Title: September 28th, 2023: Houston, TX @ Minute Maid Park Post by: cineater on September 27, 2023, 03:48:46 PM Outside and hot.
(https://content.invisioncic.com/r160939/monthly_2023_09/Screenshot_20230928_124927_Instagram.thumb.jpg.1ab83486ea53b72bb25445fa25f78ec1.jpg) Thanks to MyGNR Title: Re: September 28th, 2023: Houston, TX @ Minute Maid Park Post by: cineater on September 28, 2023, 11:02:16 AM I'll be rolling in late to this one. I know I should of made some comments about the little peekaboo at the last show. Later, I won't forget but for now let's just leave it at, how's it hanging Slash? You know I'm concerned. :hihi: