Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: In a coma on September 24, 2003, 03:00:38 PM

Title: My Frustration
Post by: In a coma on September 24, 2003, 03:00:38 PM
Iwill be honest I believe in Guns N rose and to be more specific I believe in Axl rose. I have said this time and time again. I am sick of waiting. I am like pavlovs dogs I log on to this website every day and I expect to see (on the news section) "Chinese democracy release date".
In fact I hope Jarmo has something very special planned. I don't know the chinese dog doing cartwheels. You know what I will always believe in Guns N roses but for the love of god I am bored, bored of waiting for it. A lot of people come on here and are very precious about the new band fuck it why? They certainly haven't done anything to justify it. This is not a post to have a go at the new band. I am sure I will love them given chance, but until they do soemthing to earn that love then why? I know I will get "Just wait for the album" "You must love the new band". I am stepping out I love Guns N roses but that Guns N roses had slash and duff etc. I am prepared to love the new incarnation, but until they tour/release an album they do not exist. The blues and Madagascar are unbelieveably good and I can't wait. A rant I don't know why I am just losing the faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: Lionel Hutz on September 24, 2003, 03:11:41 PM
Stop whining.

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: padje on September 24, 2003, 03:17:17 PM
I understand your feelings, in fact, very often I feel the same as you do. But then, Pamparius is right... Stop whining...

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: ScottyGNR on September 24, 2003, 03:50:15 PM
I agree 100%.  I need to rant sometimes.  This band hasn't done anything to make me them earn my respect or whatever.  

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: coondogg on September 24, 2003, 04:14:24 PM
I agree 100% also.....about stopping the whining

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: Christos AG on September 24, 2003, 04:41:56 PM
ok, the worst feeling for a GNR fan...

He comes to this board one day and posts this kind of thread. "I'm bored, I can't wait anymore etc etc..."

And the next day we have an official release date.

Isn't it ironic? It will happen to one of you someday...  ;)

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: Izzy on September 24, 2003, 05:02:56 PM
Stop whining, this isn't the worst thing that has happened to you so don't pretend it is, the album will be out within 2 years...if u really want some class music to listen to go buy The Darkness's album or anything by Skid Row that should keep u going.

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: Mattman on September 24, 2003, 06:17:17 PM
ok, the worst feeling for a GNR fan...

He comes to this board one day and posts this kind of thread. "I'm bored, I can't wait anymore etc etc..."

And the next day we have an official release date.

Isn't it ironic? It will happen to one of you someday...  ;)

Hey, you know what?  I think I'll do that, just so I'll finally hear that the damn album finally has an official release date.

Listen to the old albums, get into new bands, and enjoy yourself.  Life is too short to waste time waiting for a reclusive millionaire to get his act together.

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 24, 2003, 06:38:49 PM
Nah..Whine all you want, it's your right to. Axl makes it very frustrating for fans, I don't blame you. :crying:

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: ScottyGNR on September 24, 2003, 07:05:55 PM
why write "stop whining"?  What the hell?  It's a message board.  He can come here to vent and rant.  even if you are bothered with the guy whining, why click reply and type it out

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: Guns4life on September 24, 2003, 07:15:12 PM
Man, if I had a dollar for everyone who posted something how they were mad about Chinese Democracy not being released,  I would be rich.

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: In a coma on September 25, 2003, 02:27:46 AM
Stop whining.

Yes it was a whine! But so what. If you believe in something then you are entitled to whine about it once in a while. This is how I felt yesterday. Also this is a message board about Guns N Roses and hey this is how I felt about Guns N roses yesterday. You see it's cathartic. Anyway Ifeel better about it today. Roll January 2020.

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: DemocracyRose on September 25, 2003, 02:58:10 AM
Come on, this isnt the end of world... GNR will release the CD. when its ready... I believe it will be in the first part of 2004... I hope...

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: decadent on September 25, 2003, 08:27:26 AM
gonna have some fun with my frustation
gonna watch the big screen in my head

for me it comes and goes... sometimes I feel very frustated at this situation, and sometimes I just ignore the whole mess... like now I have so much going on in my life that I don't have the time to think about it.

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: BostonGunner on September 25, 2003, 08:54:41 AM
Hey, I hear ya dude.  The wait and lack of news sucks.  But as Axl has said you have to just live your life.  The album will come out when it will.  There is nothing we can do.

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: Rebecca Duff Rose on September 26, 2003, 04:16:02 PM
In a Coma had a right to that post!  :yes:
I agree with you, i mean who wouldn't!


You never know Mr. Rose may just come on here {please god, please!} and read all of these posts, and see how angry, impatient n' upset we are, but however are still excited n' happy 2! And how much we love him {or maybe fancy the pants off him!}  :-*
And don't say 'No he won't!', 'He's too cool for that' blahdy blah! Because he maybe on his computer right this moment!
                            :o {Yowza!}  :o

I mean Duff posts messages on the net, maybe even Slash, Izzy, n' Steven.
You never know who you are talkin too!!!!  : ok:

In the words off Bon Jovi- 'Keep The Faith' for cryin out loud!
{And don't dis Bon Jovi you guys!!! Me n' D WON'T be impressed!-Lol!!!}

 ;D Peace Out!  ;)

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: SwedeChildO'Mine on October 06, 2003, 09:56:46 AM
There's a good Swedish saying and it's:

The one who's waiting for something really good, could never wait too long

If we only give it time and waits patiently we'll probably get a superb new album.


Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: BabyJenks on October 06, 2003, 10:38:40 AM
yep, it gets frustrating sometimes. :confused:
I agreee with In a Coma and Rebecca Duff Rose. : ok:

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: Rebecca Duff Rose on October 06, 2003, 03:10:38 PM
yep, it gets frustrating sometimes. :confused:
I agreee with In a Coma and Rebecca Duff Rose. : ok:

Bless ya BabyJenks!

thats the spirit SwedeChildOfMine!

Lol u guys!

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: Jagged Little Pill on October 07, 2003, 11:08:21 AM
Ok first of all..I'm not tryin to sound like an asshole when I say this

Your life is not going to end if you do not get this cd...if you don't want to wait...then don't's as simple as that..just do something else with your time..stop thinknig about it..would you rather axl make it as good as he thinks it can be..then release it..and it was worth the wait..or would you rather him just release it and it be crap just so you can have the cd..then you'll be pissed off because it wasn't good..just let him finish it..let him like it before he releases will get it when you get it.

Title: Re:My Frustration
Post by: Krispy Kreme on October 16, 2003, 10:05:05 PM
1.  I share the frustration of many, but...
2. to wait on Axl Rose is "a waste of my fucking time..."
3. So, I "live my life" whatever that is supposed to mean, and as if I could not, and hope for the day that somehow, someone will get his act together and release a new album.

Title: Re: My Frustration
Post by: Queen of Everything on March 08, 2005, 01:52:50 AM
Good things come to those who wait!!!!!!!!  ;D

Title: Re: My Frustration
Post by: kiss-from-a-rose on March 14, 2005, 04:29:30 PM

"T?relem ROZSAT terem..." - As we say in my country.  :smoking:

Title: Re: My Frustration
Post by: Queen of Everything on March 16, 2005, 05:10:58 AM

"T?relem ROZSAT terem..." - As we say in my country.? :smoking:

Wait!! Re-wind? What does THAT mean ???