Title: September 11th, 2021: Atlantic City, NJ @ Hard Rock Live at Etess Arena Post by: jarmo on June 02, 2021, 06:44:43 AM Board members attending: johnreed3344, sandman
Tickets (http://ticketmaster.com/) / VIP (https://www.vipnation.com/tour/2021-tour-0) / Map (https://www.google.com/maps/@39.3593901,-74.4205746,17.62z?hl=en) / Time (http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_US-NJ.aspx) / Tripadvisor Hotels (https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotels-g29750-Atlantic_City_New_Jersey-Hotels.html) / Weather (https://www.wunderground.com/weather/us/nj/atlantic-city) Closest airport: Atlantic City International Airport (ACY) Title: Re: September 11th, 2021: Atlantic City, NJ @ Hard Rock Live at Etess Arena Post by: sandman on August 03, 2021, 12:53:42 PM i'm attending this show. I bought 6 tix - got 5 friends to go as well, 2 of which have never seen GnR. we're in GA PIT. we're staying in AC the entire weekend. can't wait! :beer:
Title: Re: September 11th, 2021: Atlantic City, NJ @ Hard Rock Live at Etess Arena Post by: johnreed3344 on August 04, 2021, 08:16:36 AM I will be there with the wife