Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: D on November 27, 2003, 11:14:09 PM

Title: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: D on November 27, 2003, 11:14:09 PM
LEADERBOARD FROM ROUND 1 *if u havent completed round 1 and are new to the game u can still do it, just dont look at others answers, some points are better than no points* idol 12pts
2.thorned rose 11pts
3.davegnfr  10pts
 tie blues 86 10pts
 tie  popmetal 10pts
6.izzy  8pts
7. c0ma 7pts
tie john daniels 7pts
tie girlgunner 7pts
10.falcon  6pts
tie linkeker 6pts
tie nytunz 6pts
13. used illusions 5pts
 tie  aero 5pts
tie chinese illusions 5pts
tie new fiona apple 5pts
17.SLC punk 1pt
tie charlie dont surf 1pt

MCT others do round 1 if u still want in the game there are still valid points left everyone else this is round 2, round 3 is also goin on simultaneously in the ex gunner section so check it out

first place gets their choice of either GNR welcome to the videos dvd or Guns n roses making the fuckin video estranged keep playing research and think out your answers and dont forget the fact or fiction thats worth a point on its own!

have fun!


"chinese democracy will be out in 2004"
once again i have my answer and if someone hits on it like a few did last round u get extra points, so do a good job thinking about it!

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: chineseilusions on November 27, 2003, 11:46:34 PM
Fact, here are my points

1.)I think 2004 Will be the year of chinese democracy because thing are allready coming into shape for 2004 with RIR4 and a possible Germany show.I know this looks like history repeating its self but I knew Chinese Democracy would not be out in 2002-2003 as soon as the riot in Vancover Occured I felt that fucked any momentum for Guns n roses on that particular tour.

2.)I feel promotion has somewhat started with the re-release of welcome to the Videos and the '92tokyo show I know thise were thing that the old band did but,I think the record company is trying to see how much the name of Guns n Roses will appeal with the younger generation.

3.)I believe the new band had to take time to get the chemistry down and I believe it's there now and the band can work better with each other on stage and will be more able to put a better live show on for the crowd and will gain more fans with the better chemistry.

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on November 28, 2003, 12:05:17 AM

All bias aside, Axl knows it's down to crunch-time. He knows, and everyone else in the world knows, that if the album isn't released next year, it will be the end of GNR. As much as it pains me to say that, it's the truth. Never before has there been such a demanding presence for the album. Before now, even as bad as it's been for us, there have been halfway plausible excuses, or even filler info from Tommy or Dizzy, stuff we already knew. That's pretty much all I can say. Everyone associated with the band has to be about ready to explode. I think it will be the greatest album ever, and the new band is my favorite band ever, but they know, I know, we all know they HAVE to put it out next year. Their careers hang in the balance...

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Booker Floyd on November 28, 2003, 12:13:49 AM
I cant picture them not releasing it next year...

Then again, I cant picture them releasing it next year either...

Ill say fact.

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: D on November 28, 2003, 01:27:20 AM
I cant picture them not releasing it next year...

Then again, I cant picture them releasing it next year either...

Ill say fact.

hey booker go back and do round 1 and argue your fiction's u had excellent points but where u posted so many times i didnt know if u were playing or just responding to other people

cmon man this game has a chance to be really cool and fun

everyone dont forget to go over to the ex gunners section and do the one over there

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: ktucker450 on November 28, 2003, 01:32:44 AM

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: John Daniels on November 28, 2003, 03:26:46 AM
This is a fact. There is going to be Rock Inr Rio4, and we know Axl ain't for cashing. Now when Axl's out to play in RIR4 and has earlier said that "when I got some product finished(new songs to be played), then I'll give somekind of information", I would assume that this is somekind of information from Axl and that the next step after the gig will be album releasing/marketing process. so yes, this is more fact than fiction.  

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: axls#2 on November 28, 2003, 10:14:10 AM
I'll have to go with fact

1. axl stated numerous times on last years tour, that there would be a bunch of new songs the next time they came around.

2. Band members have said 2004 and we hear that they have began rehearsing again. And I doubt that they would start a tour again, with no new songs.

3. We have been hearing about the finishing touches for awhile, one of these times it will be true.

4. Re-releasing of DVD's to get the gn'r name out there some more

All of these things add up to indicate that the cd will be out this year. However, with gn'r nothing is 100 percent definite.

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: The New Fiona Apple on November 28, 2003, 10:38:49 AM
I'd say fact.

Axl wouldn't go out of seclusion if he didn't have anything done.

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Lineker10 on November 28, 2003, 11:18:00 AM

Im gonna go for it on this one. I feel that this really is Gn'R's last chance in terms of Axls new Gn'R - they had RIR3 and Vegas behind them in 2001, things looked up and then....nothing. Weve seen more hope since then such as last years VMA's and brief tour outing - but I think this is it for the new Gn'R, its now or never. They have RIR4 - perfect opportunity to start some kind of tour to promote the new stuff, possible Euro festival/tour dates after that. They could start from there and then blast out across the world. So yes CD will be out in 2004! :peace:

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Izzy on November 28, 2003, 11:28:47 AM

Everything has been building to this point. All the rumours, the build up has already began with the dvd's and the announcement of RIR4. We know they have been putting finishing touches to the album since September.

The 2002 tour was merely to remind people that GNR were still around, in hindsight it is clear the album was never intended for release was just to keep impatient fans happy.

RIR4 will the warm up show to a summer tour with the album arriving no more than a month before RIR4 to ensure it is not damaged by the post Xmas sales lull.

Early January GNR will update and the promotion will kick off

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: estranged88 on November 28, 2003, 12:01:55 PM
Fact, it has been stated that GNR would not tour again until they had the album out. Also, the record company will begin to SERIOUSLY push axl/the band to get the album out in 2004, knowing that they are going on tour again, which would be good promotion.   Also, with gnr playing RIR4, you can almost be sure they will play some new songs, and they would not want to "waste" anymore songs live, and not have them on the album.  However, if they put the album out just before RIR, then they will be able to play all the new songs the want : ok:

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: NickNasty on November 28, 2003, 09:57:27 PM

--Tommy Stinson said it would be out prior to his album, which was/is scheduled for February or March.

--Tommy did not tour for a second time as was originally supposed to happen, suggesting he had GNR obligations.

--Rock In Rio 4 PLUS the possibility of more Euro dates. No way Axl allows more new tracks to leak to the bootleg hounds.

--Dizzy Reed mention on HH website, which said Dizzy was flying back to LA for rehearsals.

--The sudden cancellation of the Greatest Hits disc. Probably only cancelled by Geffen under the express condition that Axl get the album out in 04.

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Thorned Rose on November 28, 2003, 10:30:47 PM
Hey D what's up man?

Chinese Democracy will be out in 2004?

Well in my strong opinion....FACT

Let's lay some facts out here... I've been cussed out on this board because of my opinons. People say that they've been working on the album for like 10 years and blah blah what not. The truth is that this album has only been in the making for about 5 full years, which is still a long time but 5 years is 5 years. Axl Rose took the best thing in rock n' roll and made it into something different. Guns N' Roses are different. He took the top rock band and redid it. 1999 saw "Oh My God" and he did some random little interviews. We know that activity has been going on. The 4 shows in 2000 and 2001 bring us to believe "soon" is in Axl's dictionary.

The 2002 Asian leg and the VMA closing, then the U.S. tour that was cancelled and then NOTHING is heard from the band since.... come on. December of 2002 is the last thing we heard from Gn'R it is now 1 year later almost and still nothing but a confirmed date in Lisbon, Portugal. I say Chinese Democracy will start in 2004 for sure, whether it's in the summer or if the album is released December 31st 2004. It will be in 2004. The album has too much anticipation and hype for it not to be released. The album should be done, and their should be more then just 1 album done. Whatever Mr. Rose is doing, it's prevelant that he is doing something... something big. Too much time has passed and Rose knows it. 2004 will be the year of CD, no matter how we've all said "2002" is the year. Or if we said "2003" is the year. I truly believe that 2004 will be the year. And if it isn't I will personally not really care in 2005. Time takes a toll, Axl Rose being one of the best front men of all time knows that time is certain and important. His time is running out. Something must happen soon, like an album release.

Chinese Democracy starts in 2004!


Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: raoxsle on November 29, 2003, 12:35:22 AM

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Jizzo on November 29, 2003, 10:14:53 PM

The album will be out december 31st, 2003  :peace:

But I've been known to be wrong from time to time.

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Crowebar on November 29, 2003, 11:23:12 PM
I believe that this is about to be a very well-known fact.  :o

Sometime before RIR4, the album will be out.  :beer:

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on November 30, 2003, 12:16:12 AM
There is only so many times Axl can put this off/push the album back. Geffen cant wait any longer. the time is now.
Alot of people are saying its finally done, and radio stations have started to get promotion for the album.
Also, i asked a boston DJ and he told me, he was told early 2004.
Plus I think it has to be out before RIR4 or any tour.
they cant keep playing hte same set list from 2000

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: ktucker450 on November 30, 2003, 01:22:54 AM
I know everyone thinks this is a fact, but to me, in my mind chinese democracy will never come out, and I make myself keep thinkin this so that I'm not dissapointed if it doesn't come out.  So basically i won't be let-down.  but i'm really hopin it is out.

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: echrisl on November 30, 2003, 02:22:12 AM

Chinese Democracy has been awaited by fans for many years.  We may argue about how long it's been in production, but whether you start counting from the release date of The Spaghetti Incident, the date that Slash left the band, or the date that Axl first mentioned he had begun work on a new Guns N' Roses album, the fact is that it has been a hell of a long time for one album.

Now fans may argue that Axl is working on three albums, and that's why this is taking so long, but that argument only lessens any chance that we will see Chinese Democracy in 2004.  If Axl was going to release the album when it was done, we would have the album already.  Many people who have heard the material have come out and said it is excellent, but no one who has heard the material has said when it will be released.  We have heard from several band members that they are done with their parts for the album, and indeed I believe some members have been saying that for years now.  No member has said that they have anything to do on the album that has not already been recorded.  Thus we can assume that the album has been done already for some time now.  If there has been no move to release it yet, they why would we expect that it will be released in 2004.  It has more than likely been shelved for a length of time known to no one, perhaps not even W. Axl Rose.  

There were members of the band who said that the album would come out in summer 2001.  There have been band members guessing when the album will come out for quite a while now, and the lack of specifics leads me to believe that the album has been done since at least 2001 and that these members have no clue when it will be released.

In short there is no actual reason that the album should not have been released already, and since it has not yet been released, we must conclude that Axl is not ready to release the album.  If he is not ready, then it is ludicrous to place any hope in a 2004 release, because there is no reason to believe he will be any more ready in 2004 than he was in 2001, 2002 or 2003.  The band has made no official communication about their future plans since the cancellation of the Chinese Democracy North American tour in 2002, and no explaination given.  They have been silent for over a year and they will remain silent about the album through 2004.  It would be a miracle if they mentioned why the tour was cancelled.

They may play out at RIR 4, and they may do other shows, but I do not expect any mention of Chinese Democracy to be made.  All questions about the album will be deflected or answered in riddles that have no meaning.  Everyone expected Chinese Democracy to be released after GNR announced RIR 3, and it wasn't.  Everyone expected Chinese Democracy to be released after the GNR appearance at the 2002 VMA's and it wasn't.  Everyone expected Chinese Democracy to be released after *insert appearance here* and it wasn't.  

Any thought that Chinese Democracy will be released in 2004 is 100% fiction.

*end of argument*

Hey D,

Great idea man, I thought I was the only one who watched around the horn, this is a great style for debates on this board.  (and it never hurts to suck up to the scorekeeper)

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on November 30, 2003, 05:36:18 AM
"They may play out at RIR 4, and they may do other shows, but I do not expect any mention of Chinese Democracy to be made.? All questions about the album will be deflected or answered in riddles that have no meaning.? Everyone expected Chinese Democracy to be released after GNR announced RIR 3, and it wasn't.? Everyone expected Chinese Democracy to be released after the GNR appearance at the 2002 VMA's and it wasn't.? Everyone expected Chinese Democracy to be released after *insert appearance here* and it wasn't.?"

That was part of my point.
There is only so many  times axl can push the album back and tweak it before the band either leaves of geffen makes axl put it out.
Also, axl even said at the VMAs the album wont be out any time soon, so no one should have expected it after that.

Also like i told a lot of people on this board in dec of 2002 the plan was to put CD out around labor day of 2003 which that didnt happen but if it does happen in early 2004 lets say march, then that is only 6 months difference which is not that big of a deal when compared to the UYIs.

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Jizzo on November 30, 2003, 09:57:25 PM
My latest answer to any CD questions is. "Call me a week after axl dies, hopefully we'll know the date by then"

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: C0ma on December 01, 2003, 10:16:46 AM
I want to believe it's fact, every piece of me wants this to be a fact.



I completely disagree with the idea that something has to be released prior to the Lisbon show. Why not release some thing before the Vegas show, or the Rio show, or the Vegas shows, or for that matter the Asia/Euro tour, or the VMA performance, and finnally why not release something before a North American tour.......Why? because nothing is done logicaly in this band.........nothing is done in smart "human"'s all done in Axl time. This album isn't for us, this album is for Axl....and when Axl is ready maybe it will get released. Anyone who has any historical knowledge of the band knows that Axl doesn't need a reason or an album to do a show. If he hadn't been rushed to release the Illusion albums, he probably could have toured through 91' without an album......then Izzy would have left......then the album would have had to be re-recorded. Untill I get a press release with a date, I'm not going to hold my breath..

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on December 01, 2003, 07:05:41 PM
Here are some reason I think CD was delayed a few times in 2000 and 2001.
In late 99/2000 Josh Freese left the band and Brain and BH joined. So brain had to redo most if not all of joshs drum parts, and bh had to add his parts to the album.

Then Paul left the band and Richard had to redo a lot or maybe all of his parts on the album, so that further delayed the album.

That is just a few reasons why i think they were not put out then.

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: A.L.R. on December 01, 2003, 07:26:17 PM

All the stuff that happened the last couple years was driven by an impulse to perform and go out there, they weren't ready yet, they just needed the stage and to connect with the fans again.  They thought it was what they should do, it was what they wanted to do, but they wern't ready.  Now, the band has expieirenced the crowd together, created a base onto which the band will evolve on.  They created their deadline(RIR4), they have at least come close to finishing the album.  2004,  Let it begin.


Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: D on December 10, 2003, 07:17:35 AM
Fact, here are my points

1.)I think 2004 Will be the year of chinese democracy because thing are allready coming into shape for 2004 with RIR4 and a possible Germany show.I know this looks like history repeating its self but I knew Chinese Democracy would not be out in 2002-2003 as soon as the riot in Vancover Occured I felt that fucked any momentum for Guns n roses on that particular tour.

2.)I feel promotion has somewhat started with the re-release of welcome to the Videos and the '92tokyo show I know thise were thing that the old band did but,I think the record company is trying to see how much the name of Guns n Roses will appeal with the younger generation.

3.)I believe the new band had to take time to get the chemistry down and I believe it's there now and the band can work better with each other on stage and will be more able to put a better live show on for the crowd and will gain more fans with the better chemistry.

finally im scoring this game sorry people ive been busy

i believed c.d. was comin out until the end especially after the great msg show, i love the chemistry point it makes alot of sense cause chemistry was lacking some, it is strange that the record label put out the welcome to the videos and tokyos after all this time so that could be a possible sign u did good this round chinese, u get 8 points!

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: D on December 10, 2003, 07:20:56 AM

All bias aside, Axl knows it's down to crunch-time. He knows, and everyone else in the world knows, that if the album isn't released next year, it will be the end of GNR. As much as it pains me to say that, it's the truth. Never before has there been such a demanding presence for the album. Before now, even as bad as it's been for us, there have been halfway plausible excuses, or even filler info from Tommy or Dizzy, stuff we already knew. That's pretty much all I can say. Everyone associated with the band has to be about ready to explode. I think it will be the greatest album ever, and the new band is my favorite band ever, but they know, I know, we all know they HAVE to put it out next year. Their careers hang in the balance...

yeah true it is coming down to crunch time but lets be real here even if axl doesnt put this out till 2008 we will buy it when he finally does, so im not ready to say its axl's last chance, i believe it will be the greatest album ever i dont know if axl can do anything else to destroy his career and after all this time i question if axl gives a fuck about his career i mean he's had a good life for almost 8 years now without music so i personally think he can take it or leave it, u made some good points however u get 6 points

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: D on December 10, 2003, 07:22:29 AM
I cant picture them not releasing it next year...

Then again, I cant picture them releasing it next year either...

Ill say fact.

great point booker thats how i feel, its like i know its comin out in 2004 but yet again i just cannot picture everholding it in my hand

short and sweet 6 points

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: D on December 10, 2003, 07:24:47 AM
This is a fact. There is going to be Rock Inr Rio4, and we know Axl ain't for cashing. Now when Axl's out to play in RIR4 and has earlier said that "when I got some product finished(new songs to be played), then I'll give somekind of information", I would assume that this is somekind of information from Axl and that the next step after the gig will be album releasing/marketing process. so yes, this is more fact than fiction.  

john daniels i swear i believe u can tap into my brain, im puttin my tinfoil helmet on bro! exaclty axl said that he wont give info till there is a new product so i to believe that axl wouldnt be doing rir4 if he didnt have something to release watch out for john here he is smoking right now!  8 points!

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: D on December 10, 2003, 07:26:46 AM
I'll have to go with fact

1. axl stated numerous times on last years tour, that there would be a bunch of new songs the next time they came around.

2. Band members have said 2004 and we hear that they have began rehearsing again. And I doubt that they would start a tour again, with no new songs.

3. We have been hearing about the finishing touches for awhile, one of these times it will be true.

4. Re-releasing of DVD's to get the gn'r name out there some more

All of these things add up to indicate that the cd will be out this year. However, with gn'r nothing is 100 percent definite.

well axl also said at rock in rio 3 in 2001 that he'd be back next summer with a bunch of new songs, rhiad and the bedouins dont count for me, i like the bandmember in 2004 thats what tommy said and its lookin legit the dvds of course and yes nothin is 100 percent in gnr    nice 6 points

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: D on December 10, 2003, 07:29:30 AM

Everything has been building to this point. All the rumours, the build up has already began with the dvd's and the announcement of RIR4. We know they have been putting finishing touches to the album since September.

The 2002 tour was merely to remind people that GNR were still around, in hindsight it is clear the album was never intended for release was just to keep impatient fans happy.

RIR4 will the warm up show to a summer tour with the album arriving no more than a month before RIR4 to ensure it is not damaged by the post Xmas sales lull.

Early January GNR will update and the promotion will kick off

im not so sure izzy i think if the tour wouldve been massive without the hitches we wouldve had c.d. by now, i think the poor attendance showed axl that he had better put every big gun on c.d. and not wait for 3 records, i think it had something in his thought process, not sure if anyone runs gnronline! lol!  izzy u are my bro but u get 6 this round

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: D on December 10, 2003, 07:32:10 AM

--Tommy Stinson said it would be out prior to his album, which was/is scheduled for February or March.

--Tommy did not tour for a second time as was originally supposed to happen, suggesting he had GNR obligations.

--Rock In Rio 4 PLUS the possibility of more Euro dates. No way Axl allows more new tracks to leak to the bootleg hounds.

--Dizzy Reed mention on HH website, which said Dizzy was flying back to LA for rehearsals.

--The sudden cancellation of the Greatest Hits disc. Probably only cancelled by Geffen under the express condition that Axl get the album out in 04.

nice nice nice nice nice, tommy not touring again to me is a hugeeee indicator alone, the cancellation of the greatest hits come on people how come nobody else thought of these? 8 points for nick

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: D on December 10, 2003, 07:37:10 AM

Chinese Democracy has been awaited by fans for many years.  We may argue about how long it's been in production, but whether you start counting from the release date of The Spaghetti Incident, the date that Slash left the band, or the date that Axl first mentioned he had begun work on a new Guns N' Roses album, the fact is that it has been a hell of a long time for one album.

Now fans may argue that Axl is working on three albums, and that's why this is taking so long, but that argument only lessens any chance that we will see Chinese Democracy in 2004.  If Axl was going to release the album when it was done, we would have the album already.  Many people who have heard the material have come out and said it is excellent, but no one who has heard the material has said when it will be released.  We have heard from several band members that they are done with their parts for the album, and indeed I believe some members have been saying that for years now.  No member has said that they have anything to do on the album that has not already been recorded.  Thus we can assume that the album has been done already for some time now.  If there has been no move to release it yet, they why would we expect that it will be released in 2004.  It has more than likely been shelved for a length of time known to no one, perhaps not even W. Axl Rose.  

There were members of the band who said that the album would come out in summer 2001.  There have been band members guessing when the album will come out for quite a while now, and the lack of specifics leads me to believe that the album has been done since at least 2001 and that these members have no clue when it will be released.

In short there is no actual reason that the album should not have been released already, and since it has not yet been released, we must conclude that Axl is not ready to release the album.  If he is not ready, then it is ludicrous to place any hope in a 2004 release, because there is no reason to believe he will be any more ready in 2004 than he was in 2001, 2002 or 2003.  The band has made no official communication about their future plans since the cancellation of the Chinese Democracy North American tour in 2002, and no explaination given.  They have been silent for over a year and they will remain silent about the album through 2004.  It would be a miracle if they mentioned why the tour was cancelled.

They may play out at RIR 4, and they may do other shows, but I do not expect any mention of Chinese Democracy to be made.  All questions about the album will be deflected or answered in riddles that have no meaning.  Everyone expected Chinese Democracy to be released after GNR announced RIR 3, and it wasn't.  Everyone expected Chinese Democracy to be released after the GNR appearance at the 2002 VMA's and it wasn't.  Everyone expected Chinese Democracy to be released after *insert appearance here* and it wasn't.  

Any thought that Chinese Democracy will be released in 2004 is 100% fiction.

*end of argument*

Hey D,

Great idea man, I thought I was the only one who watched around the horn, this is a great style for debates on this board.  (and it never hurts to suck up to the scorekeeper)

yes around the horn is the greatest!  our first fiction i love that, great points it isnt guranteed they could just play rir4 and that be it, portugal didnt get a 2002 tour so it would be new to those fans so lets not get our hopes up to high and yes we all anticipated c.d.c omin out after the vmas remember

no way they would close the vma's and not release it but axl and his fuckin soon isnt the word speech

great arguments echristl  10 point answer for goin against the grain and makin great arguments for it not coming out which is very possible when it comes to axl

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: D on December 10, 2003, 07:39:45 AM
i didnt comment on everyones posts to save time but i scored everyone, look for the new game

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Skeba on December 10, 2003, 08:38:50 AM
What you (D) also did, was post nine (!) posts in a row to a single topic. Double posting is sometimes annoying, this is beyond that. You could've anwered to the people in one post, or if it would've been too long, cut it in 2 posts. This just looks like you're just bumping up your post count. Big time. Even if it wasn't the case, it comes out that way.

Also, when you quote someone, try to quote only a part you're anwering to. Especially if it's a long post.

So in the future...


Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: D on December 10, 2003, 04:31:55 PM
What you (D) also did, was post nine (!) posts in a row to a single topic. Double posting is sometimes annoying, this is beyond that. You could've anwered to the people in one post, or if it would've been too long, cut it in 2 posts. This just looks like you're just bumping up your post count. Big time. Even if it wasn't the case, it comes out that way.

Also, when you quote someone, try to quote only a part you're anwering to. Especially if it's a long post.

So in the future...


this may sound unbelievable but after all this time i still dont know how to quote certain parts! help!

sorry bout the posting i explained on the last one that in order to do this game correctly id have to post in a row, i dont care bout post count i mean jarmo can take the 10 or so off or whatever it is that i have to do in order to play this game effectively

this game is for the people on this board who enjoy it and i honestly dont know any other way to do it

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Gunner80 on December 10, 2003, 05:11:23 PM
I sure hope so!

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: hninzipan on December 12, 2003, 05:51:32 PM

-the rock in rio lisbon

-releasing of the dvds. they could have done it whenever but why throw gnr to our attention again....

-in 2002 axl planned the tour thinking that old songs would do the trick and the tour would bring the togetherness to the band. Although europe was ever supporting of gnr, he found out that he just cant do an american tour just with old material. At the time the plan was prob to do the tour n finish off the album. Then the events of the tour made axl realized that he needed the album to tour the states. So europe will be a warm up( including the RIR 2004), before the album release and a subsequent US tour will follow. (who knows may b another album during the us tour or between us nad anotehr world tour )

-all other rumours pointing to the release

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: BostonGunner on December 12, 2003, 08:23:39 PM
Maybe VR will be a factor in the release of Chinese Democracy.  How would Axl feel if VR really took off, and sold 3 million copies, and Axl still had no album?  I think that maybe VR will make Axl not want to delay the album anymore than it has already.  

Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Naupis on December 25, 2004, 10:05:39 PM
Well.....I figured I would bump this so we could all see everyone's predictions and how they turned out. Funny how everyone is using the "has to be out in 05" logic using the exact same reasons people were using at the end of 03. Whether it comes or not no one knows, but I don't think any amount of logic answers this question.

Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Saul on December 26, 2004, 12:34:31 AM

I think it will be out in 2004.  :hihi:


Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: ppbebe on December 26, 2004, 01:02:27 AM
 ::) You are out of time!

Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Saul on December 26, 2004, 11:25:04 AM
I've got four days!  :beer:

let's go axl , hurry! 4 days , you can do it.  : ok:

Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: norway on December 26, 2004, 02:04:49 PM
haha,  :D just hold on and belive :beer:

Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: ill`usion on December 26, 2004, 05:28:08 PM
mmmyeah...we got about 4 days left...(this is tragic)

anybody wanna start a new thread "chinese democracy will be out in 2005?

i trust axl's working hard on it...and i know it'll be worth the time to wait (i'm optimistic enough to say that)...

all we need is just a little patience...or perhaps a whole lot will be out eventualy

Title: Re:fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: dont_damn_me on December 27, 2004, 11:00:18 PM

--The sudden cancellation of the Greatest Hits disc. Probably only cancelled by Geffen under the express condition that Axl get the album out in 04.  ]

When was the RIR4 confirmed?....and is the Greatest Hits no longer in production?? when did these things happen?

Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: vietnow138 on December 28, 2004, 02:36:23 AM
We'll all know in 4 days...

Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Cowboy Buddha on December 28, 2004, 03:03:19 AM
way to bring up a year old topic.

Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on December 28, 2004, 04:59:31 PM
This topic reminds us we are no closer to a release than a year ago   :'(

Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: norway on December 28, 2004, 05:02:38 PM
this is just too optimistic...


thank god this is a vey old topic...

Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Saul on December 28, 2004, 05:26:06 PM
I'm starting to think the album may not be out in 2004.  :no:

Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: grog mug on December 28, 2004, 05:32:51 PM
Fiction.  If no word by early 2005, then fiction for 2005-2006 as well.

Title: Re: fact or fiction chinese democracy will be out in 2004
Post by: Pandora on December 28, 2004, 06:57:42 PM
This thread has become useless. May it rest in peace  ;)

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