grunge shit, and this pop shit, and whatever other kind of shit we have all be force fed over the last ten years.  That was all fine and dandy in the moment, well maybe a 1/4 of all the crap in the last ten years.  I refuse to lie and give the music of the last ten years more credit than it deserves.  However, we need change, something needs to break, or as I see it the music industry will be so stuck in debris we will never be able to find the true meaning of music again under all of the garbage.

Sure a few people wrote some good songs over the past ten years, we all have or will in our lifetime.  A person cannot deny the feelings they are feeling, nor should they not feel them in the first place, but the way Axl expresses the way he feels.  Nobody else does it like Axl. The way he expresses himself lyrically is unbelievable.  Everybody can relate to Axl lyrics.  It's impossible not to relate to his lyrics.  They fucking grab you and once they have a hold of you they never let you go.  Nothing in the past ten years has grasped me with any force or power, except Guns N' Roses.

Axl has a lot going for him and he always will. However, I can't say that about the rest of the world including myself, for if all of us were gifted like Axl was it wouldn't be as special as it is, but......not to many people in the music industry have a lot going for them these days.  Fuck, not even a 1/4 of the people in the music industry have anything going for them these days.  It is easy to throw a few words together that rhyme, we can all do that if we so desired too, but wrapping words around each other that create this powerful force of emotional bliss is rare.  

However, people are ignorant, and this is one of the few small boundaries Axl has to face.  Basically to some people, perhaps the majority, (I don't know 'cause I'm not giving a fuck about statistics), will only listen to something, or buy something, or swarm to something because it is the cool thing at the moment.  People will categorize, classify, and degrade shit that they have absolutely no clue about just because it might not fit into the flavor of the moment.  I say fuck that, 'cause at some point in your life you must get tired of sucking on the same thing (Ohhh dear that sounds extremely perverted and sexual.  Are you happy rawkr.)  However, how can people not hear these songs and just be so blown away from everything you've heard before that you never want to be blown back to what you were listening to.

Axl's got many things working for him in his favor: mainly talent, amazing musicians in the band, drive, determination, and the desire to keep on doing better.  He doesn't get stuck in ruts, he's always moving forward.  You can move behind, but still won't be able to change what has already occurred.

This album I believe will have the power to break records and set new standards concerning music as a whole.  However, there needs to be proper promotion.  Axl still has a lot of power over people.  Granted not every single arena has sold out, granted seats were only half full, and taking into full consideration that there was hardly any promotion, Axl did fucking good.  For being gone from the music scene in about 5-6 years, give or take a few, Axl has done a fucking brilliant job.  Still he has the potential to do better, if only more people were to know what the hell was going on.  If we had remarkably reliable dates to put a little faith in, instead of loosely constructed internet rumors, taking their penchant for truth from hopeless grains of salt.  Seriously, there is only one fucking dude qualified for the position of ass-kicking genius and that is Axl Rose and let me just say when you are infected by the power Axl possesses you don't want to be in anybody else's jungle but his.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: anythinggoes on November 29, 2002, 11:49:50 AM

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: keroberos on November 29, 2002, 11:50:11 AM
how many cd's has he brought out? i'm sure he'll be cool about it!

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Michelle on November 29, 2002, 12:03:33 PM
He isn't cool about it, not at all.... at least that's what I think. He is a perfectionist and so the last thing he would be about his own work is cool. And there's also this kinda "pressure" on him from his past success with GN'R coz I'm sure he wants to top that or at least reach the same level. It's difficult to rebuild something successfully that has already been there with great success.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Gnrfan on November 29, 2002, 12:09:41 PM
For me it seems that Axl knows his got great songs.. I think he loves this album, it`s his and he has done it his way.. No pressure from within the band or from record label.. He talks really high about his big guns, he sounds so convinced.. And thats also the reason I think he is nervous, this is the music he wants to make.. It wouldnt be good if it failed..

I really think this album is gonna do great though.. I listened to The Blues again.. The singing on it is simply amazing, especially this part:

What this means to me is more then I know you'd believe
what I found was your love has cost more then it should've
what I thought was true before without I couldn't see
what I thought was beautiful is only memories

And the wonderful ah`s afterwards.. I can`t waint to hear the studio version.. This is a song of soul and perfection and still it rocks live..

This cd is gonna rock! :D

I agree the song is beautiful and IMO is the best new one so far.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Gnrfan on November 29, 2002, 12:19:22 PM
He isn't cool about it, not at all.... at least that's what I think. He is a perfectionist and so the last thing he would be about his own work is cool. And there's also this kinda "pressure" on him from his past success with GN'R coz I'm sure he wants to top that or at least reach the same level. It's difficult to rebuild something successfully that has already been there with great success.

Agreed you can't Rebuild something and say it has worked until other people say it first..... Its very much Axl vs Slash and Co..... coz if CD sells well then it shows the other members that not only has Axl alone produced a great album on his own but he was the attractable member of the band i.e. People are still buying his stuff when Snakepit failed etc

I think Axl might be a bit nervous about Chinese Democracy coming out, but looking fully at the new material we have already heard, this is like the type of music we haven't heard in ten years.  In the past ten years I have not heard a single song that rivals the magnitude of Madagascar and The Blues.  While IMO Chinese Democracy isn't as strong of a song as either The Blues or Madagascar, there hasn't been really any other songs out there that have had its presence either.  

Sure there was Nirvana, you had your Pearl Jam, we had all this grunge shit, and this pop shit, and whatever other kind of shit we have all be force fed over the last ten years.  That was all fine and dandy in the moment, well maybe a 1/4 of all the crap in the last ten years.  I refuse to lie and give the music of the last ten years more credit than it deserves.  However, we need change, something needs to break, or as I see it the music industry will be so stuck in debris we will never be able to find the true meaning of music again under all of the garbage.

Sure a few people wrote some good songs over the past ten years, we all have or will in our lifetime.  A person cannot deny the feelings they are feeling, nor should they not feel them in the first place, but the way Axl expresses the way he feels.  Nobody else does it like Axl. The way he expresses himself lyrically is unbelievable.  Everybody can relate to Axl lyrics.  It's impossible not to relate to his lyrics.  They fucking grab you and once they have a hold of you they never let you go.  Nothing in the past ten years has grasped me with any force or power, except Guns N' Roses.

Axl has a lot going for him and he always will. However, I can't say that about the rest of the world including myself, for if all of us were gifted like Axl was it wouldn't be as special as it is, but......not to many people in the music industry have a lot going for them these days.  Fuck, not even a 1/4 of the people in the music industry have anything going for them these days.  It is easy to throw a few words together that rhyme, we can all do that if we so desired too, but wrapping words around each other that create this powerful force of emotional bliss is rare.  

However, people are ignorant, and this is one of the few small boundaries Axl has to face.  Basically to some people, perhaps the majority, (I don't know 'cause I'm not giving a fuck about statistics), will only listen to something, or buy something, or swarm to something because it is the cool thing at the moment.  People will categorize, classify, and degrade shit that they have absolutely no clue about just because it might not fit into the flavor of the moment.  I say fuck that, 'cause at some point in your life you must get tired of sucking on the same thing (Ohhh dear that sounds extremely perverted and sexual.  Are you happy rawkr.)  However, how can people not hear these songs and just be so blown away from everything you've heard before that you never want to be blown back to what you were listening to.

Axl's got many things working for him in his favor: mainly talent, amazing musicians in the band, drive, determination, and the desire to keep on doing better.  He doesn't get stuck in ruts, he's always moving forward.  You can move behind, but still won't be able to change what has already occurred.

This album I believe will have the power to break records and set new standards concerning music as a whole.  However, there needs to be proper promotion.  Axl still has a lot of power over people.  Granted not every single arena has sold out, granted seats were only half full, and taking into full consideration that there was hardly any promotion, Axl did fucking good.  For being gone from the music scene in about 5-6 years, give or take a few, Axl has done a fucking brilliant job.  Still he has the potential to do better, if only more people were to know what the hell was going on.  If we had remarkably reliable dates to put a little faith in, instead of loosely constructed internet rumors, taking their penchant for truth from hopeless grains of salt.  Seriously, there is only one fucking dude qualified for the position of ass-kicking genius and that is Axl Rose and let me just say when you are infected by the power Axl possesses you don't want to be in anybody else's jungle but his.

Well.... I agree..... This Girl can write.

Although i do believe that every member of the Music industry has a place in it even if i hate them some people like them and therefore they have a right to be there.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Michelle on November 29, 2002, 12:35:41 PM
Agreed you can't Rebuild something and say it has worked until other people say it first..... Its very much Axl vs Slash and Co..... coz if CD sells well then it shows the other members that not only has Axl alone produced a great album on his own but he was the attractable member of the band i.e. People are still buying his stuff when Snakepit failed etc

Agree 100%  [ok]. I wouldn't necessarily say Snakepit failed, but it for sure hasn't matched GN'R past success.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: AxlsStPeteFLFan on November 29, 2002, 02:55:38 PM
I can not answer this as I am not Axl and he is the only one who knows what he is and how he feels about his work.

I speculate that since he has been working on this for a long time, he factors in alot of things.  Mainly, he is a perfectionist and wants this to be his best album to show everyone that he did it contrary to all the non believers who still think GNR is nothing without the old members.

Personally, I don't care when he decides to release CD.  I will buy it and I know that it will be on the billboard charts momentarily after it is released.

Hypothetically speaking, if Axl failed at this ( he won't) he would do it with such style and grace that only Axl could pull off.

I think too, alot of it has to do with how he feels about himself.  From all the reviews, he seems to be happy and healthy.  It is probably taking longer for him to work in this frame of mind.  He did say in one of his interviews that alot of substances could make you do things with no problems.  He also admitted that he is shy.

I hope he takes as much time as he needs if it means that he stays healthy and happy [peace]

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Gnrfan on November 29, 2002, 05:24:09 PM
Axl licks dog balls

Ok.... Someone's missed their pill for the day

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Thumper on November 29, 2002, 05:53:26 PM
No, someone had tickets for Vancouver   :-\

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on November 30, 2002, 02:36:30 AM
I think after you made the best album of all time "Appetite For Destruction", it's hard to try and top it. But we all know he can do it or come dam close to it. Also like Axl said, it's very hard to fix something that got so big and it's not like it has been done in the past by another band. You also know Axl has maybe 100 songs we never heard yet and who hell knows what these songs sound like.  [drooling]

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Michelle on November 30, 2002, 08:28:58 AM
I think after you made the best album of all time "Appetite For Destruction", it's hard to try and top it. But we all know he can do it or come dam close to it. Also like Axl said, it's very hard to fix something that got so big and it's not like it has been done in the past by another band.

That's exactly the point I was trying to make... I mean, sure there's only one person who knows what the fuck is going on in Axl's head and that's Axl himself of course, but I think it's pretty clear that he can't be too cool about it. If there wouldn't have been Appetite I think the whole thing would be much cooler, but I believe in Axl's ability and talent of writing songs so I think he could get very close to Appetite's success. Honestly as much as I love this new band (I also love the old one) I don't think he'll ever be able to top Appetite but let's see what happens...

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Christos AG on November 30, 2002, 09:36:06 AM
I surely don't know how Axl feels.

But... last night I saw a tape (Thanks to Fotisz) with an MTV documentary where Axl (it's like 1990) says he doesn't wanna live off AFD. He wants to make something better.

That's the reason I believe that this album is gonna be fuckin great.

Plus his words on his latest interview on that radio station.

However, in my opinion, iIt's really up to us, the simple fans to try and promote it.

Even if the radio stations deny to play it, which I doubt, we should give it our best to help this band. They deserve it.

Make your friends listen to it.

This past six months I've turned 9 people into Gunners. It's not that easy you know, well if they listen to the music it is, but they haven't released anything new in 10 years. And if your friends become gunners they'll turn someone else into Gn'R. It's kinda like Pay It Forward. I trully believe we can do this shit.

That's one of the reasons I'm opening I'm doing a site in the Greek language, I'll promote it the best way I can so that when Greek people, who are not able to read english, want to find info about the band , they can have a source on the internet.

All of you should think of different ways to do this.

I know that Axl doesn't need this but as loyal fans, we should do it, so that he can feel a lot better about it.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: kidrock on November 30, 2002, 09:46:50 AM
I feel Axl is VERY confident about CD.  He seems to feel confident to the degree that he's touring mainly off of AFD for now.  In my eyes, that can only mean that his new stuff is sooooo good that he's giving us one last glimpse of AFD live style because future legs will be dominated by new material.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Michelle on November 30, 2002, 05:57:41 PM
I feel Axl is VERY confident about CD.  He seems to feel confident to the degree that he's touring mainly off of AFD for now.  In my eyes, that can only mean that his new stuff is sooooo good that he's giving us one last glimpse of AFD live style because future legs will be dominated by new material.

No, I don't think that's the reason he's doing much of Appetite at shows. I think to a certain extent that's a way of getting the attention coz people who've known Gn'R before know Appetite and the songs on it. And as Axl said in Rio, when he was asked why they only play very few new songs and to a major part old material... why should he miss to play songs that the fans still enjoy - no matter if the band members have changed...

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Axl Adler on June 24, 2004, 03:57:01 AM
 ;DFunny how nothing really changes :rofl:

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: DJM on June 24, 2004, 09:00:21 AM
I think hes nervous about the album some of the stuff ive hears like the blues madagascar rhiad & Bneoumains chinese Democracy & Silkworms and he said hes leaving the big guns until later

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: NickNasty on June 24, 2004, 04:04:04 PM
The fact that it has taken 10 years to produce a record proves to me that Axl is not comfortable about the music, or at least its ability to live up to the hype that has surrounded the project. As Stinson said, Axl is a perfectionist, which is not neccesarily a great thing, because it is almost impossible to produce a near flawless anything (not even AFD is absolutely, 100% perfect, IMO).So while Axl may feel his material is strong, he'll  probably never feel it's perfect, which is the inherent problem: someone has to really grab him by the nuts to get this thing out...because adding more months and years only adds to the myth of the record, and, ultimately, a more critical music media and public.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Dizzy on June 24, 2004, 05:26:07 PM
I love it!  Another 18 month old thread returns from the abyss!   :hihi:   : ok:  It's really funny to read this thread and see so many people who replied who are no longer registered on this board.   :D

Anyway, back on topic.....

If Axl felt good about CD, he would've released it by now.

Its very much Axl vs Slash and Co..... coz if CD sells well then it shows the other members that not only has Axl alone produced a great album on his own but he was the attractable member of the band i.e. People are still buying his stuff when Snakepit failed etc

I disagree.  I guarantee Axl would sell more records than Snakepit simply because he has the GNR name.  That will always be attractive to people no matter who is in the band and no matter how good the music is.

And I agree with what someone else posted, I wouldn't say Snakepit "failed".  They did fairly well for a band that was really not intended to be more than a "kickaround, harcore street band" (Slash quote).  They opened for a world-class rock n roll band known as AC/DC, and that's no mean feat.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Lord Kayoss on June 24, 2004, 05:45:19 PM
Axl licks dog balls
( ( (
The reason that is funny is because you guys are talking about music standards and shit and then that comment came out of left field. Bloody brillant, you can't stage this stuff.  (

I think it's pretty lame, personally.

But, I do agree with most about Axl not being very confident in his work.  Although I believe he should be he certainly hasn't shown he's comfortable with letting this project become a finished product.  Hopefully, one day things will change.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: St.heathen on June 24, 2004, 07:55:32 PM
I think he is naturally a little nervous with keeping the name he has alot to live up to - for alot  of people anyway.  But i have 100% faith i think it's going to shut people up, it will be like a DDT (Jake the snake stylie lol) .

I think when it finally comes out, CD will be a huge album - in the sense of purpose, intent and it will be like a musical explosion.  

As far as  marketing goes, I don't see Axl popping up everywhere on TV ect. He has never done that and i don't see a huge change in his approach.  Old GN'R never had to do all that and it did them no harm. Marketing?? who gives a fuck?? lol  Thats what these Pop - we'll do anything for a bit of fame people do.  Of course the record company has to promote it but theres a balance

Slash and Duff used to do alot of the interviews, this time around unless it's Axl talking, who's really going to care too much?

I think as ever it will be the record itself and the live performances that carry this album.  When people mention gigs that only half sold out. Anybody who has been a GNR fan for more that 5 minutes know there's more to it than that.  And here in UK and indeed Europe and  Japan it was a complete success.  I havent heard one complaint over the quality of the performances.  

I think he just needs to plan the tour well, so it's not too much too soon.  So he's enjoying it and aslong as people feel he's going to turn up, then there will be no problems at all. The tickets will fly out.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: F*ck Fear on June 24, 2004, 08:14:51 PM
The only promotion that should be done is a commercial and a few members of the band could do some interviews.

Axl probably isn't worried about how strong his material is but only worried about how the public and media will handel it.

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: Axl Adler on June 24, 2004, 11:41:52 PM
I think Axl is nervous about CD because he knows that his new band will never live up to the old GN'R,and anyway,the new band isn't Guns N' Roses and he knows the music sounds like shit. :P

Title: Re:Do you think Axl is feeling good about CD?
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 24, 2004, 11:54:44 PM
I think if he felt good about it, we'd be listening to it by now.
