Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Spirit on October 31, 2015, 06:59:45 PM

Title: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Spirit on October 31, 2015, 06:59:45 PM
Axl hasn't really done anything outside of being in GN'R since, well since GN'R started up. I know he's done the occasional guest appearance, but I'm talking about more elaborate side projects.

I was thinking about a possible scenario in case there's a GN'R reunion on the table. If Axl gets together with Slash & co to do some touring again, realistically that's probably the extent of the reunion. I'm not so sure we'll see an album of new songs from a reunited GNR, and if not, that's just fine with me. People will be out of their minds just seeing them on stage together.

If Axl at the same time feels the hunger of releasing and touring the rest of the material recorded with the new line-up. Could he make a transition with the current line-up, making a brand new band, Axl Rose's side project. Then he could get material already recorded out to the masses and tour with the songs as well. All this while doing shows with the original line-up of GNR.

He won't be doing stadiums, maybe not even arenas, but I know most of us on the boards would attend his shows, and they would probably be at the scale of what Slash is doing presently. Do you think Axl would consider doing something like this, or is he way too invested in GNR, with him practically being GNR in the past couple of decades...

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Spirit on October 31, 2015, 07:38:52 PM
Just to add:

I know some will bring up the argument that the record company has paid for the recordings currently done, and they are done under the GN'R banner.

So, for Axl to continue with a side project he would either have to buy out the music laid down on tape, or the record company might be an easy-going part in negotiations once a reunion is on the table. Maybe they'll release the songs into Axl's hands for free even.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: ice cream sand pig on October 31, 2015, 07:55:32 PM
I havent heard CD in a month, since I moved, but my fiance emailed it to me last night. Even just looking at the titles I had so many memories about what a great album it is and memories attached to it like when it was released, where I was at in my life, etc...  wouldnt that be kind of strange to release cd1 as gnr and cd2 as Axl rose? It kind of makes it seem like GNR has unfinished business, like it got cut short before it reached its destination.

I do remember hearing him saying something about not wanting to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Either way, I would love to see an Axl side project. Anything to get this guy to sing write perform and release more music. Hes the best and music needs him... music really sucks these days. It would be interesting to see what he could pull off on a smaller scale. I bet it would sound very different from CD, very different from everything he's ever done.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Spirit on October 31, 2015, 09:24:12 PM

wouldnt that be kind of strange to release cd1 as gnr and cd2 as Axl rose? It kind of makes it seem like GNR has unfinished business, like it got cut short before it reached its destination.

Yeah, it would be sort of strange for us hardcore fans. To the masses it wouldn't matter I think.

If a reunion is happening, what is the alternative? He could still release CD2 as GNR sure, but I doubt those songs will be played live by a reunited GNR.

I'm just looking at possibilities in case a reunion is happening and what Axl could do to best utilize his own material.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 31, 2015, 09:44:58 PM
Couldn't this apply to the 2nd half of chidem as well though?

From 2008-

Axl: "I didn't make a solo record.
A solo record would be completely different than this and probably much more instrumental.

 I made a GUNS record with the right people who were the only people who really wanted to help me try, were qualified and capable while enduring the public abuse for years . The songs were chosen by everyone involved.

I didn't want to do 'This I Love' in any way shape or form, and Robin [Finck, current GUNS guitarist] and Caram [Costanzo; co-producer] insisted gaining Tommy's [Stinson, bass] and the others' support. There's been a lot of pressure to go with using my name (all external) but that never felt right to me for this band and the parameters in regard to this music have lots more to do with the mindset of GUNS than something else. The instrumental I wrote for 'End of Days' that's more a solo effort, at least presently.

"As far as a new name? this is who I am, not whatever else someone else thinks of. I don't see myself as solely GUNS, but I do see myself as the only one from the past making the effort to take it forward, whether anyone approves or not, and giving beyond what many would or fight for to do so.

The name helped the music more than you could ever know, and I'm not talking in regards to studios or budgets, I mean it as in being pushed by something and having to get the music to a place where I can find my peace regardless of what anyone says. And that wasn't fully achieved until the last round of mastering and swapping out a version of a track at the pressing plant that had gotten inadvertently changed at the last minute. Also, the name was what the industry wanted as well and the burden of keeping it was something to endure in order to make the record. After the monies invested by old Geffen (that were decisions made that have worked out for me but I'm on record as having opposed) dropping the name became suicide."


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Spirit on October 31, 2015, 09:52:50 PM
Yes, I know about all this.

If there indeed is a reunion happening (that's the premise I've laid down here), would you be happy with a cd release only, with no touring of the new songs?

I am just looking at possibilities in case a reunion is happening, and Axl wants to avoid having to give up touring the songs already recorded.

Axl has entertained the idea of going solo, he did mention how it would sound like in the forum chats. Now, the scenario I'm painting here is probably not how Axl imagined going solo, but would it be a possibility maybe?

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: ice cream sand pig on October 31, 2015, 10:02:45 PM
Yes, I know about all this.

If there indeed is a reunion happening (that's the premise I've laid down here), would you be happy with a cd release only, with no touring of the new songs?

I would be happy with that. Not as happy as I would be with touring to back it up, bbut unimaginably happy nonetheless.

In regards to what Emily posted, I think Axl is not willing to compromise in any way shape or form his vision for Guns, and I dont think a reunion is going to change that.

Would it be realistic to do a hybrid tour, having old members play on old songs and new members play on new songs? That would be amazing. It would be more expensive, that's for sure, but such a grand event seems right up GNRs alley.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: ice cream sand pig on October 31, 2015, 10:06:00 PM
Perhaps it is also worth noting that cd wasnt toured till well after its release. Perhaps a release could come, then a reunion tour, and then a continuing of Axls vision could follow with a tour of cd 2 material sometime in the future.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Conan on October 31, 2015, 10:37:44 PM
Yes, I know about all this.

If there indeed is a reunion happening (that's the premise I've laid down here), would you be happy with a cd release only, with no touring of the new songs?

I would be happy with that. Not as happy as I would be with touring to back it up, bbut unimaginably happy nonetheless.

In regards to what Emily posted, I think Axl is not willing to compromise in any way shape or form his vision for Guns, and I dont think a reunion is going to change that.

Would it be realistic to do a hybrid tour, having old members play on old songs and new members play on new songs? That would be amazing. It would be more expensive, that's for sure, but such a grand event seems right up GNRs alley.

Axl's 'vision' for Guns?

No album or new music released of any kind for 7 years.

No concert or performance of any kind in 18 months.

A Blu-Ray disc, the first release in 7 years, of a two year old show, with nothing released in addition that hasn't been on Youtube that entire time.

Bandmates quitting left, right and centre and every promised, hinted, speculated 'update' turns out, inevitably to produce nothing...

What exactly gives you hope Axl has any 'vision' whatsoever, other than just making it up as he goes along, or making a minimal effort, once the old bank balance starts to dip?

I like it as a concept that all of this is 'part of the plan' and is encompassed within some great vision, but one has to strain credulity rather a long way to imagine there even is a 'plan' at this point...

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: AHUGEAxlFan on October 31, 2015, 11:07:18 PM
Why would he take guns n roses material that was possibly written by former members (brain, Finck) and release it under a new band when the members who wrote it were in guns n roses? That makes no sense.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: ice cream sand pig on October 31, 2015, 11:16:28 PM
Yes, I know about all this.

If there indeed is a reunion happening (that's the premise I've laid down here), would you be happy with a cd release only, with no touring of the new songs?

I would be happy with that. Not as happy as I would be with touring to back it up, bbut unimaginably happy nonetheless.

In regards to what Emily posted, I think Axl is not willing to compromise in any way shape or form his vision for Guns, and I dont think a reunion is going to change that.

Would it be realistic to do a hybrid tour, having old members play on old songs and new members play on new songs? That would be amazing. It would be more expensive, that's for sure, but such a grand event seems right up GNRs alley.

Axl's 'vision' for Guns?

No album or new music released of any kind for 7 years.

No concert or performance of any kind in 18 months.

A Blu-Ray disc, the first release in 7 years, of a two year old show, with nothing released in addition that hasn't been on Youtube that entire time.

Bandmates quitting left, right and centre and every promised, hinted, speculated 'update' turns out, inevitably to produce nothing...

What exactly gives you hope Axl has any 'vision' whatsoever, other than just making it up as he goes along, or making a minimal effort, once the old bank balance starts to dip?

I like it as a concept that all of this is 'part of the plan' and is encompassed within some great vision, but one has to strain credulity rather a long way to imagine there even is a 'plan' at this point...

the one album we got was worth its weight in gold. your claim that axl makes minimal effort is unfounded. you dont know how the guy spends his time. cd was worked on up till the moment before it was pressed. it was worth the wait. another one of those is worth as much time as he wants to take. the music is whats important. it will be the mark this guy left on the world long after hes dead. if he wants to take a few extra years to perfect what he will be remembered by, thats not very much time in the long run.

i want new music really bad too, dont get me wrong. im so anxious for it that it causes me physichal discomfort sometimes if i get too caught up in desire. but i refuse to resort to shit slinging towards my favorite artist of all time in a futile attempt to light a fire under his ass, especially when as far as i know, hes already sitting on a bonfire. even in the face of all that pressure, he is unmoved. that takes something that most people dont have, and if you cant appreciate that, then fine, but dont expect me not to.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Lucky on November 01, 2015, 01:01:19 AM
After the monies invested by old Geffen (that were decisions made that have worked out for me but I'm on record as having opposed) dropping the name became suicide."

can someone clarify this line, cus I'm struggling deciphering it.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: ice cream sand pig on November 01, 2015, 01:25:30 AM
After the monies invested by old Geffen (that were decisions made that have worked out for me but I'm on record as having opposed) dropping the name became suicide."

can someone clarify this line, cus I'm struggling deciphering it.

maybe he couldnt drop the name because he would be obligated to pay back a lot of the money? at the time he thought it wouldnt work out in his favor but ultimately it did, or perhaps he was misquoted as not agreeing with the decisions made by geffen?

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: CherryGarcia on November 01, 2015, 09:17:51 AM
He might be referring to the fact that around 1995 or so Guns got a multi-million dollar advance for the next record? Which perhaps obligated him legally to make a "Guns N' Roses" record. By the time Slash and Duff had gone, perhaps some of that money been spent, which would've made it so Axl would've had to pay it back or face a lawsuit, if he didn't follow the contract and release a GN'R album?

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: AHUGEAxlFan on November 01, 2015, 11:21:29 AM
He might be referring to the fact that around 1995 or so Guns got a multi-million dollar advance for the next record? Which perhaps obligated him legally to make a "Guns N' Roses" record. By the time Slash and Duff had gone, perhaps some of that money been spent, which would've made it so Axl would've had to pay it back or face a lawsuit, if he didn't follow the contract and release a GN'R album?

I don't get why it would matter if technically slash, and duff were not founding members.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Lucky on November 01, 2015, 04:25:06 PM
He might be referring to the fact that around 1995 or so Guns got a multi-million dollar advance for the next record? Which perhaps obligated him legally to make a "Guns N' Roses" record. By the time Slash and Duff had gone, perhaps some of that money been spent, which would've made it so Axl would've had to pay it back or face a lawsuit, if he didn't follow the contract and release a GN'R album?

I don't get why it would matter if technically slash, and duff were not founding members.
they were a creative force allong side axl.
They even did some recording in 96. (The Slash-Zakk combo from that period).

Also, the rumored cost for CD is 13 million$.
In '99, it was said that the band had the most expensive Mac server cluster for sound effects (Pittman+Dizzy).

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: CherryGarcia on November 01, 2015, 05:30:52 PM
He might be referring to the fact that around 1995 or so Guns got a multi-million dollar advance for the next record? Which perhaps obligated him legally to make a "Guns N' Roses" record. By the time Slash and Duff had gone, perhaps some of that money been spent, which would've made it so Axl would've had to pay it back or face a lawsuit, if he didn't follow the contract and release a GN'R album?

I don't get why it would matter if technically slash, and duff were not founding members.

In a legal sense, Slash and Duff WERE founding members. While Guns N' Roses as a concept existed from late 1984/early 1985, Guns N' Roses didn't exist as a legal entity or in the eyes of the law until 1986 when they signed with Geffen and incorporated and trademarked the name etc. The members of that initial partnership would've been Axl, Slash, Duff, Izzy and Steven in an equal, legal partnership. Once Steven was sacked, the contract would've become Axl, Slash, Izzy and Duff. Then Izzy quit in November 1991. He was taken out of the partnership, with the caveat that he would earn a percentage of anything the band earned until November 1997.

Then in October 1992, a new legal partnership was formed and this included Axl, Slash, and Duff as equal legal partners - equal shareholders, basically, with equal power over decision making in Guns N' Roses. But at this time in October 1992, a clause was put into the contract wherein if Axl was fired, or if he quit the existing legal partnership, the name "Guns N' Roses" would automatically become solely his. They all signed.

Then on August 31st 1995, Axl sent Slash and Duff a letter announcing his intention to resign from the existing GN'R legal partnership as of December 31st 1995 and form a new group with the name Guns N' Roses and a new partnership which he would be sole member of. Slash and Duff were invited to join this partnership as contract members/employees for a trial period, and if the trial period was successful, their full and equal membership in the new partnership would then commence.

Slash and Duff are still members, technically, of the original Guns N' Roses legal partnership (the partnership which existed from 1985-1992 roughly) because they never left it, which is why they were able to block Axl with certain songs and block the release of the re-recorded AFD for example. That original partnership didn't dissolve just because Axl left. In essence, from a legal perspective, there exist two bands named Guns N' Roses - the one which existed legally until 12/31/1995, and the one which has existed since 1/1/1996.

But none of this matters with regard to the advance -

Let's say Guns got a multi-million dollar advance from Geffen on say (just throwing a date in the air), 1/1/1995 for a new album. That would legally bind Guns N' Roses as a legal entity - regardless of who was a member of the band - to put out an album. If let's say, a million was spent between 1/1/1995 and 10/31/1996, well, Axl would still be legally obligated to make a new Guns N' Roses record, or he would have to pay back the money spent or be potentially sued in breach of contract. So, what Axl was saying is true - From a legal perspective, he was probably OBLIGATED to keep the Guns N' Roses name going after Slash and Duff left, and keeping the name/the advance later helped him in regards to building the new band/making CD/getting promotion and other resources that Chinese D got access to due to the prestige of the Guns N' Roses name, as opposed to what an Axl Rose solo record might have gotten.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 01, 2015, 05:51:05 PM
He might be referring to the fact that around 1995 or so Guns got a multi-million dollar advance for the next record? Which perhaps obligated him legally to make a "Guns N' Roses" record. By the time Slash and Duff had gone, perhaps some of that money been spent, which would've made it so Axl would've had to pay it back or face a lawsuit, if he didn't follow the contract and release a GN'R album?

I don't get why it would matter if technically slash, and duff were not founding members.
they were a creative force allong side axl.
They even did some recording in 96. (The Slash-Zakk combo from that period).

Also, the rumored cost for CD is 13 million$.
In '99, it was said that the band had the most expensive Mac server cluster for sound effects (Pittman+Dizzy).

No, the cost for CD was not spin.

There were lots of other songs worked on as well during that time period.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 01, 2015, 06:04:00 PM
After the monies invested by old Geffen (that were decisions made that have worked out for me but I'm on record as having opposed) dropping the name became suicide."

can someone clarify this line, cus I'm struggling deciphering it.

Old Geffen refers to a period before the MCA/UMe takeover, many Geffen employees were let go and GNR lost some support at the label when this happened.

"In January 1999 Seagram orchestrated a massive restructuring of its music division, firing 110 Geffen employees, including Mr. Rosenblatt [as well as Tom Zutaut, the A&R Man who'd originally signed the band and worked with them on every other release], and folding the unit into the corporation's bigger Interscope Records division. [...] Mr. Rose was said to be crushed by the departure of his Geffen contacts. [...] The unfinished album was placed in the hands of Interscope's chairman, Jimmy Iovine." (New York Times, 03/06/05)

In retrospect, the merger shook the music world to the core and by no means a minor feat. Numerous artists were dropped from their respective labels altogether, including Duff and Izzy, who had, at the time, record deals in place with Geffen. Duff's solo album, Beautiful Disease, was one of the casualties of the merger.

Much was at stake with Axl and Chinese Democracy as well, as the project undoubtedly faced more scrutiny than ever before, due to the fact that Jimmy Iovine at Interscope needed to get on top of things.

 But Axl had planned ahead. He'd taken control of the band name and assets in late August 1995, four months after David Geffen had left the building. This resulted with him claiming a degree of untouchability within the band, as the GNR name could not exist without him.

In May 1998, seven months before the Seagram-PolyGram-merger, Axl managed to amend the record deal with Geffen, relinquishing Slash and Duff from the contract. Axl was Guns N' Roses and anyone who wanted a GNR record had to deal with him.

"Sources close to Geffen Records say that Rose is back in the studio after a Christmas break working on a new Guns N' Roses album, and that tape is now rolling with producer Sean Beavan at the helm and engineer Critter at the controls. [...] Insiders say fans can expect a strong album with a big sound." (MTV, 01/09/99)

From Chinese whispers.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 02, 2015, 10:32:05 AM
I can't see Axl doing this.

He's done very well using the benefits of the name, all of which go right out the window the second he drops it.

"The Axl Rose Band" is not headlining any festivals.  "Guns N' Roses", even in various stages of being watered down, still can.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Spirit on November 02, 2015, 11:10:04 AM
I can't see Axl doing this.

He's done very well using the benefits of the name, all of which go right out the window the second he drops it.

"The Axl Rose Band" is not headlining any festivals.  "Guns N' Roses", even in various stages of being watered down, still can.

But he won't be dropping Guns N' Roses. They'll still be headlining everywhere.

This is just a way of getting to tour the material recorded with Bucket/Finck/Fortus on the side, all while the reunited GN'R sells out stadiums.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 02, 2015, 11:33:16 AM

But he won't be dropping Guns N' Roses. They'll still be headlining everywhere.

This is just a way of getting to tour the material recorded with Bucket/Finck/Fortus on the side, all while the reunited GN'R sells out stadiums.

So would there be no classic GNR material at these shows?  No SCOM, no WTTJ, no NR?

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: ice cream sand pig on November 02, 2015, 11:51:10 AM

But he won't be dropping Guns N' Roses. They'll still be headlining everywhere.

This is just a way of getting to tour the material recorded with Bucket/Finck/Fortus on the side, all while the reunited GN'R sells out stadiums.

So would there be no classic GNR material at these shows?  No SCOM, no WTTJ, no NR?

those would be some gnarly shows! sign me up! id rather have all cd era stuff shows than old stuff shows. i know im in the minority, but damn, that sounds so rad.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Lucky on November 02, 2015, 11:52:39 AM
No, the cost for CD was not spin.

from what we have so far. it's only CD+silkworms :P
so y. 13 mil/1.04 CD so far.

So would there be no classic GNR material at these shows?  No SCOM, no WTTJ, no NR?

any1 can play whatever they want live. otherwise, they'd be suing you for humming a song while listening to it on your headphones.
however, venues/organisers/radio stations... of public manifestations pay a "flat" fee of royalties to organisations in charge of "artis royalties", who then distribute that money among the artists (I think most countries have agencies that handle these things)

so it goes like this:

Organisation(radio, venue,...)  ---> government agency---> artist
I guess they calculate based on average radio play of that performer how much money he gets

Performance Rights Organizations or PROs (in the US that’s BMI, ASCAP, and SESAC) collect songwriting performance royalties from music users, and then pay songwriters and rights holders (publishers).

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Spirit on November 02, 2015, 01:48:53 PM

But he won't be dropping Guns N' Roses. They'll still be headlining everywhere.

This is just a way of getting to tour the material recorded with Bucket/Finck/Fortus on the side, all while the reunited GN'R sells out stadiums.

So would there be no classic GNR material at these shows?  No SCOM, no WTTJ, no NR?

There could be. Sort of what Slash is playing at his shows.

I'm just saying, realistically if there's a reunion, are there any other ways Axl could play the new songs from CD2 live?

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: sofine11 on November 02, 2015, 01:55:16 PM
Would it be completely outside the realm of possibilities that Slash, Duff & possibly Izzy could appear on the follow up to Chinese Democracy?  Shit, all they'd need to be on is the lead single to get new music into the setlist. Just spitballin' here.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 02, 2015, 05:34:06 PM
No, the cost for CD was not spin.

from what we have so far. it's only CD+silkworms :P
so y. 13 mil/1.04 CD so far.

How does that even remotely equal to "nothing else was recorded/worked on" ???

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 02, 2015, 05:42:17 PM

Would it be completely outside the realm of possibilities that Slash, Duff & possibly Izzy could appear on the follow up to Chinese Democracy?  Shit, all they'd need to be on is the lead single to get new music into the setlist. Just spitballin' here.

I would think it impossible, yes.

I'm amazed people think the others have any respect for what Axl has been doing the past 20 years.  Usually if I try and go down this road, I'm told that Izzy played that song that time.  Or Duff played that show.  So that is supposedly the proof they support it.

But Izzy never plays on anything done since he left.  Duff only played on things since his departure as a favor to his buddy Axl who was caught in a jam for a few shows. 

You guys don't think the others, when talking amongst themselves, have a reaction somewhere between rolled eyes and outright laughter at what Axl has done to their band?

I sure do.  And I don't think that's some wacky out there position either.  Not if you look at it form their perspective.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 02, 2015, 06:15:12 PM
You guys don't think the others, when talking amongst themselves, have a reaction somewhere between rolled eyes and outright laughter at what Axl has done to their band?

I sure do.  And I don't think that's some wacky out there position either.  Not if you look at it form their perspective.

First of, they know Axl better than you. So their perspective could be a little different than yours... They would have a better understanding of him than you for example.

Yes, Duff played those songs on tour last year. Did it sound weird? No. Did it sound like something Duff might've actually recorded himself? Yes.

You're trying to portray a disrespect for the art Axl created by the guys who were in the band with him at one time. I think it's more likely they respect his talents and art, even though they might not agree on everything that happened during the band's history.


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Nytunz on November 02, 2015, 06:50:09 PM

Would it be completely outside the realm of possibilities that Slash, Duff & possibly Izzy could appear on the follow up to Chinese Democracy?  Shit, all they'd need to be on is the lead single to get new music into the setlist. Just spitballin' here.

I would think it impossible, yes.

I'm amazed people think the others have any respect for what Axl has been doing the past 20 years.  Usually if I try and go down this road, I'm told that Izzy played that song that time.  Or Duff played that show.  So that is supposedly the proof they support it.

But Izzy never plays on anything done since he left.  Duff only played on things since his departure as a favor to his buddy Axl who was caught in a jam for a few shows. 

You guys don't think the others, when talking amongst themselves, have a reaction somewhere between rolled eyes and outright laughter at what Axl has done to their band?

I sure do.  And I don't think that's some wacky out there position either.  Not if you look at it form their perspective.

I think that Slash, Duff and Izzy have a broader perspective, knowledge and respect of Axls vision, talent. (Especially now in retrospective) then many of the betterwizzer "fans" cheering for only the original lineup.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 02, 2015, 07:01:24 PM

You guys don't think the others, when talking amongst themselves, have a reaction somewhere between rolled eyes and outright laughter at what Axl has done to their band?

I sure do.  And I don't think that's some wacky out there position either.  Not if you look at it form their perspective.

First of, they know Axl better than you. So their perspective could be a little different than yours... They would have a better understanding of him than you for example.

Yes, Duff played those songs on tour last year. Did it sound weird? No. Did it sound like something Duff might've actually recorded himself? Yes.

You're trying to portray a disrespect for the art Axl created by the guys who were in the band with him at one time. I think it's more likely they respect his talents and art, even though they might not agree on everything that happened during the band's history.


We'll put you down as a "no".

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 02, 2015, 07:06:02 PM

I think that Slash, Duff and Izzy have a broader perspective, knowledge and respect of Axls vision, talent. (Especially now in retrospective) then many of the betterwizzer "fans" cheering for only the original lineup.

I think any sort of reunion project is already a huge longshot.  I just think if it happens at all, its about looking backward, not forward.

Think of it like this.

sofine11's point that started all this was about any of those guys being on a 'Chinese Democracy' follow up.

Let's assume there is some sort of reunion effort.  Do you think it more likely :

- They are interested in a tour to celebrate and highlight what they did as a band in their primes?

- They file into a studio and say "say, Axl...what have you been working on?"

What do you think?  Avoiding cop out answers like "could be both" or "who can say". 

Either/or...what's your gut tell you?

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Lucky on November 02, 2015, 07:08:59 PM
How does that even remotely equal to "nothing else was recorded/worked on" ???

rejects dont matter. They could have spent the money on skittles for all practical reasons.
in 2002, 72 songs were said to be writen, 48 recorded. But obviously they were sub-par, especially since Riad made the final cut :P

p.s. I went  to re-listen Riad after a long time... and boy does that song sucks, and the solo... must be worst GNR solo ever :(

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 02, 2015, 07:19:09 PM

p.s. I went  to re-listen Riad after a long time... and boy does that song sucks, and the solo... must be worst GNR solo ever :(

Despite my dislike of it, I do still give a try every few months.

I keep thinking there is a song in there somewhere, but I can't ever find anything to latch on to.

I don't think its an accident its the only one never played past 2002.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 02, 2015, 08:41:41 PM
How does that even remotely equal to "nothing else was recorded/worked on" ???

rejects dont matter. They could have spent the money on skittles for all practical reasons.
in 2002, 72 songs were said to be writen, 48 recorded. But obviously they were sub-par, especially since Riad made the final cut :P

p.s. I went  to re-listen Riad after a long time... and boy does that song sucks, and the solo... must be worst GNR solo ever :(

How are they "rejects" if they were intentionally saved for a future release?

What "sucks" is some "fans" negativity and stupidity.

If that shoe fits, wear it.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 02, 2015, 08:46:51 PM

Would it be completely outside the realm of possibilities that Slash, Duff & possibly Izzy could appear on the follow up to Chinese Democracy?  Shit, all they'd need to be on is the lead single to get new music into the setlist. Just spitballin' here.

I would think it impossible, yes.

I'm amazed people think the others have any respect for what Axl has been doing the past 20 years.  Usually if I try and go down this road, I'm told that Izzy played that song that time.  Or Duff played that show.  So that is supposedly the proof they support it.

But Izzy never plays on anything done since he left.  Duff only played on things since his departure as a favor to his buddy Axl who was caught in a jam for a few shows. 

You guys don't think the others, when talking amongst themselves, have a reaction somewhere between rolled eyes and outright laughter at what Axl has done to their band?

I sure do.  And I don't think that's some wacky out there position either.  Not if you look at it form their perspective.

Not surprised.

You have already been told you are wrong in what you post by people actually close to the situation.

You seem to have  online nerd rage to vent.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 02, 2015, 09:17:02 PM
I'm certainly not opposed to it, I just don't think it's likely.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 03, 2015, 06:38:21 AM
How does that even remotely equal to "nothing else was recorded/worked on" ???

rejects dont matter. They could have spent the money on skittles for all practical reasons.
in 2002, 72 songs were said to be writen, 48 recorded. But obviously they were sub-par, especially since Riad made the final cut :P

How are they "rejects" if they were intentionally saved for a future release?

Just like You Could Be Mine, Don't Cry, November Rain and so on were "rejects"!


We'll put you down as a "no".

Sure, I even explained why I suspect it's not like how you think it is.


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 03, 2015, 08:25:38 AM


We'll put you down as a "no".

Sure, I even explained why I suspect it's not like how you think it is.

I saw your point.  I just didn't agree with it.

What, every conversation is supposed to end with one of the parties exclaiming, my god, I've seen the error of my ways and I recant it all?

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Ginger King on November 03, 2015, 08:55:48 AM

Would it be completely outside the realm of possibilities that Slash, Duff & possibly Izzy could appear on the follow up to Chinese Democracy?  Shit, all they'd need to be on is the lead single to get new music into the setlist. Just spitballin' here.

I would think it impossible, yes.

I'm amazed people think the others have any respect for what Axl has been doing the past 20 years.  Usually if I try and go down this road, I'm told that Izzy played that song that time.  Or Duff played that show.  So that is supposedly the proof they support it.

But Izzy never plays on anything done since he left.  Duff only played on things since his departure as a favor to his buddy Axl who was caught in a jam for a few shows. 

You guys don't think the others, when talking amongst themselves, have a reaction somewhere between rolled eyes and outright laughter at what Axl has done to their band?

I sure do.  And I don't think that's some wacky out there position either.  Not if you look at it form their perspective.

I think all of them have now realized that their sum is greater than their parts.  They all went their separate ways and had a moderate amount of success?Axl arguably had the most but he had the advantage of the Guns banner behind him. 

I view Duff playing multiple, full shows as the olive branch that made the reunion talk even possible.  Maybe they did snicker at Axl when he trotted out Bucket and freaky Robin (the leather unitard was a weird look), just like Axl probably snickered at Slash and Fergie?s duet. 

But time does heal all wounds.  I honestly think that if a reunion happens, anything goes.  It could ignite them to create new music, re-tinker with CDII songs, or say fuck it and play the catalogue.  I?m not sure there is a defined plan of attack once/if a reunion happens.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 03, 2015, 09:03:09 AM
I saw your point.  I just didn't agree with it.

What, every conversation is supposed to end with one of the parties exclaiming, my god, I've seen the error of my ways and I recant it all?

Hey, you're the one who likes discussions...  ;D

When I think about what you said a bit more, it makes less sense in a way.
Duff, as a bass player, has respect for Tommy. So in that musician to musician sense, he probably has respect for those songs.

As a guitar player, Slash must be able to hear some of those amazing guitar parts on the album and know why they are there. You don't think he would have some respect for Axl for actually doing that?
It might not always be Aerosmith or Led Zeppelin in the 1970s style guitar playing, but it's still amazing. And those parts are there because of Axl....

So yeah... Maybe some of those songs wouldn't be the kind of songs they'd write and/or record, but that doesn't mean they can't respect it.
After all, one of them has performed with the Black Eyed Peas....


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: sky dog on November 03, 2015, 09:08:32 AM
I am with Ginger on this....anything is possible.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Wooody on November 03, 2015, 10:38:35 AM

p.s. I went  to re-listen Riad after a long time... and boy does that song sucks, and the solo... must be worst GNR solo ever :(

Despite my dislike of it, I do still give a try every few months.

I keep thinking there is a song in there somewhere, but I can't ever find anything to latch on to.

I don't think its an accident its the only one never played past 2002.

Im very critical of CHinese democracy, but Rhiad is one of my favorites !!  :hihi:

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: sofine11 on November 03, 2015, 01:30:30 PM
If something as unlikely as an Axl Rose and Slash reunion actually materializes, I'm gonna go ahead and say pretty much anything goes.  As in, I do not think Slash would out right oppose playing some rhythms and a solo over s pre-recorded "Chinese Era" track to promote the reunion, however unlikely.

That said, at this point, with no news or quotes to support it whatsoever I think all this 2016 reunion talk is likely hogwash. Hopefully, we still manage to hear new music from Axl, again, however unlikely.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Ginger King on November 03, 2015, 01:45:47 PM
If something as unlikely as an Axl Rose and Slash reunion actually materializes, I'm gonna go ahead and say pretty much anything goes.  As in, I do not think Slash would out right oppose playing some rhythms and a solo over s pre-recorded "Chinese Era" track to promote the reunion, however unlikely.

That said, at this point, with no news or quotes to support it whatsoever I think all this 2016 reunion talk is likely hogwash. Hopefully, we still manage to hear new music from Axl, again, however unlikely.

Yeah, you might be right.  I wonder if perhaps everyone's looking a little further ahead, like to 2017 and the 30th anniversary of AFD.  Coinciding a reunion or CDII with the 30th anniversary of AFD could really maximize the impact.  Special box sets with AFD tracks, CD remixes, CDII, etc.  Who knows.  But we'll all find out soon.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on November 03, 2015, 01:53:56 PM
I saw your point.  I just didn't agree with it.

What, every conversation is supposed to end with one of the parties exclaiming, my god, I've seen the error of my ways and I recant it all?

Hey, you're the one who likes discussions...  ;D

When I think about what you said a bit more, it makes less sense in a way.
Duff, as a bass player, has respect for Tommy. So in that musician to musician sense, he probably has respect for those songs.

As a guitar player, Slash must be able to hear some of those amazing guitar parts on the album and know why they are there. You don't think he would have some respect for Axl for actually doing that?
It might not always be Aerosmith or Led Zeppelin in the 1970s style guitar playing, but it's still amazing. And those parts are there because of Axl....

So yeah... Maybe some of those songs wouldn't be the kind of songs they'd write and/or record, but that doesn't mean they can't respect it.
After all, one of them has performed with the Black Eyed Peas....


Is this a debate over whether we think the old guns respect Axl as an artist, primarily speaking to their opinion of Chinese Democracy, or are you talking about whether they respect the way Axl has handled Gn'R's legacy from a business perspective?

On the former, I believe they do respect, but on the latter I imagine not so much.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 03, 2015, 02:14:49 PM
Well yeah.

The poster I was discussing with, basically made a point that they can't have any respect for what Axl's done since they quit.
Just because they might not agree with all decisions made, doesn't mean there's no respect for the art created by Axl.

That was my point, and the original poster disagrees for whatever reason. He didn't manage to explain why....
I suspect it might be yet another case of "this makes sense to me, even though I have no actual information to back it up"...  :hihi:


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 03, 2015, 02:59:58 PM

That said, at this point, with no news or quotes to support it whatsoever I think all this 2016 reunion talk is likely hogwash. Hopefully, we still manage to hear new music from Axl, again, however unlikely.

Sort of died down pretty quick, huh?  I tend to think you are right.

I suppose it all still possible there is this master plan brewing behind the scenes, one that would fly in the face of everything we know about how this band operates.

Of course, if that were true, you'd have to believe the same about this album they are looking very seriously at, right?  And I sure don't.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 03, 2015, 03:02:37 PM

The poster I was discussing with, basically made a point that they can't have any respect for what Axl's done since they quit.
Just because they might not agree with all decisions made, doesn't mean there's no respect for the art created by Axl.

That was my point, and the original poster disagrees for whatever reason. He didn't manage to explain why....
I suspect it might be yet another case of "this makes sense to me, even though I have no actual information to back it up"...  :hihi:

I gave my opinion, you got upset and disagreed.

You gave your alternate opinion, I disagreed.

The reason I didn't also get upset is that I don't enter into conversation with you think I'm going to convert you.  We each gave our takes.  You just seem to get upset when I am not moved by your supposedly airtight rationale why I should see things your way.

Well...too bad.  Become a better debater or learn to accept disappointment.  Either/or.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 03, 2015, 03:09:49 PM

Is this a debate over whether we think the old guns respect Axl as an artist, primarily speaking to their opinion of Chinese Democracy, or are you talking about whether they respect the way Axl has handled Gn'R's legacy from a business perspective?

On the former, I believe they do respect, but on the latter I imagine not so much.

Agreed on both points. 

They obviously respect Axl as an artist, because of their own history with them.  Hardly means they love what he's done with the place since they moved out.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: sofine11 on November 03, 2015, 04:01:28 PM

That said, at this point, with no news or quotes to support it whatsoever I think all this 2016 reunion talk is likely hogwash. Hopefully, we still manage to hear new music from Axl, again, however unlikely.

Sort of died down pretty quick, huh?  I tend to think you are right.

I suppose it all still possible there is this master plan brewing behind the scenes, one that would fly in the face of everything we know about how this band operates.

Of course, if that were true, you'd have to believe the same about this album they are looking very seriously at, right?  And I sure don't.

Yeah, it just spiraled completely beyond what it initially was what with all the media craze, which is a quick Slash soundbite where he confirmed that he and Axl may have buried the hatchet.  Unfortunately, a reunion that does not make...Like, at all.  Had me optimistic for a good week.

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 03, 2015, 04:08:15 PM

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

I think he already did, no?

Welcome to the jingle
We got candy canes
We got us some mistletoe
And little tiny trains

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: TheBaconman on November 03, 2015, 04:11:47 PM

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

I think he already did, no?

Welcome to the jingle
We got candy canes
We got us some mistletoe
And little tiny trains

So we did this at the end of last year

I am already starting to get concert and festival updates for next year throw email via promoters

What the deadline do you think untl we know or don't know of any touring plans next year

Right now I think we can rule out November. December January and feb

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 03, 2015, 04:13:43 PM

So we did this at the end of last year

I am already starting to get concert and festival updates for next year throw email via promoters

What the deadline do you think untl we know or don't know of any touring plans next year

Right now I think we can rule out November. December January and feb

That seems reasonable.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: sofine11 on November 03, 2015, 04:20:36 PM

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

I think he already did, no?

Welcome to the jingle
We got candy canes
We got us some mistletoe
And little tiny trains

You know, I know that's a joke, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if it was some Nightrain announcement, and has nothing to do with the next album. I heard the next contest will give fans a chance to watch Frank eat a sandwich LIVE!!

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 03, 2015, 04:53:24 PM
I gave my opinion, you got upset and disagreed.

You gave your alternate opinion, I disagreed.

The reason I didn't also get upset is that I don't enter into conversation with you think I'm going to convert you.  We each gave our takes.  You just seem to get upset when I am not moved by your supposedly airtight rationale why I should see things your way.

Well...too bad.  Become a better debater or learn to accept disappointment.  Either/or.

Jeez. You and your constant idea that you somehow know how others feel.

You gave your opinion which I thought was bullshit so I replied. No emotions were involved. Simple as that.

The idea of a discussion seems to be lost with you. I'm not stupid enough to try to convert you, or the likes of you. I know better than that.

But, knowing that, I did at some point have little hope that an actual discussion could still take place and there'd be something more than "this is what I think I don't need to listen to the other side". This isn't your diary where you put down your ideas without anybody reading them.... You're aware I assume.

Basically, what I'm saying is that having a discussion with a rock is almost fulfilling than trying to discuss this with you. To use your own language, the endgame is the same.

And now I'll go back to being upset about this....   >:( I can't believe that unknown Internet user with a wrestling username can't have a proper discussion. I'm so upset! :rant:

Edited to add: I could list multiple things that are actually somewhat upsetting, but then this would get off topic and none of it matters anyway because you already know how much you upset me..... :hihi:


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 03, 2015, 05:10:37 PM

Basically, what I'm saying is that having a discussion with a rock is almost fulfilling than trying to discuss this with you. To use your own language, the endgame is the same.

So give up.  What are you getting out of this?

I tried putting you on time out, and you followed me around thread to thread, increasingly desperate to get my attention.  Michael Douglas had an easier time of it trying to shake Glenn Close for god's sake.

You need to ask yourself some hard questions, solider.  If this where we keep ending up, a dead end.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 03, 2015, 05:16:15 PM
Why would I give up? Keep dreaming.  :)
If it bothers you that I respond to your posts, post less rubbish. Stick to facts instead of taking everything and twisting it.

I still have hope that there's others out there who don't share your mentality of "I know what I know, and I don't need to listen to you la la la".
Correction, I actually know others manage this.... But there's always exceptions. :)

By the way, since you're free to try to analyze me... You're pretty sensitive aren't you? :)

Your time out game is cute. Ignore the other guy, so you can act like you're always right and don't need to answer for anything... Real mature isn't it?


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 03, 2015, 05:26:02 PM

Why would I give up?

Oh, I don't know.  To at least give even a passing attempt at refuting everything I've just said?

I can sure take or leave you, bro.  Here, let me show you.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 03, 2015, 05:30:28 PM
I can ignore you, but I'm sure you don't want that.... That would mean you're not posting here anymore.

If you come to our house, you'll have to expect the owners to be home. If that's a problem, there's always a door...  :-*


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: sofine11 on November 03, 2015, 05:34:27 PM
I can ignore you, but I'm sure you don't want that.... That would mean you're not posting here anymore.

If you come to our house, you'll have to expect the owners to be home. If that's a problem, there's always a door...  :-*


 :hihi:  Watta giant turd you are.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 03, 2015, 05:37:01 PM
Thank you.

For anybody who doesn't get what I'm asking for here:

If you come here to post, welcome!
But, keep in mind, this is a public forum. Anybody might read and/or respond to your posts. You never know who's reading your posts.
It's not your personal diary, blog or social media site. It's for discussions. The idea of a discussion is to say something, and then somebody responds, you take it in, think and respond again. Then repeat.

Getting all upset because somebody responds to you is kinda stupid in that sense.

Now, you can claim I get upset or that I'm an asshole, whatever. That's not really the point to begin with. I guess it makes it easier for some to come to terms with the whole idea of a discussion if in their minds they make me upset.... "I can't talk to you, you're upset". Right....

Once again, I've explained my point of view. The why.


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 03, 2015, 05:49:32 PM

I can ignore you

Really?  Will this be some sort of new year's resolution type of thing?  Because you have shown zero aptitude for it thus far.

On the other hand, you do express a pretty fervent desire to prove me wrong.  So maybe this could all dovetail, beautifully.  This could be your senior thesis, of sorts.

I say, you have a better chance of walking on the god damn moon than leaving me be.  You will continue to follow me around, furiously trying to get me pay you some mind.

I'm wrong?  Prove me wrong. 

I'm not too worried about it.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 03, 2015, 05:50:41 PM

I can ignore you

Really?  Will this be some sort of new year's resolution type of thing?  Because you have shown zero aptitude for it thus far.

On the other hand, you do express a pretty fervent desire to prove me wrong.  So maybe this could all dovetail, beautifully.  This could be your senior thesis, of sorts.

I say, you have a better chance of walking on the god damn moon than leaving me be.  You will continue to follow me around, furiously trying to get me pay you some mind.

I'm wrong?  Prove me wrong. 

I'm not too worried about it.

Read my post again.
I explained what I meant, in plain English.

Do you still want me to "ignore" you?

By the way, thanks for providing a perfect example of you taking something waaaaay out of context and twisting it to fit your own so called mission! Priceless.


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 03, 2015, 05:53:27 PM

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

I think he already did, no?

Welcome to the jingle
We got candy canes
We got us some mistletoe
And little tiny trains

You know, I know that's a joke, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if it was some Nightrain announcement, and has nothing to do with the next album. I heard the next contest will give fans a chance to watch Frank eat a sandwich LIVE!!

Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to join Nightrain.

Why do you find it necessary to mock and ridicule the fans that are members there?

That says more about you than them  :-*

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: sofine11 on November 03, 2015, 05:56:02 PM

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

I think he already did, no?

Welcome to the jingle
We got candy canes
We got us some mistletoe
And little tiny trains

You know, I know that's a joke, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if it was some Nightrain announcement, and has nothing to do with the next album. I heard the next contest will give fans a chance to watch Frank eat a sandwich LIVE!!

Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to join Nightrain.

Why do you find it necessary to mock and ridicule the fans that are members there?

That says more about you than them  :-*

So...I'm gonna go ahead and assume you have no interest in seeing Frank eat a sandwich then? Your loss I guess, less competition for the real fans.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 03, 2015, 06:01:59 PM

I can ignore you

Really?  Will this be some sort of new year's resolution type of thing?  Because you have shown zero aptitude for it thus far.

On the other hand, you do express a pretty fervent desire to prove me wrong.  So maybe this could all dovetail, beautifully.  This could be your senior thesis, of sorts.

I say, you have a better chance of walking on the god damn moon than leaving me be.  You will continue to follow me around, furiously trying to get me pay you some mind.

I'm wrong?  Prove me wrong. 

I'm not too worried about it.

Poor you  :crying:

You post utter bullshit, post opinion as fact, and you don't expect to be confronted or corrected by people that know better? Ludicrous on your part.

Your posts are fascinating though, how did you ever learn to say "pay attention to me" in so many different ways?   :hihi:

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 03, 2015, 06:03:53 PM

Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to join Nightrain.

I've debated it.

Is there a ticket buying aspect to membership?  That's the only real reason to join on of these things.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 03, 2015, 06:04:43 PM

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

I think he already did, no?

Welcome to the jingle
We got candy canes
We got us some mistletoe
And little tiny trains

You know, I know that's a joke, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if it was some Nightrain announcement, and has nothing to do with the next album. I heard the next contest will give fans a chance to watch Frank eat a sandwich LIVE!!

Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to join Nightrain.

Why do you find it necessary to mock and ridicule the fans that are members there?

That says more about you than them  :-*

So...I'm gonna go ahead and assume you have no interest in seeing Frank eat a sandwich then? Your loss I guess, less competition for the real fans.

And you continue to ridicule something you are not a part of.

Why do you feel it necessary to do that? Pathological much?

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 03, 2015, 06:06:09 PM
Is there a ticket buying aspect to membership?  That's the only real reason to join on of these things.

For $10, you get access to the forum, the contests, offers and show photos.
Also, you can get ticket pre-sales.


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 03, 2015, 06:06:59 PM

Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to join Nightrain.

I've debated it.

Is there a ticket buying aspect to membership?  That's the only real reason to join on of these things.

Yes, there will be early ticket sales to members.

There are also monthly giveaways, flash perks and a forum that is virtually troll and hater free, so you might not like it.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: sofine11 on November 03, 2015, 06:08:12 PM

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

I think he already did, no?

Welcome to the jingle
We got candy canes
We got us some mistletoe
And little tiny trains

You know, I know that's a joke, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if it was some Nightrain announcement, and has nothing to do with the next album. I heard the next contest will give fans a chance to watch Frank eat a sandwich LIVE!!

Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to join Nightrain.

Why do you find it necessary to mock and ridicule the fans that are members there?

That says more about you than them  :-*

So...I'm gonna go ahead and assume you have no interest in seeing Frank eat a sandwich then? Your loss I guess, less competition for the real fans.

And you continue to ridicule something you are not a part of.

Why do you feel it necessary to do that? Pathological much?

"No, no...I wanna be just... I figure all I need is a lobotomy and some tights!"

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 03, 2015, 06:10:52 PM
1985.... It's not coming back.


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 03, 2015, 06:11:30 PM

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

I think he already did, no?

Welcome to the jingle
We got candy canes
We got us some mistletoe
And little tiny trains

You know, I know that's a joke, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if it was some Nightrain announcement, and has nothing to do with the next album. I heard the next contest will give fans a chance to watch Frank eat a sandwich LIVE!!

Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to join Nightrain.

Why do you find it necessary to mock and ridicule the fans that are members there?

That says more about you than them  :-*

So...I'm gonna go ahead and assume you have no interest in seeing Frank eat a sandwich then? Your loss I guess, less competition for the real fans.

And you continue to ridicule something you are not a part of.

Why do you feel it necessary to do that? Pathological much?

"No, no...I wanna be just... I figure all I need is a lobotomy and some tights!"

Why not discuss things instead of bringing up often used comedy quotes that others have done better?

Are you unable to do that?

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: sofine11 on November 03, 2015, 06:14:18 PM

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

I think he already did, no?

Welcome to the jingle
We got candy canes
We got us some mistletoe
And little tiny trains

You know, I know that's a joke, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if it was some Nightrain announcement, and has nothing to do with the next album. I heard the next contest will give fans a chance to watch Frank eat a sandwich LIVE!!

Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to join Nightrain.

Why do you find it necessary to mock and ridicule the fans that are members there?

That says more about you than them  :-*

So...I'm gonna go ahead and assume you have no interest in seeing Frank eat a sandwich then? Your loss I guess, less competition for the real fans.

And you continue to ridicule something you are not a part of.

Why do you feel it necessary to do that? Pathological much?

"No, no...I wanna be just... I figure all I need is a lobotomy and some tights!"

Why not discuss things instead of bringing up often used comedy quotes that others have done better?

Are you unable to do that?

Because, as per usual, you are being ridiculous.

Also, good on Jarmo for getting where that quote came from immediately.  I'm sure you'll respond that you don't care, but being a John Hughes fanatic, I can appreciate that.  :-*

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 03, 2015, 06:16:57 PM

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

I think he already did, no?

Welcome to the jingle
We got candy canes
We got us some mistletoe
And little tiny trains

You know, I know that's a joke, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if it was some Nightrain announcement, and has nothing to do with the next album. I heard the next contest will give fans a chance to watch Frank eat a sandwich LIVE!!

Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to join Nightrain.

Why do you find it necessary to mock and ridicule the fans that are members there?

That says more about you than them  :-*

So...I'm gonna go ahead and assume you have no interest in seeing Frank eat a sandwich then? Your loss I guess, less competition for the real fans.

And you continue to ridicule something you are not a part of.

Why do you feel it necessary to do that? Pathological much?

"No, no...I wanna be just... I figure all I need is a lobotomy and some tights!"

Why not discuss things instead of bringing up often used comedy quotes that others have done better?

Are you unable to do that?

Because, as per usual, you are being ridiculous.

Also, good on Jarmo for getting where that quote came from immediately.  I'm sure you'll respond that you don't care, but being a John Hughes fanatic, I can appreciate that.  :-*

Oh I'm being ridiculous when you are attacking and ridiculing a fan club you don't even belong to.

Keep on telling yourself that I'm ridiculous- Whatever gets you thru the night. :hihi:

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: sofine11 on November 03, 2015, 06:17:41 PM

Keep on telling yourself that I'm ridiculous..  :hihi:

Just keep posting.  :-*

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 03, 2015, 06:18:47 PM

Keep on telling yourself that I'm ridiculous..  :hihi:

Just keep posting.  :-*

Great comeback and counter point :D

Did you come up with that all by yourself? Amazing.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 03, 2015, 06:22:03 PM
I love lamp.


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: CherryGarcia on November 03, 2015, 06:51:34 PM
1985.... It's not coming back.


Was the old band really that bad in your eyes? Has this new band such a smashing success?

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: Annie on November 03, 2015, 06:55:38 PM
1985.... It's not coming back.


Was the old band really that bad in your eyes? Has this new band such a smashing success?
All the GNR concerts I attended, 22 in all since 2001 have all been totally awesome. And there are some great songs on Chinese democracy that with proper promotion could have been major hits.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 03, 2015, 11:50:23 PM
1985.... It's not coming back.


Was the old band really that bad in your eyes? Has this new band such a smashing success?

Where did Jarmo say the old band was bad Miser? He was remarking about the lame and overused breakfast club quote sofine posted in lieu of a real response.

Stop trolling.  :no:

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: FunkyMonkey on November 04, 2015, 02:17:14 AM
EmilyGNR are you that crazy Warchild poster-- some suggested? :nervous:

Why is she/he posting here?  ::)  Really?

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 04, 2015, 03:39:02 AM
1985.... It's not coming back.


Was the old band really that bad in your eyes? Has this new band such a smashing success?

Is that what I said? Really?


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 04, 2015, 04:16:21 AM
EmilyGNR are you that crazy Warchild poster-- some suggested? :nervous:

Why is she/he posting here?  ::)  Really?

Haha! why don't you at least troll on topic?

 Is that beyond your obviously limited little capabilities?  ::)

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 04, 2015, 08:17:36 AM

Yes, there will be early ticket sales to members.

There are also monthly giveaways, flash perks and a forum that is virtually troll and hater free, so you might not like it.

I've seen the giveaways.  Don't really do much for me. 

And I would imagine if they have a forum, it makes this one look hard hitting, so I doubt I'd be all about that.

But early ticket sales is absolutely a worthy perk.  I'll probably have to check it out.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: D-GenerationX on November 04, 2015, 08:19:52 AM

EmilyGNR are you that crazy Warchild poster-- some suggested? :nervous:

Why is she/he posting here?  ::)  Really?

How many of us are getting those PMs?

I don't even know all the details about that whole warchild saga, but I know that's big conspiracy type deal amongst segments of our fanbase.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: JAEBALL on November 04, 2015, 08:35:32 AM
I got those PM's too. Somebody must think it.

Whether they are the same person or not, they have similar "styles".

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: JAEBALL on November 04, 2015, 08:38:11 AM

Would it be completely outside the realm of possibilities that Slash, Duff & possibly Izzy could appear on the follow up to Chinese Democracy?  Shit, all they'd need to be on is the lead single to get new music into the setlist. Just spitballin' here.

I would think it impossible, yes.

I'm amazed people think the others have any respect for what Axl has been doing the past 20 years.  Usually if I try and go down this road, I'm told that Izzy played that song that time.  Or Duff played that show.  So that is supposedly the proof they support it.

But Izzy never plays on anything done since he left.  Duff only played on things since his departure as a favor to his buddy Axl who was caught in a jam for a few shows. 

You guys don't think the others, when talking amongst themselves, have a reaction somewhere between rolled eyes and outright laughter at what Axl has done to their band?

I sure do.  And I don't think that's some wacky out there position either.  Not if you look at it form their perspective.

I think all of them have now realized that their sum is greater than their parts.  They all went their separate ways and had a moderate amount of success?Axl arguably had the most but he had the advantage of the Guns banner behind him. 

I view Duff playing multiple, full shows as the olive branch that made the reunion talk even possible.  Maybe they did snicker at Axl when he trotted out Bucket and freaky Robin (the leather unitard was a weird look), just like Axl probably snickered at Slash and Fergie?s duet. 

But time does heal all wounds.  I honestly think that if a reunion happens, anything goes.  It could ignite them to create new music, re-tinker with CDII songs, or say fuck it and play the catalogue.  I?m not sure there is a defined plan of attack once/if a reunion happens.

I'm with you Ginger. 10 years ago... I'm sure Slash and Duff were just completely dumbfounded by what Axl was doing.. whether they liked a handful of the songs or not...

But now... it's been so long, people let go of stuff. If it ever happens, i don't think there will be anything off limits or requirements by each to get on stage. Shit... they are 50 years old... you only live once, if they do it, have fun with it, or go home.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: sky dog on November 04, 2015, 10:43:29 AM
Axl isn't afraid to go home! ;D

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 04, 2015, 03:59:34 PM
I got those PM's too. Somebody must think it.

Whether they are the same person or not, they have similar "styles".

Why not post the PMs so we all can enjoy the lunacy?

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 04, 2015, 04:02:31 PM

Would it be completely outside the realm of possibilities that Slash, Duff & possibly Izzy could appear on the follow up to Chinese Democracy?  Shit, all they'd need to be on is the lead single to get new music into the setlist. Just spitballin' here.

I would think it impossible, yes.

I'm amazed people think the others have any respect for what Axl has been doing the past 20 years.  Usually if I try and go down this road, I'm told that Izzy played that song that time.  Or Duff played that show.  So that is supposedly the proof they support it.

But Izzy never plays on anything done since he left.  Duff only played on things since his departure as a favor to his buddy Axl who was caught in a jam for a few shows. 

You guys don't think the others, when talking amongst themselves, have a reaction somewhere between rolled eyes and outright laughter at what Axl has done to their band?

I sure do.  And I don't think that's some wacky out there position either.  Not if you look at it form their perspective.

I think all of them have now realized that their sum is greater than their parts.  They all went their separate ways and had a moderate amount of success?Axl arguably had the most but he had the advantage of the Guns banner behind him. 

I view Duff playing multiple, full shows as the olive branch that made the reunion talk even possible.  Maybe they did snicker at Axl when he trotted out Bucket and freaky Robin (the leather unitard was a weird look), just like Axl probably snickered at Slash and Fergie?s duet. 

But time does heal all wounds.  I honestly think that if a reunion happens, anything goes.  It could ignite them to create new music, re-tinker with CDII songs, or say fuck it and play the catalogue.  I?m not sure there is a defined plan of attack once/if a reunion happens.

I'm with you Ginger. 10 years ago... I'm sure Slash and Duff were just completely dumbfounded by what Axl was doing.. whether they liked a handful of the songs or not...

But now... it's been so long, people let go of stuff. If it ever happens, i don't think there will be anything off limits or requirements by each to get on stage. Shit... they are 50 years old... you only live once, if they do it, have fun with it, or go home.

If relations have indeed improved then isn't there a chance others are amicable to working on each other's music if the occasion arose or could be negotiated?

Purely theoretical , I know.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: OscarAxl22 on November 04, 2015, 04:35:13 PM

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

I think he already did, no?

Welcome to the jingle
We got candy canes
We got us some mistletoe
And little tiny trains

You know, I know that's a joke, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if it was some Nightrain announcement, and has nothing to do with the next album. I heard the next contest will give fans a chance to watch Frank eat a sandwich LIVE!!

Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to join Nightrain.

Why do you find it necessary to mock and ridicule the fans that are members there?

That says more about you than them  :-*

For once i agree with you.

I have been a fairly vocal critic of Management and their lack of interaction with the  fans in regards to keeping them in the loop.. ive also been a critic of Axl not making himself available to the fans who want to hear from him. One of the big things that Nightrain offered was a personally signed Axl Photo/poster... now.. that might not seem much to some... but imo thats a massive prize. And those sorts of things are great initiatives for that website. Now obviously more can be done (in my opinion).. but if people want to sign up to it, and they are happy doing so.. who am i to take away from their enjoyment. It doesnt have to be for everyone and thats fine... but if people like it.. let them enjoy it.

That Axl signed prize was almost enough to get me to sign up to the site alone.. considering how hard it is to buy any genuine Axl memorabilia.. it was a very big carrot... i hope TB can continue this sort of thing.. cause i will join if they do. :)

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: EmilyGNR on November 04, 2015, 06:02:02 PM

But yeah, hopefully Axl can get some music out.  I'm sure Fernando's impending update will clear this all up.  ;)

I think he already did, no?

Welcome to the jingle
We got candy canes
We got us some mistletoe
And little tiny trains

You know, I know that's a joke, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if it was some Nightrain announcement, and has nothing to do with the next album. I heard the next contest will give fans a chance to watch Frank eat a sandwich LIVE!!

Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to join Nightrain.

Why do you find it necessary to mock and ridicule the fans that are members there?

That says more about you than them  :-*

For once i agree with you.

I have been a fairly vocal critic of Management and their lack of interaction with the  fans in regards to keeping them in the loop.. ive also been a critic of Axl not making himself available to the fans who want to hear from him. One of the big things that Nightrain offered was a personally signed Axl Photo/poster... now.. that might not seem much to some... but imo thats a massive prize. And those sorts of things are great initiatives for that website. Now obviously more can be done (in my opinion).. but if people want to sign up to it, and they are happy doing so.. who am i to take away from their enjoyment. It doesnt have to be for everyone and thats fine... but if people like it.. let them enjoy it.

That Axl signed prize was almost enough to get me to sign up to the site alone.. considering how hard it is to buy any genuine Axl memorabilia.. it was a very big carrot... i hope TB can continue this sort of thing.. cause i will join if they do. :)

There have been contests and flashperks for Nightrain members to win autographed laminates and also signatures, I know some don't care but there was also the exclusive access to the Xmas T-shirt.

I don't post but I enter the contests and the giveaways , the early ticket sales are also a plus for me.

It is well worth the merch I ordered to get free membership, and now they have electronic memberships available for only 10$.  :)

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: JAEBALL on November 05, 2015, 08:58:58 AM
I got those PM's too. Somebody must think it.

Whether they are the same person or not, they have similar "styles".

Why not post the PMs so we all can enjoy the lunacy?

I'm not going to post peoples PM's on the board, I doubt Jarmo would like that anyway. It was not sent from somebody who normally posts here.

Take it for what you will. It's not important anyway.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: JAEBALL on November 05, 2015, 08:59:57 AM

Would it be completely outside the realm of possibilities that Slash, Duff & possibly Izzy could appear on the follow up to Chinese Democracy?  Shit, all they'd need to be on is the lead single to get new music into the setlist. Just spitballin' here.

I would think it impossible, yes.

I'm amazed people think the others have any respect for what Axl has been doing the past 20 years.  Usually if I try and go down this road, I'm told that Izzy played that song that time.  Or Duff played that show.  So that is supposedly the proof they support it.

But Izzy never plays on anything done since he left.  Duff only played on things since his departure as a favor to his buddy Axl who was caught in a jam for a few shows. 

You guys don't think the others, when talking amongst themselves, have a reaction somewhere between rolled eyes and outright laughter at what Axl has done to their band?

I sure do.  And I don't think that's some wacky out there position either.  Not if you look at it form their perspective.

I think all of them have now realized that their sum is greater than their parts.  They all went their separate ways and had a moderate amount of success?Axl arguably had the most but he had the advantage of the Guns banner behind him. 

I view Duff playing multiple, full shows as the olive branch that made the reunion talk even possible.  Maybe they did snicker at Axl when he trotted out Bucket and freaky Robin (the leather unitard was a weird look), just like Axl probably snickered at Slash and Fergie?s duet. 

But time does heal all wounds.  I honestly think that if a reunion happens, anything goes.  It could ignite them to create new music, re-tinker with CDII songs, or say fuck it and play the catalogue.  I?m not sure there is a defined plan of attack once/if a reunion happens.

I'm with you Ginger. 10 years ago... I'm sure Slash and Duff were just completely dumbfounded by what Axl was doing.. whether they liked a handful of the songs or not...

But now... it's been so long, people let go of stuff. If it ever happens, i don't think there will be anything off limits or requirements by each to get on stage. Shit... they are 50 years old... you only live once, if they do it, have fun with it, or go home.

If relations have indeed improved then isn't there a chance others are amicable to working on each other's music if the occasion arose or could be negotiated?

Purely theoretical , I know.

Sure.. I would hope after all of these years cooler heads have prevailed on all fronts.

Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: jarmo on November 05, 2015, 11:02:35 AM
I got those PM's too. Somebody must think it.

Whether they are the same person or not, they have similar "styles".

If anybody gets personal messages that are out of line, there's a link at the bottom right of each one that says: Report to admin.


Title: Re: Could this be a possible scenario?
Post by: ice cream sand pig on November 06, 2015, 11:50:59 PM
EmilyGNR are you that crazy Warchild poster-- some suggested? :nervous:

Why is she/he posting here?  ::)  Really?

for one, so i can enjoy reading her posts. she actually knows a great deal about gnr.

this warchild character sounds ineresting. i want to meet them! sounds like someone willing to think for themselves despite the pressure coming from other board members to be an obedient member of the pack. (by pack i mean the shit slinging brigade here and the talking heads at my central american dickhead farm).