Title: South America numbers...Looking pretty impresive Post by: bolton on January 09, 2017, 12:25:43 PM River plate stadium 105026/112600 ....11.004.736$
Allianz Park Sao Paulo 93600/96700...11.047.736$ Estadio Nacional Chile 62375/62375... 6.415.236$ Estadio Medellin 39511/39511... 5.738.796$ Estadio Porto Alegre 50.567/50567... 4.215.852 Estadio monumental Lima 44288/44288...4.059.102 Title: Re: South America numbers...Looking pretty impresive Post by: nick6sic6 on January 09, 2017, 01:58:59 PM I'm pretty sure the European shows will be somewhat the same.