Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Koek on April 04, 2016, 09:15:29 AM

Title: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Koek on April 04, 2016, 09:15:29 AM
Yesterday I read here a message form someone who contacted the booking agency for Adler. He stated that he cannot say anything due to legal issues, but only that Steven was OK.

I noticed this message is vanished! ??? Was it bullshit?

Also a new article popped up on the net which states that Steven injured his back and rehearsed with GN'R (Mick Wall), see link below: (

Hope he's OK and we see him soon, wether with Adler or GN'R.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: jarmo on April 04, 2016, 09:19:17 AM
We ask that people who post here have some respect for others and their privacy. Posting personal information and so on is not allowed.

Encouraging that kind of behavior is not something we do here.


Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Koek on April 04, 2016, 09:22:23 AM
I really appreciate the respect and privacy rules and I totally agree it was way out of line to contact the agency for this matter.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: GeorgeSteele on April 04, 2016, 09:22:41 AM
Whatever health issues or injuries Adler may have suffered, that's certainly private, but the rumor that he was rehearsing and set to perform, that's fair game, no?  I find it hard to believe, but regardless, that's quite a BFD.  

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: EmilyGNR on April 04, 2016, 10:15:00 AM
I knew Mick Wall would crawl out from under his rock eventually  :hihi:

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Executioner on April 04, 2016, 10:49:05 AM
It would be great if Adler was in at least as a guest appearance on a few gigs,More importantly where the f##k is Izzy,just because Slash is back in it's seems to have appeased all the Johnny come lately fans who deserted them from 94 till  now ,no concrete facts have been revealed as to why he is not on board just speculation and so called keyboard warriors giving their so called expert opinions.If he's declined it fine ,but hopefully he might play at a few shows during the tour.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: dmathski on April 04, 2016, 11:19:55 AM
Well really hope this injury to Steven isn't too bad and he can guest some songs soon. Hopefully either in Vegas or Coachella. Wonder what these other surprises Mick is talking about. I'm thinking many guests on tour. Not just from Matt and Gilby but other stars. Angus wouldn't surprise me. Nothing would at this point.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: GNR4LIFEJD on April 04, 2016, 11:24:11 AM
Honestly this steven adles stuff is getting tiresome as a human being i hope all is well with him health wise but i could care less if he plays 1 song or none at all i like the diversity of this current band old and new

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 04, 2016, 11:32:31 AM

Honestly this steven adles stuff is getting tiresome as a human being i hope all is well with him health wise but i could care less if he plays 1 song or none at all i like the diversity of this current band old and new

Agreed.  I'm tired of talking about it.

I stayed up all night to watch some dude Periscope from across the street.  And at no point did my mind wander to the topic of Steven Adler.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Jay Tea on April 04, 2016, 11:32:49 AM
I don't think it's ok to contact Alex Grossi unless you want to book one of his clients or you need him to replace the lead guitarist in your 80's metal band.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: MJ23 on April 04, 2016, 11:44:40 AM
Honestly this steven adles stuff is getting tiresome as a human being i hope all is well with him health wise but i could care less if he plays 1 song or none at all i like the diversity of this current band old and new

Well said.

I think there are far more interesting things coming over the next days and weeks.
I hope he can get his life running the right way.
I do not know him personally nor do I have the any insider infos so I can't say anything else than that.

I think we should focus on the music and enjoy it - everything else including these assumptions on someone else's health is in my opinion stupid and not needed right know.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: slashsbaconpit on April 04, 2016, 01:32:08 PM
We ask that people who post here have some respect for others and their privacy. Posting personal information and so on is not allowed.

Encouraging that kind of behavior is not something we do here.


So you'd be annoyed if I posted Axl's cell number on the board?

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Thorned Rose on April 04, 2016, 01:48:53 PM
Maybe the topic is annoying for some of you because people just truly want to see the "happy go lucky" fun drummer Gn'R had at one point get a fucking show or a few songs or something?

He has wanted this longer than anyone else... it is happening, so naturally... fans want to see him play drums a few times. It isn't that tough to understand.

I mean who "doesn't" want Adler to play like 1 show or a few songs on some shows? Why would you not want that?

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: jarmo on April 04, 2016, 01:50:50 PM
So you'd be annoyed if I posted Axl's cell number on the board?

Annoyed is the wrong word.

No matter whose phone number you post without their permission.


Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Sickthings3 on April 04, 2016, 03:07:36 PM
Maybe the topic is annoying for some of you because people just truly want to see the "happy go lucky" fun drummer Gn'R had at one point get a fucking show or a few songs or something?

He has wanted this longer than anyone else... it is happening, so naturally... fans want to see him play drums a few times. It isn't that tough to understand.

I mean who "doesn't" want Adler to play like 1 show or a few songs on some shows? Why would you not want that?

My own issue, and I'm a nobody, is a quote from Axl years back about how even something small with Steven isn't worth it because of the headaches with all the lawyers and his mom getting involved. That could be one. Or it could be he was rehearsing with them and got injured and needed surgery.

I love Steven and I wish him the best. I hope he comes out ok and even better then before. And if he plays with them, I'd be more than happy. But Frank is an amazing drummer, he's been doing a kick ass job, and I'm very, very happy he's here!

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 04, 2016, 05:56:12 PM
When Steven lost even Duff's support, that's when you knew he was cooked.

That story about him getting shitfaced at the airport before their flight really summed it up, I think.  Dude needs to grow up in a big way.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: dmathski on April 04, 2016, 05:57:37 PM
Really bummed to hear Steven and his back injury. If it's true and he needs surgery I would assume he's out for the tour but just doing a quick google search it seems it really depends he very well may be back in time for some shows.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 04, 2016, 05:59:40 PM

Really bummed to hear Steven and his back injury. If it's true and he needs surgery I would assume he's out for the tour but just doing a quick google search it seems it really depends he very well may be back in time for some shows.

Are we totally buying that story? 

Show of hands.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: NaturalLight on April 04, 2016, 06:11:06 PM

Really bummed to hear Steven and his back injury. If it's true and he needs surgery I would assume he's out for the tour but just doing a quick google search it seems it really depends he very well may be back in time for some shows.

Are we totally buying that story? 

Show of hands.

Hahahaha. I injured my back once.
Falling off a bar stool.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: DeN on April 04, 2016, 06:16:08 PM
Are we totally buying that story? 

not really. unless one of the other guys broke his back because he pissed off everyone during the rehearsals.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: firecracker69 on April 04, 2016, 06:48:57 PM
I buy that something is going on with him but not necessarily a back injury.
I also agree ot wasn't cool to post the agents personal info.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Bodhi on April 04, 2016, 07:03:52 PM
Maybe the topic is annoying for some of you because people just truly want to see the "happy go lucky" fun drummer Gn'R had at one point get a fucking show or a few songs or something?

He has wanted this longer than anyone else... it is happening, so naturally... fans want to see him play drums a few times. It isn't that tough to understand.

I mean who "doesn't" want Adler to play like 1 show or a few songs on some shows? Why would you not want that?

It really depends when you became a fan of the band.  I became a fan in 1992, so to me Axl, Slash and Duff were always the "Classic lineup" as they were the only 3 who played on all the material I discovered in 1992 and were still in the band at the time.  That is not to diminish Izzy in anyway, its just when I became a fan at the age of 10,  Gilby was already there so that is the rhythm guitar player I associated with Guns N Roses.  Drumming is the last thing I care about, so I don't care if Steven plays or he doesn't.  Frank has been awesome for a lot of years so he is my top choice.  If I had to choose a drummer from the classic era its Matt everyday and twice on Sunday.

To a fan like me, Axl, Slash, Duff and Dizzy is enough for me from the classic lineup.   I am completely satisfied with that.   Partner that with the fact that I, (unlike a lot of fans who just started paying attention again for the first time since 1994) am a HUGE fan of every incarnation of the band.  I love "Chinese Democracy" and hope they play a ton of songs from it.  Having Richard and Frank in the band in what some call a "hybrid" line up is the absolute best case scenario for a fan like me.   

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: DeN on April 04, 2016, 07:27:42 PM

well, since they promote it as a reunion, they count on that type of reaction.
all that can minus Izzy & Steven's roles is good to take.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 04, 2016, 07:46:43 PM

I buy that something is going on with him but not necessarily a back injury.
I also agree ot wasn't cool to post the agents personal info.

Agreed, on both counts.

I'm more inclined to believe he found out he wasn't in and went off the rails.  Or, in his case, back to the rails.

Only thing that doesn't add up is him staying quiet.  You could make the argument that is the rational move and taking the long view if he ever hopes to have another shot.  But rational moves and the long view are not exactly Steven's trademarks.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: asdf gunner on April 04, 2016, 07:50:35 PM

well, since they promote it as a reunion, they count on that type of reaction.
all that can minus Izzy & Steven's roles is good to take.

Except, you know, they never promoted it as a reunion  : ok:

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 04, 2016, 07:56:18 PM

well, since they promote it as a reunion, they count on that type of reaction.
all that can minus Izzy & Steven's roles is good to take.

Except, you know, they never promoted it as a reunion  : ok:

They haven't, but every headline and article refers to it as such.

And I think so most people, it is.  Regardless of terminology used.

Slash back = reunion.  To about 99% of the world.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: slashsbaconpit on April 04, 2016, 09:28:58 PM
So you'd be annoyed if I posted Axl's cell number on the board?

Annoyed is the wrong word.

No matter whose phone number you post without their permission.


Hey everyone, here's Jarmo's phone number ...

I'm just kidding. I only have Axl's.

Not Axl Rose mind you, just some skate shop my kids go to ...

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Johnnyblood on April 04, 2016, 09:49:43 PM
Frank is fine. His drumming is similar to Matt's. I saw a couple of shows with the Brain, Finck, Buckethead lineup. I think Brain was probably the best drummer the band has had. But Steven is the guy. His drumming was so fucked up that it worked perfectly. So while I understand having a reliable guy back there, I do hope we see Steven make some sort of appearance, along with Izzy. Can't help it. When you look at the setlist, it's heavily weighted towards Appetite. They play like half the album, sometimes more than half. That's an acknowledgement that Appetite is/was what made their name and has the songs MOST ticket buyers want to hear. And Steven was the drummer during the ramp up, recording, and takeoff of the Appetite era. If not, so be it, not really that big of a deal to me. But I would like to see it.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: EmilyGNR on April 04, 2016, 10:01:05 PM
Frank is fine. His drumming is similar to Matt's. I saw a couple of shows with the Brain, Finck, Buckethead lineup. I think Brain was probably the best drummer the band has had. But Steven is the guy. His drumming was so fucked up that it worked perfectly. So while I understand having a reliable guy back there, I do hope we see Steven make some sort of appearance, along with Izzy. Can't help it. When you look at the setlist, it's heavily weighted towards Appetite. They play like half the album, sometimes more than half. That's an acknowledgement that Appetite is/was what made their name and has the songs MOST ticket buyers want to hear. And Steven was the drummer during the ramp up, recording, and takeoff of the Appetite era. If not, so be it, not really that big of a deal to me. But I would like to see it.

There has only been ONE setlist so far this year, with this lineup.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: gnr1967 on April 04, 2016, 10:47:50 PM
Maybe the topic is annoying for some of you because people just truly want to see the "happy go lucky" fun drummer Gn'R had at one point get a fucking show or a few songs or something?

He has wanted this longer than anyone else... it is happening, so naturally... fans want to see him play drums a few times. It isn't that tough to understand.

I mean who "doesn't" want Adler to play like 1 show or a few songs on some shows? Why would you not want that?

It really depends when you became a fan of the band.  I became a fan in 1992, so to me Axl, Slash and Duff were always the "Classic lineup" as they were the only 3 who played on all the material I discovered in 1992 and were still in the band at the time.  That is not to diminish Izzy in anyway, its just when I became a fan at the age of 10,  Gilby was already there so that is the rhythm guitar player I associated with Guns N Roses.  Drumming is the last thing I care about, so I don't care if Steven plays or he doesn't.  Frank has been awesome for a lot of years so he is my top choice.  If I had to choose a drummer from the classic era its Matt everyday and twice on Sunday.

To a fan like me, Axl, Slash, Duff and Dizzy is enough for me from the classic lineup.   I am completely satisfied with that.   Partner that with the fact that I, (unlike a lot of fans who just started paying attention again for the first time since 1994) am a HUGE fan of every incarnation of the band.  I love "Chinese Democracy" and hope they play a ton of songs from it.  Having Richard and Frank in the band in what some call a "hybrid" line up is the absolute best case scenario for a fan like me.   

I agree with Bodhi's post.  In my opinion, the Chinese Democracy era was an evolution of the original band, and it was pretty freaking good. It introduced new talent, new music, new emotion, and a new direction.  Bringing back Slash and Duff and incorporating them back into the "evolved" band still seems "authentic" to me.  It's much more authentic and genuine that throwing all the "new" guys out simply to bring back Adler and Izzy so fans can see the Appetite-era lineup again.  I'd like to think that GNR is much more than just a nostalgia act now.  It's great Slash and Duff are back - I think they are key members - but it's even greater that this lineup is more than just a trip down memory lane.  (At least I hope it is!) Although I agree it would be fun to see Adler and Izzy show up occasionally for a few shows, I personally like the hybrid lineup.  And for all those members of the general public that complain this isn't a full-blown reunion, Axl said it best: this isn't Burger isn't "have it your way."   :) 

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: DeadHorse on April 05, 2016, 02:08:25 AM
When Steven lost even Duff's support, that's when you knew he was cooked.

That story about him getting shitfaced at the airport before their flight really summed it up, I think.  Dude needs to grow up in a big way.

Exactly. Alder proved right then and there that he only cares about himself . Rather than man up he turns around calls Duff judgemental, and plays the pity card.

If he wasn't so god damn selfish one would think he would realize just how hard Duff has worked to get where he is today. Duff is a recovering addict, he has stated this many many times. Not that Duff would relapse,  but why risk touring with somebody who can never stay clean.

Besides Frank is doing a stellar job behind the kit. He's a hard hitter with major groove, the guy's a beast.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: TokyoRose on April 05, 2016, 06:55:12 AM
I see a lot of hatred in here. 

I want this tour to be a healing one, and its off to a good start.  I hope at some point we see appearances from all past members.

The more the merrier, and everyone has contributed something to the legacy of GNR.  Now that Axl and Slash have shared a stage
anything is possible.

If you are tired of hearing about Steven or Izzy just ignore the thread.  Some of you make an appearance in every thread about these members telling us the exact same line of
not caring, but you had to post it AGAIN anyways right?  I respect your thoughts and feelings on this, but we've heard them already. 

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: kaasupoltin on April 05, 2016, 07:24:56 AM

well, since they promote it as a reunion, they count on that type of reaction.
all that can minus Izzy & Steven's roles is good to take.

Except, you know, they never promoted it as a reunion  : ok:

They haven't, but every headline and article refers to it as such.

But you can't really help that. The media handles things the way they see fit, and usually that means the use of misleading headlines.

I think it's pretty naive to go crying "this is a reunion but there's no Steven or Izzy" when the band or its management hasn't said a word about a reunion except for "the reunion of Axl, Duff and Slash".

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: JMB-GNR on April 05, 2016, 07:49:25 AM

It really depends when you became a fan of the band.  I became a fan in 1992, so to me Axl, Slash and Duff were always the "Classic lineup" as they were the only 3 who played on all the material I discovered in 1992 and were still in the band at the time.  That is not to diminish Izzy in anyway, its just when I became a fan at the age of 10,  Gilby was already there so that is the rhythm guitar player I associated with Guns N Roses.  Drumming is the last thing I care about, so I don't care if Steven plays or he doesn't.  Frank has been awesome for a lot of years so he is my top choice.  If I had to choose a drummer from the classic era its Matt everyday and twice on Sunday.

To a fan like me, Axl, Slash, Duff and Dizzy is enough for me from the classic lineup.   I am completely satisfied with that.   Partner that with the fact that I, (unlike a lot of fans who just started paying attention again for the first time since 1994) am a HUGE fan of every incarnation of the band.  I love "Chinese Democracy" and hope they play a ton of songs from it.  Having Richard and Frank in the band in what some call a "hybrid" line up is the absolute best case scenario for a fan like me.   

Completely agree and I have the same sentiments towards the band, though I don't underestimate Izzy's role. He has been very important in the past but I think we gotta accept that he's is just not into the whole big touring thing...and never was.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: DeN on April 05, 2016, 08:43:28 AM
"the reunion of Axl, Duff and Slash" is enough to have reunion headlines, sure

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: JAEBALL on April 05, 2016, 08:46:23 AM
"the reunion of Axl, Duff and Slash" is enough to have reunion headlines, sure

Well the last time Guns N Roses was the biggest band in the world it was the three of them.. and they are entering that discussion again with the three of them...

Axl and management might not want the reunion term out there.... but it sure as hell does sell tickets... so i don't think they mind it that much.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: JAEBALL on April 05, 2016, 09:00:58 AM
I see a lot of hatred in here. 

I want this tour to be a healing one, and its off to a good start.  I hope at some point we see appearances from all past members.

The more the merrier, and everyone has contributed something to the legacy of GNR.  Now that Axl and Slash have shared a stage
anything is possible.

If you are tired of hearing about Steven or Izzy just ignore the thread.  Some of you make an appearance in every thread about these members telling us the exact same line of
not caring, but you had to post it AGAIN anyways right?  I respect your thoughts and feelings on this, but we've heard them already. 

There always has to be a bad guy around here for some that it can't be Slash anymore... well now people are focusing on Steven.

At this point I am indifferent what happens with him... i'm too high on cloud nine these days... but why he can't really have a back injury... that's just people speculating.. they have no way to know...

If he can pop up for a few songs at some point... that would be cool...if not... that's ok too.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: DeN on April 05, 2016, 09:14:38 AM
I'd love to see the classic line up playing in Paris, I've never saw them together.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: lostdream on April 05, 2016, 01:03:53 PM
Maybe the topic is annoying for some of you because people just truly want to see the "happy go lucky" fun drummer Gn'R had at one point get a fucking show or a few songs or something?

He has wanted this longer than anyone else... it is happening, so naturally... fans want to see him play drums a few times. It isn't that tough to understand.

I mean who "doesn't" want Adler to play like 1 show or a few songs on some shows? Why would you not want that?

It really depends when you became a fan of the band.  I became a fan in 1992, so to me Axl, Slash and Duff were always the "Classic lineup" as they were the only 3 who played on all the material I discovered in 1992 and were still in the band at the time.  That is not to diminish Izzy in anyway, its just when I became a fan at the age of 10,  Gilby was already there so that is the rhythm guitar player I associated with Guns N Roses.  Drumming is the last thing I care about, so I don't care if Steven plays or he doesn't.  Frank has been awesome for a lot of years so he is my top choice.  If I had to choose a drummer from the classic era its Matt everyday and twice on Sunday.

To a fan like me, Axl, Slash, Duff and Dizzy is enough for me from the classic lineup.   I am completely satisfied with that.   Partner that with the fact that I, (unlike a lot of fans who just started paying attention again for the first time since 1994) am a HUGE fan of every incarnation of the band.  I love "Chinese Democracy" and hope they play a ton of songs from it.  Having Richard and Frank in the band in what some call a "hybrid" line up is the absolute best case scenario for a fan like me.   

It's all on a very personal level I guess...
See I KNOW Izzy left - but I have seen 4 great shows - 2 with Izzy! I personally feel like he never left the band.
He seems to be there - every other time - you see? 😉

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Johnnyblood on April 05, 2016, 04:29:27 PM
Frank is fine. His drumming is similar to Matt's. I saw a couple of shows with the Brain, Finck, Buckethead lineup. I think Brain was probably the best drummer the band has had. But Steven is the guy. His drumming was so fucked up that it worked perfectly. So while I understand having a reliable guy back there, I do hope we see Steven make some sort of appearance, along with Izzy. Can't help it. When you look at the setlist, it's heavily weighted towards Appetite. They play like half the album, sometimes more than half. That's an acknowledgement that Appetite is/was what made their name and has the songs MOST ticket buyers want to hear. And Steven was the drummer during the ramp up, recording, and takeoff of the Appetite era. If not, so be it, not really that big of a deal to me. But I would like to see it.

There has only been ONE setlist so far this year, with this lineup.

For the past 15 years setlists have been slanted towards Appetite/Adler era songs... at minimum you see Jungle, ISE, Nightrain, Brownstone, PC, SCOM, KOHD, Patience, and Civil War. Those are all Steven songs, for better or worse. And that's the bare minimum, usually they throw in My Michelle, Rocket Queen, and possibly one or two more from Appetite, Lies, or LLAS. I saw the very first show of the UYI tour... back in 1991... they played a ton of new songs and the crowd was totally dead. By the end of that tour they added more and more Appetite-era songs. When Axl came back with the new band, he continued that strategy. He knew better than to cram the setlist with obscure favorites of the HTGTH forum. Whether you like it or not, the reality is that John or Jane Ticketbuyer don't want to hear Coma, Locomotive, There Was a Time, This I Love, and so forth. The goal is to sell a lot of tickets, send people home happy. Not mine the depths of their catalog.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 05, 2016, 04:33:50 PM

For the past 15 years setlists have been slanted towards Appetite/Adler era songs... at minimum you see Jungle, ISE, Nightrain, Brownstone, PC, SCOM, KOHD, Patience, and Civil War. Those are all Steven songs, for better or worse. And that's the bare minimum, usually they throw in My Michelle, Rocket Queen, and possibly one or two more from Appetite, Lies, or LLAS. I saw the very first show of the UYI tour... back in 1991... they played a ton of new songs and the crowd was totally dead. By the end of that tour they added more and more Appetite-era songs. When Axl came back with the new band, he continued that strategy. He knew better than to cram the setlist with obscure favorites of the HTGTH forum. Whether you like it or not, the reality is that John or Jane Ticketbuyer don't want to hear Coma, Locomotive, There Was a Time, This I Love, and so forth. The goal is to sell a lot of tickets, send people home happy. Not mine the depths of their catalog.

Spot on.

If you are filling stadiums, not everyone is a superfan.  Or, as you put it, HTGTH posters.  You are going to have a lot more casuals in there.

On top of that, look at those prices.  If you are charging as much as $746, and that is PER SEAT, for the damn sure better make with the hits.

Good luck cutting out AFD tunes so you can pull 'The Garden' out of mothballs.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Bodhi on April 05, 2016, 04:59:45 PM

For the past 15 years setlists have been slanted towards Appetite/Adler era songs... at minimum you see Jungle, ISE, Nightrain, Brownstone, PC, SCOM, KOHD, Patience, and Civil War. Those are all Steven songs, for better or worse. And that's the bare minimum, usually they throw in My Michelle, Rocket Queen, and possibly one or two more from Appetite, Lies, or LLAS. I saw the very first show of the UYI tour... back in 1991... they played a ton of new songs and the crowd was totally dead. By the end of that tour they added more and more Appetite-era songs. When Axl came back with the new band, he continued that strategy. He knew better than to cram the setlist with obscure favorites of the HTGTH forum. Whether you like it or not, the reality is that John or Jane Ticketbuyer don't want to hear Coma, Locomotive, There Was a Time, This I Love, and so forth. The goal is to sell a lot of tickets, send people home happy. Not mine the depths of their catalog.

Spot on.

If you are filling stadiums, not everyone is a superfan.  Or, as you put it, HTGTH posters.  You are going to have a lot more casuals in there.

On top of that, look at those prices.  If you are charging as much as $746, and that is PER SEAT, for the damn sure better make with the hits.

Good luck cutting out AFD tunes so you can pull 'The Garden' out of mothballs.

Right, but at the same time everyone in that stadium will know the bulk of the "Illusion" albums as well.  I think some of you underestimate the size of those albums, those were the albums that cemented them as the biggest band in the world, not "Appetite."  If they put out a flop after "Appetite" people would have forgotten all about them real quick.  "November Rain" and Don't Cry  are a lot of causal fans favorite Guns N Roses songs. 

Also the reason the crowd was dead on the first show of the "Use Your Illusion" tour was because the records were still 4 months away from coming out.  The band said before that it was tough to launch a tour playing songs most people have never heard. 

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 05, 2016, 05:02:07 PM
Oh, I personally hope UYI songs get played.  I hated how Axl basically dropped them.

I think the biggest surprise of last Friday night was 'Double Talkin' Jive'.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: DeN on April 05, 2016, 05:08:21 PM

that's a new opportunity to have live version of Don't Damn Me

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: gcluskey on April 05, 2016, 06:11:15 PM

that's a new opportunity to have live version of Don't Damn Me

Yes yes yes... I'm hoping if we keep mentioning Don't Damn Me that it'll eventually get played. It has to happen. If Slash & Duff can rejoin GnR then surely they can perform this track

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Thorned Rose on April 05, 2016, 06:25:28 PM
Oh, I personally hope UYI songs get played.  I hated how Axl basically dropped them.

I think the biggest surprise of last Friday night was 'Double Talkin' Jive'.

Yeah that was a huge surprise for me as well. I really thought they would do some off the beat tune from UYI II. Oh well, the setlist was pretty good. The Seeker live is lame, I mean its a good cover yes, but I think I'd rather hear a Gn'R song over that right?

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: D-GenerationX on April 05, 2016, 06:28:25 PM

Yeah that was a huge surprise for me as well. I really thought they would do some off the beat tune from UYI II. Oh well, the setlist was pretty good. The Seeker live is lame, I mean its a good cover yes, but I think I'd rather hear a Gn'R song over that right?

I see that argument.

But, I'd rather than one than 'Whole Lotta Rose'.  Or 'Don't Let It Get You Down', which I thought was wretched.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Thorned Rose on April 05, 2016, 06:35:43 PM

For the past 15 years setlists have been slanted towards Appetite/Adler era songs... at minimum you see Jungle, ISE, Nightrain, Brownstone, PC, SCOM, KOHD, Patience, and Civil War. Those are all Steven songs, for better or worse. And that's the bare minimum, usually they throw in My Michelle, Rocket Queen, and possibly one or two more from Appetite, Lies, or LLAS. I saw the very first show of the UYI tour... back in 1991... they played a ton of new songs and the crowd was totally dead. By the end of that tour they added more and more Appetite-era songs. When Axl came back with the new band, he continued that strategy. He knew better than to cram the setlist with obscure favorites of the HTGTH forum. Whether you like it or not, the reality is that John or Jane Ticketbuyer don't want to hear Coma, Locomotive, There Was a Time, This I Love, and so forth. The goal is to sell a lot of tickets, send people home happy. Not mine the depths of their catalog.

Spot on.

If you are filling stadiums, not everyone is a superfan.  Or, as you put it, HTGTH posters.  You are going to have a lot more casuals in there.

On top of that, look at those prices.  If you are charging as much as $746, and that is PER SEAT, for the damn sure better make with the hits.

Good luck cutting out AFD tunes so you can pull 'The Garden' out of mothballs.

Yeah I agree with this mostly. I mean sure with doing stadiums there's going to be casual fans that have "heard" of the band, or heard about Slash or Axl etc.. MOST people aren't going to these shows based on Chinese Democracy either. They are going because Guns N' Roses was the biggest rock band in the world from 1991-1994ish. Well maybe not the "biggest" but pretty damn big.

Anyways, yeah they are going to play a greatest hits type of set, and that is awesome, but they should play whatever they want too. I don't want to hear "Yesterdays" or "The Seeker".

Being realistic here, we are going to get AT LEAST 6 songs from AFD at the very minimal. Which is fine, but knowing that they are only going to do 20-24 songs a show, I would not want anymore than that.

It's So Easy
Sweet Child

Okay, well that is 7, which is the norm. I wouldn't mind hearing "My Michelle" but I could pass on that. Getting rid of one of these very probably 7 AFD songs in favor or a UYI era song? Hell yes. Any of these would work

Pretty Tied Up
Don't Damn Me
Bad Obsession
Dust N' Bones

That is 6 songs I really want to hear, all in one show too. I also don't think it makes ANY sense at all to play anything more than 2 or 3 CD songs. People just aren't coming for that album man.

I just think they should simply keep it simple... is that a simple sentence? lol

Play the hits, then play whatever the hell they want, but keep it to original Gn'R stuff. I don't want any stupid ass AcDc cover or The Seeker. Gtfo

They should just pick 6 songs from each UYI album. 6 from AFD, 1 from Lies (patience), and the rest CD songs or a TSI song.

Really excited to see how many songs they play on Vegas, and what songs they actually play. 

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Spirit on April 05, 2016, 06:36:11 PM
But, I'd rather than one than 'Whole Lotta Rose'.  Or 'Don't Let It Get You Down', which I thought was wretched.

If they play 'Whole Lotta Rosie" at this point.... will the crowd break out in an AC/DC chant?

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Thorned Rose on April 05, 2016, 06:37:18 PM

that's a new opportunity to have live version of Don't Damn Me


I want to hear this man.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: C0ma on April 05, 2016, 06:41:55 PM
Honestly if the back surgery rumor is to be believed... Steven Adler will never play a song with GnR again (IMO)... A back Surgery isn't exactly wisdom teeth, he will be on serious pain killers, which like pretty much every other Junkie I've ever came in contact with is going to mean Steve goes straight to the cast of Dancing With Mr. Brownstone and the Stars hosted by Dr. Drew.

He is not sitting behind a drum kit looking out at Axl Slash and Duff tearing up the stage not because he can't play, but because he has pissed away every last ounce of trust any of those guys had. There is a point where you just have to cut the cord because they can't be helped and are just bringing you down.

I'm here for Axl, Slash, Duff (and if he wanted to be here Izzy)... if there is a 1% chance that Steven would cause drama and potentially blow apart the magic we are getting to witness than it isn't worth giving him the shot.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: OscarAxl22 on April 05, 2016, 06:48:11 PM
I see a lot of hatred in here. 

I want this tour to be a healing one, and its off to a good start.  I hope at some point we see appearances from all past members.

The more the merrier, and everyone has contributed something to the legacy of GNR.  Now that Axl and Slash have shared a stage
anything is possible.

If you are tired of hearing about Steven or Izzy just ignore the thread.  Some of you make an appearance in every thread about these members telling us the exact same line of
not caring, but you had to post it AGAIN anyways right?  I respect your thoughts and feelings on this, but we've heard them already. 

There always has to be a bad guy around here for some that it can't be Slash anymore... well now people are focusing on Steven.

At this point I am indifferent what happens with him... i'm too high on cloud nine these days... but why he can't really have a back injury... that's just people speculating.. they have no way to know...

If he can pop up for a few songs at some point... that would be cool...if not... that's ok too.

If you want to talk about hatred... go for a stroll at mygnr...

fuck me.. that place has some of the worst vitriol ive seen on any forum for any topic you could imagine.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: HBK on April 05, 2016, 06:52:59 PM
I Want To Steven In Some Shows And/Or Songs


Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: OscarAxl22 on April 05, 2016, 06:57:44 PM

For the past 15 years setlists have been slanted towards Appetite/Adler era songs... at minimum you see Jungle, ISE, Nightrain, Brownstone, PC, SCOM, KOHD, Patience, and Civil War. Those are all Steven songs, for better or worse. And that's the bare minimum, usually they throw in My Michelle, Rocket Queen, and possibly one or two more from Appetite, Lies, or LLAS. I saw the very first show of the UYI tour... back in 1991... they played a ton of new songs and the crowd was totally dead. By the end of that tour they added more and more Appetite-era songs. When Axl came back with the new band, he continued that strategy. He knew better than to cram the setlist with obscure favorites of the HTGTH forum. Whether you like it or not, the reality is that John or Jane Ticketbuyer don't want to hear Coma, Locomotive, There Was a Time, This I Love, and so forth. The goal is to sell a lot of tickets, send people home happy. Not mine the depths of their catalog.

Spot on.

If you are filling stadiums, not everyone is a superfan.  Or, as you put it, HTGTH posters.  You are going to have a lot more casuals in there.

On top of that, look at those prices.  If you are charging as much as $746, and that is PER SEAT, for the damn sure better make with the hits.

Good luck cutting out AFD tunes so you can pull 'The Garden' out of mothballs.

Right, but at the same time everyone in that stadium will know the bulk of the "Illusion" albums as well.  I think some of you underestimate the size of those albums, those were the albums that cemented them as the biggest band in the world, not "Appetite."  If they put out a flop after "Appetite" people would have forgotten all about them real quick.  "November Rain" and Don't Cry  are a lot of causal fans favorite Guns N Roses songs. 

Also the reason the crowd was dead on the first show of the "Use Your Illusion" tour was because the records were still 4 months away from coming out.  The band said before that it was tough to launch a tour playing songs most people have never heard. 

I agree completely with both of these comments.

When picking the set-list i think its going to be pre-agreed for CD.. axl will get his 3 songs or whatever.. after that... most of appetite is getting played.. (10 songs out of 12 IMO) which leaves 10 UYI songs... those songs could be the more interchangeable from gig to gig.

I dont see every set being identical is what i am saying. And thats probably the most exciting thing... as i said in the other thread... the fact that new rose and DTJ made it onto the 16 or 17 song set-list last weekend should give everyone hope that their songs will get a go at some point in the tour and that Axl is well aware that people want the old songs pulled out.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Factory Girl on April 05, 2016, 07:27:01 PM
As far as they don't do the same show over and over again, I'm happy.

But I would love to see Axl and Duff doing So Fine; Don't Damn Me (which apparently is a favourite for most of us); Bad Apples; Double talkin jive; Back off Bitch; Dust n bones and 14 years if Izzy decides to show up; Locomotive would be great.
But to sing some of them would be a challenge for Axl.
If they decide to do any covers, I would prefer to hear something from TSI like Ain't Fun and Down on the farm.

Yes, after last friday finally became a reality, I'm allowing myself to dream a little bit.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: EmilyGNR on April 05, 2016, 08:49:50 PM
I see a lot of hatred in here. 

I want this tour to be a healing one, and its off to a good start.  I hope at some point we see appearances from all past members.

The more the merrier, and everyone has contributed something to the legacy of GNR.  Now that Axl and Slash have shared a stage
anything is possible.

If you are tired of hearing about Steven or Izzy just ignore the thread.  Some of you make an appearance in every thread about these members telling us the exact same line of
not caring, but you had to post it AGAIN anyways right?  I respect your thoughts and feelings on this, but we've heard them already. 

There always has to be a bad guy around here for some that it can't be Slash anymore... well now people are focusing on Steven.

At this point I am indifferent what happens with him... i'm too high on cloud nine these days... but why he can't really have a back injury... that's just people speculating.. they have no way to know...

If he can pop up for a few songs at some point... that would be cool...if not... that's ok too.

If you want to talk about hatred... go for a stroll at mygnr...

fuck me.. that place has some of the worst vitriol ive seen on any forum for any topic you could imagine.

It's too ridiculous to take seriously, I don't spend my time on things I hate.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: EmilyGNR on April 05, 2016, 08:50:53 PM
Honestly if the back surgery rumor is to be believed... Steven Adler will never play a song with GnR again (IMO)... A back Surgery isn't exactly wisdom teeth, he will be on serious pain killers, which like pretty much every other Junkie I've ever came in contact with is going to mean Steve goes straight to the cast of Dancing With Mr. Brownstone and the Stars hosted by Dr. Drew.

He is not sitting behind a drum kit looking out at Axl Slash and Duff tearing up the stage not because he can't play, but because he has pissed away every last ounce of trust any of those guys had. There is a point where you just have to cut the cord because they can't be helped and are just bringing you down.

I'm here for Axl, Slash, Duff (and if he wanted to be here Izzy)... if there is a 1% chance that Steven would cause drama and potentially blow apart the magic we are getting to witness than it isn't worth giving him the shot.

Great post, agree -like someone once said "you can only do so many pull ups"

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Thorned Rose on April 05, 2016, 11:47:38 PM
He's not really been given a chance. That's the thing.

They do need to give him a one off show, or let him come out and encore 3-4 songs once at least. I don't see what the big deal is for that. Fans would like it in general, and he would just love it.

I love the guy, but I've never advocated for him being the main drummer, that wouldn't be smart. I simply think he should be given a shot, and with his great silence, I'm thinking the back thing is legit, and he's trying to recover so he can play a couple shows or less.

Who knows. This isn't about Frank vs. Steven, or Nu Gn'R vs Gn'R. It is about what is right, and letting the guy play a show or a couple encores is right. Assuming he's clean and not f'd up.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: The Wight Gunner on April 05, 2016, 11:50:41 PM
Honestly if the back surgery rumor is to be believed... Steven Adler will never play a song with GnR again (IMO)... A back Surgery isn't exactly wisdom teeth, he will be on serious pain killers, which like pretty much every other Junkie I've ever came in contact with is going to mean Steve goes straight to the cast of Dancing With Mr. Brownstone and the Stars hosted by Dr. Drew.

He is not sitting behind a drum kit looking out at Axl Slash and Duff tearing up the stage not because he can't play, but because he has pissed away every last ounce of trust any of those guys had. There is a point where you just have to cut the cord because they can't be helped and are just bringing you down.

I'm here for Axl, Slash, Duff (and if he wanted to be here Izzy)... if there is a 1% chance that Steven would cause drama and potentially blow apart the magic we are getting to witness than it isn't worth giving him the shot.
you sir are an Ass

Spinal surgery is a means to correct a problem, it doesn't mean you will stay in pain  ::) I should know, 2 ten inch rods and 14 screws later something like this ( And I'm knocking down walls and building an extension like a teenager.  Still think Adler hasn't warranted a "right" to play in the band though....

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: C0ma on April 06, 2016, 12:02:06 AM
Honestly if the back surgery rumor is to be believed... Steven Adler will never play a song with GnR again (IMO)... A back Surgery isn't exactly wisdom teeth, he will be on serious pain killers, which like pretty much every other Junkie I've ever came in contact with is going to mean Steve goes straight to the cast of Dancing With Mr. Brownstone and the Stars hosted by Dr. Drew.

He is not sitting behind a drum kit looking out at Axl Slash and Duff tearing up the stage not because he can't play, but because he has pissed away every last ounce of trust any of those guys had. There is a point where you just have to cut the cord because they can't be helped and are just bringing you down.

I'm here for Axl, Slash, Duff (and if he wanted to be here Izzy)... if there is a 1% chance that Steven would cause drama and potentially blow apart the magic we are getting to witness than it isn't worth giving him the shot.
you sir are an Ass

Spinal surgery is a means to correct a problem, it doesn't mean you will stay in pain  ::) I should know, 2 ten inch rods and 14 screws later something like this ] And I'm knocking down walls and building an extension like a teenager.  Still think Adler hasn't warranted a "right" to play in the band though....

I am not saying the surgery isn't meant to correct the issue and relieve him of pain, but that doesn't happen minutes after surgery... you need to manage post surgical pain. For most people that is done successfully with pain killers then physical therapy starts and if the operation was successful you are in a much better spot.

UNFORTUNATELY you are in this case going to have to give a 30+ year on and off recovering junkie narcotics to manage his pain... Do you envision that going well, do you think he is just going to stick to the program and get off it the moment they are no longer needed? Or do you think he will struggle with that, and when the script runs out maybe he resorts to his old ways?

While he might want this, I don't see what he's done to deserve this... I see that he burns bridge after bridge (look at Duff recently), and finds inventive ways to screw up (see Celebrity Rehab or the non payment of his touring band).

Why risk in anyway this tour and what it means to so many fans?

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Thorned Rose on April 06, 2016, 12:04:08 AM
It's pretty unfair to assume he's going to freak out on painkiller and get trashed.

I think he wants this and I think that he'll do whatever he can to play randomly with them in a guest aspect.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: GypsySoul on April 06, 2016, 12:08:43 AM
It's pretty unfair to assume he's going to freak out on painkiller and get trashed.

I think he wants this and I think that he'll do whatever he can to play randomly with them in a guest aspect.

You obviously don't know anything about addiction.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: inlikeflynn420 on April 06, 2016, 12:19:52 AM
As far as the Appetite songs being "Steven's songs", well, yeah I get it. But when I'm paying a few hundred dollars for one show, I want the best musicians up on that stage. I've seen some recent YouTube clips where, yeah, Steven could play the songs, but if it was some noname posting a cover clip everyone would probably, in all honesty, think it's just okay. I feel bad for the guy, and that's the only reason I'd want to even see him up there for a song or two. But to me, that's just not enough for my money. It would be cool from a nostalgia standpoint, but I saw those guys already, a loooong time ago. I want the music to continue to move forward musically, and unfortunately, I don't think Adler brings anything to the table beyond he was one of the Appetite guys. Don't get me wrong, that's fucking awesome in itself, and again I'd feel bad for him to be left out, but I want the best show for my money. But if the band brings him out at some point, no doubt as a favor and nothing more, I'd probably think that was cool

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Thorned Rose on April 06, 2016, 12:33:21 AM
It's pretty unfair to assume he's going to freak out on painkiller and get trashed.

I think he wants this and I think that he'll do whatever he can to play randomly with them in a guest aspect.

You obviously don't know anything about addiction.

Why do you say that?

It is reasonable to think he'll pop painkillers, which isn't very good at all with someone that has horrible addiction tendencies. I get it.

Just its pretty easy to kick someone when they're down ya know?



Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: GypsySoul on April 06, 2016, 12:46:40 AM
It is reasonable to think he'll pop painkillers, which isn't very good at all with someone that has horrible addiction tendencies. I get it.
No, you obviously don't get it.

To an addict, there's NOTHING more important than your next fix.

And there's nothing reasonable in thinking any addict can just pop painkillers without relapsing.  It would be difficult even under strict medical supervision for someone with Steven's history to not relapse.

It's not about kicking someone when they're down.  It's the reality of the disease.

Title: Re: Topic Steven Adler
Post by: Lotgrinder on April 06, 2016, 04:44:18 AM
If Steven is not involved in some of these shows its a pretty sad day. If it is about money I am confident eventually enough guilt will set in on Axl, Slash, and Duff to throw him a bone and get him up there for a few AFD trackd. A fan should make a Go Fund Me for Steven and Izzy. Let us pay them the money they deserve to show up. I'd contribute for sure.