Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: FunkyMonkey on October 06, 2015, 02:17:28 PM

Title: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: FunkyMonkey on October 06, 2015, 02:17:28 PM
INTERVIEW: RICHARD FORTUS (Dead Daisies/Guns n? Roses)

Oct 02, 2015

Despite being told not to bring up his main band, Fortus was happy to talk about them (he mentioned them first, just saying!)

100% ROCK: Yeah, there?s talk of your other band ? who I?m not allowed to mention ? releasing some [music] next year. We?ll have to see if that comes out, hey?

Richard: Yeah, yeah, to be honest with you, I have no idea what?s going on. There?s been a lot of talk about stuff. We?ve been talking. The world?s been talking. Who knows what?s going to happen. I have no idea.

100% ROCK: Time will tell!

Richard: I really have no idea what?s going to happen. I do know that Guns wants to do something next year, so I?m hoping that it does and I can be a part of it.

100% ROCK: Excellent. I appreciate your time. Maybe we can talk about your other band next year if something?s happening on that front?

Richard: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. You know, I?m not opposed to talking about [Guns n? Roses]. There?s so much speculation going on right now that I don?t want to get myself into trouble and I really don?t know anything at this point.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sofine11 on October 06, 2015, 02:19:03 PM

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sky dog on October 06, 2015, 02:22:43 PM
just like Tommy.... :hihi:

now, everyone say he is gone too....Richard didn't quit or walk away....he left it in Vegas.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 06, 2015, 02:24:38 PM
There?s so much speculation going on right now that I don?t want to get myself into trouble and I really don?t know anything at this point.

In other words: No comment.
He's learned his lesson. Anything he says about GN'R will be used against him.  :hihi:


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 06, 2015, 02:31:14 PM
Well, that's just tremendous.

OK, well...given everything we've heard, is it perhaps time to say they really are NOT starting to look very seriously at what they are doing in regard to releasing a new album?

Are we still going to pretend that's a thing?  Nothing anyone ever seems to say supports that there is any sort of effort being put into that.

The reunion stuff, hey, who the hell knows.  But I think it likely time to stop thinking there is all this hustle and bustle going on behind the scenes to get a new album out.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sky dog on October 06, 2015, 02:35:38 PM
D-Gen, for the love of God, give the album thing a rest! They don't need to be involved because the music is recorded! Done!

Hate to say it buddy, but odds are better at getting that album well before any reunion comes together. Now, that is a real pipe dream.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: FunkyMonkey on October 06, 2015, 02:40:06 PM

just like Tommy.... :hihi:

It does sound similar to Tommy.  He hopes GN'R does something next year and that he can be part of it?

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 06, 2015, 02:40:25 PM

D-Gen, for the love of God, give the album thing a rest! They don't need to be involved because the music is recorded! Done!

Hate to say it buddy, but odds are better at getting that album well before any reunion comes together. Now, that is a real pipe dream.

I believe I told you yesterday I agreed with you on that.  The "5% versus 1%" conversation.

But just to clarify, you are still in the album is coming camp?  Axl, working all by his onesy for the past year plus, trying to get that sucker over the finish line?

That's where you're at?

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sofine11 on October 06, 2015, 02:43:12 PM

D-Gen, for the love of God, give the album thing a rest! They don't need to be involved because the music is recorded! Done!

Hate to say it buddy, but odds are better at getting that album well before any reunion comes together. Now, that is a real pipe dream.

I believe I told you yesterday I agreed with you on that.  The "5% versus 1%" conversation.

But just to clarify, you are still in the album is coming camp?  Axl, working all by his onesy for the past year plus, trying to get that sucker over the finish line?

That's where you're at?

I'm in the "Possibly have Chris Pitman swing by to add a fart noise to The General every six months camp".  Progress, right?  :hihi:

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sky dog on October 06, 2015, 02:44:24 PM
D, yes, that is where I am at and I believe he is working with Caram Costanzo. That is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: NaturalLight on October 06, 2015, 02:45:19 PM

Sounds like some Double Talk:

Richard: Yeah, yeah, to be honest with you, I have no idea what?s going on.

Richard: I really have no idea what?s going to happen. I do know that Guns wants to do something next year, so I?m hoping that it does and I can be a part of it.

OK, folks. Time to dissect every single word, thought and sentence, and get this thread up to 10 pages of debate about whether there's a new album, whether Richard is in the band, and whether he actually has Axl's cell phone number, by noon tomorrow.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 06, 2015, 02:46:46 PM
Know what kills me?

The constant insistence that the album can be completed without anyone's involvement or input.  That Axl has it all, Axl makes the final call, and Axl will be the one that finishes it up.

Is it me...or is that WORSE?  Wouldn't it be better if you were actually arguing that other band member's input was still needed, and it was trying to get everyone on a workable schedule that's the hold up?

Is it a stirring defense, or a stinging indictment to say its all done and its just finishing touches time?  For a year.  A year plus, actually.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 06, 2015, 02:47:24 PM

D, yes, that is where I am at and I believe he is working with Caram Costanzo. That is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Hey, at least you're honest.  Can't find any qualms with a guy that takes a stand, pro or con.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sofine11 on October 06, 2015, 02:51:09 PM
D, yes, that is where I am at and I believe he is working with Caram Costanzo. That is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Oh man, how I wish we had even a shred of evidence to go by that would convince me of this. Don't get me wrong, no one wants to hear the next album more than me, but the collective ::shrug:: we've gotten from Axl and management in the last year and a half does nothing to bolster my beliefs that this album is coming...soon.   :-\

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on October 06, 2015, 03:21:27 PM
Or is it plausable that Axl is taking the year off, the album is basically ready therefore he needs no support, so he's been sitting on it waiting until 2016 to release it with a tour? 

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sofine11 on October 06, 2015, 03:26:25 PM
Or is it plausable that Axl is taking the year off, the album is basically ready therefore he needs no support, so he's been sitting on it waiting until 2016 to release it with a tour? 

At this point, I guess one explanation as to why there's no release date in sight is as good as the next.  Sure, why not?  He's been sitting on an essentially completed album for seven years now.  What's another year or so between friends?

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 06, 2015, 03:31:34 PM

Or is it plausable that Axl is taking the year off, the album is basically ready therefore he needs no support, so he's been sitting on it waiting until 2016 to release it with a tour? 

At this point, I guess one explanation as to why there's no release date in sight is as good as the next.  Sure, why not?  He's been sitting on an essentially completed album for seven years now.  What's another year or so between friends?


It could be though.  Maybe he's taking time off to get himself back in kickass shape and voice.  I'd be all for that.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sofine11 on October 06, 2015, 03:41:15 PM

Or is it plausable that Axl is taking the year off, the album is basically ready therefore he needs no support, so he's been sitting on it waiting until 2016 to release it with a tour? 

At this point, I guess one explanation as to why there's no release date in sight is as good as the next.  Sure, why not?  He's been sitting on an essentially completed album for seven years now.  What's another year or so between friends?


It could be though.  Maybe he's taking time off to get himself back in kickass shape and voice.  I'd be all for that.

Man, if he could get himself in 2006-10 shape both vocally and physically, I'd be totally down for that.  But it all comes down to thinking there's a "master plan" for 2016, rather than the autopilot they've been on since 2011 with sporadic touring and residencies. 

Of course, I hope there's a plan for the album in 2016.  I hope Fernando is secretly the best manager ever, and he's actually doing the manager thing by negotiating the release as we speak...::Morgan Freeman Voice:: "I hope..."

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 06, 2015, 03:46:15 PM

Man, if he could get himself in 2006-10 shape both vocally and physically, I'd be totally down for that. 

Its actually the best thing he could do.

A new album?  Great.  Getting back onstage with Slash and Duff?  Would be awesome.

But in what condition?  Honestly, if he were to attempt a reunion or even partial reunion thing, that is going to draw more eyeballs on him than there has been in a loooooooooooong time.  I'm talking people who haven't paid attention to him in over a decade.

Do you want their first impressions to be 2011 and onwards Axl?  Or would you feel better about 2006-10 Axl? 

I think its rather academic.  Even if you cling to the premise he was just fine in 2011-14, I think you have to concede he sounded better in 2006-10.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sofine11 on October 06, 2015, 03:52:16 PM

Man, if he could get himself in 2006-10 shape both vocally and physically, I'd be totally down for that. 

Its actually the best thing he could do.

A new album?  Great.  Getting back onstage with Slash and Duff?  Would be awesome.

But in what condition?  Honestly, if he were to attempt a reunion or even partial reunion thing, that is going to draw more eyeballs on him than there has been in a loooooooooooong time.  I'm talking people who haven't paid attention to him in over a decade.

Do you want their first impressions to be 2011 and onwards Axl?  Or would you feel better about 2006-10 Axl? 

I think its rather academic.  Even if you cling to the premise he was just fine in 2011-14, I think you have to concede he sounded better in 2006-10.

In 2006 Mick Wall said that Axl sounded literally better than ever live, to the point where he was wondering whether Axl was using some kind of auto-tune during live shows.  A douchey thing to say, sure, but it shows just how incredible Axl sounded during that tour.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 06, 2015, 04:00:17 PM

In 2006 Mick Wall said that Axl sounded literally better than ever live, to the point where he was wondering whether Axl was using some kind of auto-tune during live shows.  A douchey thing to say, sure, but it shows just how incredible Axl sounded during that tour.

I posted WTTJ from 2006 Rock Am Ring on my FB page a few months back.

The feedback was nuts.  While they all conceded they had no clue who the hell was on stage with him, they all thought he sounded incredible.

That scream...I hate to agree with Mick, but you do almost wonder if it was fake.  But they keep that camera on him tight the whole time, and that's all him.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sofine11 on October 06, 2015, 04:05:03 PM

In 2006 Mick Wall said that Axl sounded literally better than ever live, to the point where he was wondering whether Axl was using some kind of auto-tune during live shows.  A douchey thing to say, sure, but it shows just how incredible Axl sounded during that tour.

I posted WTTJ from 2006 Rock Am Ring on my FB page a few months back.

The feedback was nuts.  While they all conceded they had no clue who the hell was on stage with him, they all thought he sounded incredible.

That scream...I hate to agree with Mick, but you do almost wonder if it was fake.  But they keep that camera on him tight the whole time, and that's all him.

For whatever reason, they used backing tracks when he did Scraped & Catcher live in 2009-10. It sounded incredibly out of place and wonky.  But other than that, everything we've seen from Axl over the years live is 100% him.  Whether it's been for better or worse, there's too much improv in what he does for it not to be him.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 06, 2015, 04:09:55 PM

For whatever reason, they used backing tracks when he did Scraped & Catcher live in 2009-10. It sounded incredibly out of place and wonky.  But other than that, everything we've seen from Axl over the years live is 100% him.  Whether it's been for better or worse, there's too much improv in what he does for it not to be him.

I love the live version of 'Scraped'.  Like that drum intro.

But it is sort of weird with those screams in the beginning.  They play the backing tracks...yet he still does different screams live.  It does sound a bit off.

Still dig it though.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sofine11 on October 06, 2015, 04:12:05 PM

For whatever reason, they used backing tracks when he did Scraped & Catcher live in 2009-10. It sounded incredibly out of place and wonky.  But other than that, everything we've seen from Axl over the years live is 100% him.  Whether it's been for better or worse, there's too much improv in what he does for it not to be him.

I love the live version of 'Scraped'.  Like that drum intro.

But it is sort of weird with those screams in the beginning.  They play the backing tracks...yet he still does different screams live.  It does sound a bit off.

Still dig it though.

Oh, the drum intro is badass.  Which is why it's so disarming when out of nowhere the CD starts playing along with Axl's live vocals.  It kind of neuters the whole thing for me.  Ron & Dizzy could've handled those backing vocals just fine, not sure why they had to blast the CD instead.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 06, 2015, 04:13:41 PM
Well, that's just tremendous.

OK, well...given everything we've heard, is it perhaps time to say they really are NOT starting to look very seriously at what they are doing in regard to releasing a new album?

Are we still going to pretend that's a thing?  Nothing anyone ever seems to say supports that there is any sort of effort being put into that.

The reunion stuff, hey, who the hell knows.  But I think it likely time to stop thinking there is all this hustle and bustle going on behind the scenes to get a new album out.

Day in and day out. The same old.

Ok. Let's play a game: Let's go with your opinion: There's no album, there's no band, there's no tour.
Can you please go play somewhere else now and come back when one of those things change to your liking?
Thanks a bunch!  : ok:


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sofine11 on October 06, 2015, 04:15:01 PM
Well, that's just tremendous.

OK, well...given everything we've heard, is it perhaps time to say they really are NOT starting to look very seriously at what they are doing in regard to releasing a new album?

Are we still going to pretend that's a thing?  Nothing anyone ever seems to say supports that there is any sort of effort being put into that.

The reunion stuff, hey, who the hell knows.  But I think it likely time to stop thinking there is all this hustle and bustle going on behind the scenes to get a new album out.

Day in and day out. The same old.

Ok. Let's play a game: Let's go with your opinion: There's no album, there's no band, there's no tour.
Can you please go play somewhere else now and come back when one of those things change to your liking?
Thanks a bunch!  : ok:


That's like telling a disenchanted soccer fan to *not* talk about their favorite team until they start winning.  Good luck!

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: dmathski on October 06, 2015, 04:15:59 PM
Didn't a little while ago he said big plans for next year?  Now he doesn't know anything??...  ya riiiight

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 06, 2015, 04:17:14 PM

Oh, the drum intro is badass.  Which is why it's so disarming when out of nowhere the CD starts playing along with Axl's live vocals.  It kind of neuters the whole thing for me.  Ron & Dizzy could've handled those backing vocals just fine, not sure why they had to blast the CD instead.

However, it does add an almost call and response sort of effect.  The backing track from the CD plays, and then he answers with a live one.

I think that drum intro is awesome.  And might have been better served on the album.  How many people just dismissed the song because they didn't like the vocal intro on the CD?  I found that silly.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sofine11 on October 06, 2015, 04:18:16 PM
Didn't a little while ago he said big plans for next year?  Now he doesn't know anything??...  ya riiiight

Honestly, Richard's been saying shit like that for years.  Now he's dialing back for whatever reason.  Next interview he'll likely be back to talking about Axl's 16 finished albums just waiting to be released next year...Maybe.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 06, 2015, 04:19:18 PM
That's like telling a disenchanted soccer fan to *not* talk about their favorite team until they start winning.  Good luck!

It's called football.  :P
Even those fans usually have something constructive to say...


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sofine11 on October 06, 2015, 04:20:17 PM
That's like telling a disenchanted soccer fan to *not* talk about their favorite team until they start winning.  Good luck!

It's called football.  :P
Even those fans usually have something constructive to say...


Haha.  Sorry, I'm a yank.  ;)

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sofine11 on October 06, 2015, 04:22:18 PM

Oh, the drum intro is badass.  Which is why it's so disarming when out of nowhere the CD starts playing along with Axl's live vocals.  It kind of neuters the whole thing for me.  Ron & Dizzy could've handled those backing vocals just fine, not sure why they had to blast the CD instead.

However, it does add an almost call and response sort of effect.  The backing track from the CD plays, and then he answers with a live one.

I think that drum intro is awesome.  And might have been better served on the album.  How many people just dismissed the song because they didn't like the vocal intro on the CD?  I found that silly.

Didn't Eric Cadieux (spelling?) do a remix that included the drum intro? I could've sworn that was floating around somewhere.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: FunkyMonkey on October 06, 2015, 04:42:00 PM

Now he's dialing back for whatever reason.  

Yeah, it seems like the some of the band members don't know what's going on, and are not sure of their status in the band. :-\

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 06, 2015, 04:42:55 PM

Now he's dialing back for whatever reason.  

Yeah, it seems like the some of the band members don't know what's going on, and are not sure of their status in the band. :-\

Can you blame him for not saying anything?


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: FunkyMonkey on October 06, 2015, 04:48:43 PM

Now he's dialing back for whatever reason.  

Yeah, it seems like the some of the band members don't know what's going on, and are not sure of their status in the band. :-\

Can you blame him for not saying anything?


He says he's not opposed to talking about Guns N' Roses.  But he has no idea what is going on.

What's odd is that he doesn't seem sure of his status in the band, same as Tommy.


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 06, 2015, 04:59:30 PM
He also says he doesn't wanna get in trouble.

Which implies, saying too much too early.


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: FunkyMonkey on October 06, 2015, 05:01:50 PM

He also says he doesn't wanna get in trouble.

Makes you wonder, in trouble with who.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 06, 2015, 05:03:05 PM

He also says he doesn't wanna get in trouble.

Which implies, saying too much too early.

Which would be the positive spin.  That there is something cool coming, and he doesn't want to spoil it.  Yeah, that would be awesome.

Which might fly...if we did not have years upon years of that very thing never, never, ever, ever, playing out.

You could make just as good an argument he is being as truthful as humanly possible.  He's not saying shit about shit because he doesn't know shit about shit.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 06, 2015, 05:06:00 PM
Make you wonder, in trouble with who.

The people who make the plans and announce them when they're ready to be announced?

Or Santa Claus?

You could make just as good an argument he is being as truthful as humanly possible.  He's not saying shit about shit because he doesn't know shit about shit.

Or he can read.
So he knows that if he says "Oh yeah, GN'R will tour in 2016", it'll lead to this: "Richard Fortus confirms GN'R reunion tour for 2016" because of all the reunion speculation taking place at the moment.


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: FunkyMonkey on October 06, 2015, 05:14:04 PM

Makes you wonder, in trouble with who.

The people who make the plans and announce them when they're ready to be announced?

Or Santa Claus?


Or management or Axl or Del or their publicist.

Was Santa Claus really necessary. ::)

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 06, 2015, 05:18:27 PM

Was Santa Claus really necessary. ::)

Given the laundry list of stuff we are given to swallow, I assumed we all believe in Santa Claus.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 06, 2015, 05:25:59 PM
Or management or Axl or Del or their publicist.

Was Santa Claus really necessary. ::)

It's the season. Well almost. Or it is depending on what store you walk into.  :no:


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: NaturalLight on October 06, 2015, 08:22:58 PM
um . . . maybe it was just a figure of speech.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: Wooody on October 06, 2015, 09:33:54 PM
I?m hoping that it does and I can be a part of it.

He is basically saying he hopes he is still in the band?

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sky dog on October 06, 2015, 09:44:50 PM
Honestly, I don't think Richard knows more than anybody else from the modern lineup....I gotta think Tommy is more accurate with his "we left it all in Vegas". Open book going forward. Why is that so hard to grasp for people? It is Axl's band and he is leaving all options open. At this point, it is the right move.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: norway on October 06, 2015, 10:41:37 PM

 But other than that, everything we've seen from Axl over the years live is 100% him. 

In Japan 02 it is something weird ( going on. After lald he says 'if it's an equalizer, compressor or a filter on this this thing turn it off'.

How many people just dismissed the song because they didn't like the vocal intro on the CD?

 I skip to the solo here.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 07, 2015, 09:50:38 AM

Honestly, I don't think Richard knows more than anybody else from the modern lineup....I gotta think Tommy is more accurate with his "we left it all in Vegas". Open book going forward. Why is that so hard to grasp for people? It is Axl's band and he is leaving all options open. At this point, it is the right move.

I can only speak for myself here.  But I'm not sure you are making a 100% genuine argument.  Not just you, to be fair, but anyone that goes down this road.

You say its an open book.  Could go either way.  But is that how people handle it?

What I mean is, how can people claim we don't really know...then jump down the throat of anyone that says it looks like a guy is gone?  Isn't that part of the "could go either way" principle?

When a guy starts talking about having to step away, about leaving it all in Vegas, and generally talking about the band in the past tense...that doesn't paint a rosy picture he's still in the mix, does it?  But try suggesting that, and you get grief.

But I thought it could go either way.  Right?

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: JAEBALL on October 07, 2015, 09:59:19 AM
What I truly find amusing is...the people who push back against certain scenarios...are the same people who are never ever going to say a disparaging word about the operation no matter which way it goes...

So stop pushing back against people hopeful for it to go a certain way...

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 07, 2015, 10:17:43 AM
I think there are very, very few things in life that are truly 50/50.  A true equal chance of outcome on both sides.

Both the odds themselves, as well as human nature, are going to have you leaning one way.


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sky dog on October 07, 2015, 10:29:50 AM
I am not pushing anybody in any direction.  ???

My ideal scenario is release the rest of Chinese in 2016 and call it a day for the modern lineup. Boxset that stuff and turn the page. In 2017, reunion for AFD's 30 year anniversary.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: JAEBALL on October 07, 2015, 10:30:52 AM
I am not pushing anybody in any direction.  ???

My ideal scenario is release the rest of Chinese in 2016 and call it a day for the modern lineup. Boxset that stuff and turn the page. In 2017, reunion for AFD's 30 year anniversary.

DING DING DING ... that's the winner right there.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 07, 2015, 10:52:48 AM
I am not pushing anybody in any direction.  ???

My ideal scenario is release the rest of Chinese in 2016 and call it a day for the modern lineup. Boxset that stuff and turn the page. In 2017, reunion for AFD's 30 year anniversary.


Shit, let's put you in charge.  That all sounds great

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: Wooody on October 08, 2015, 11:29:55 AM
I am not pushing anybody in any direction.  ???

My ideal scenario is release the rest of Chinese in 2016 and call it a day for the modern lineup. Boxset that stuff and turn the page. In 2017, reunion for AFD's 30 year anniversary.


Shit, let's put you in charge.  That all sounds great

I would've been against that if the modern lineup was still alive (the last one).
But Now I agree. Boxset that stuff and reunion all the way.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 08, 2015, 12:32:45 PM
I am not pushing anybody in any direction.  ???

My ideal scenario is release the rest of Chinese in 2016 and call it a day for the modern lineup. Boxset that stuff and turn the page. In 2017, reunion for AFD's 30 year anniversary.

I think from gleaning the forums that most fans are like a Queen song- They want it all, and they want it now  :hihi:

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sky dog on October 09, 2015, 05:52:24 AM
yep....pipe dream, but it makes big time financial sense. Axl gets to show his full vision for Chinese and let's be honest, he won't do a reunion until that has run it's course in his mind. The boxset sells huge to his hardcores (of which there is still a substantial amount across the globe) and the reunion is a complete cash grab windfall whenever he wants it. Win-Win....Let's start with a single disc of Chinese take out and then re-evaluate! :peace:

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on October 09, 2015, 08:42:20 AM
yep....pipe dream, but it makes big time financial sense. Axl gets to show his full vision for Chinese and let's be honest, he won't do a reunion until that has run it's course in his mind. The boxset sells huge to his hardcores (of which there is still a substantial amount across the globe) and the reunion is a complete cash grab windfall whenever he wants it. Win-Win....Let's start with a single disc of Chinese take out and then re-evaluate! :peace:

This is exactly what I've been thinking as well and the timing makes complete sense.  I'd like to see them bring back the CD composers to perform a tour of small venues in which they only play CD era material.  Then jump into 2017 where they tour AFD and UYI with that era. 

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sky dog on October 09, 2015, 08:55:42 AM
I'd be all over that

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 09, 2015, 09:34:31 AM

This is exactly what I've been thinking as well and the timing makes complete sense.  I'd like to see them bring back the CD composers to perform a tour of small venues in which they only play CD era material.  Then jump into 2017 where they tour AFD and UYI with that era. 

Dude, who is going to that?

If you advertise that 100% honestly, that its going to be CD-era stuff and nothing but...who's really buying that ticket?

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: GeorgeSteele on October 09, 2015, 10:34:54 AM

This is exactly what I've been thinking as well and the timing makes complete sense.  I'd like to see them bring back the CD composers to perform a tour of small venues in which they only play CD era material.  Then jump into 2017 where they tour AFD and UYI with that era. 

Dude, who is going to that?

If you advertise that 100% honestly, that its going to be CD-era stuff and nothing but...who's really buying that ticket?

Wouldn't be the first artist to troll fans by not playing any hits.  Off the top of my head, Dylan and Bowie used to do that, Morrissey does it, Elvis Costello... these guys aren't selling out stadiums now, but it's not just 10 guys in attendance either. 

For the record, I would rather they don't do CD-only, they never would, but I'd still go.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: JAEBALL on October 09, 2015, 10:38:22 AM

This is exactly what I've been thinking as well and the timing makes complete sense.  I'd like to see them bring back the CD composers to perform a tour of small venues in which they only play CD era material.  Then jump into 2017 where they tour AFD and UYI with that era. 

Dude, who is going to that?

If you advertise that 100% honestly, that its going to be CD-era stuff and nothing but...who's really buying that ticket?

Wouldn't be the first artist to troll fans by not playing any hits.  Off the top of my head, Dylan and Bowie used to do that, Morrissey does it, Elvis Costello... these guys aren't selling out stadiums now, but it's not just 10 guys in attendance either. 

For the record, I would rather they don't do CD-only, they never would, but I'd still go.

If you had the REAL (haha) Chinese Democracy lineup together... that would be fucking awesome... everybody here would go... but yeah it would be strange... and probably not all that marketable.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on October 09, 2015, 11:07:58 AM

This is exactly what I've been thinking as well and the timing makes complete sense.  I'd like to see them bring back the CD composers to perform a tour of small venues in which they only play CD era material.  Then jump into 2017 where they tour AFD and UYI with that era. 

Dude, who is going to that?

If you advertise that 100% honestly, that its going to be CD-era stuff and nothing but...who's really buying that ticket?

I get that, but I believe they'd be able to get enough support to fill small venues, like I mentioned.  If they run it through some big markets, they'll sell them out (or close enough) just by the name alone.  Its a pipe dream anyway. 

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 09, 2015, 11:23:22 AM
Dude, who is going to that?

I mean, it wouldn't be "the same set list as the last tour" after all.  :rofl:
I thought the idea was that different setlist -> bigger crowds.

Now you're saying people just wanna hear the AFD songs played... ;)

No, I'm not being 100% serious.


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: Wooody on October 09, 2015, 01:46:31 PM
I would go, it would be interesting.

Im tired of them playing the old songs to be honest.
But Im also tired of them playing live instead of releasing CD II and III.

Which im starting to believe I dreamt about them ever existing.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: DeN on October 09, 2015, 01:59:43 PM
Dude, who is going to that?

I mean, it wouldn't be "the same set list as the last tour" after all.  :rofl:
I thought the idea was that different setlist -> bigger crowds.

Now you're saying people just wanna hear the AFD songs played... ;)

No, I'm not being 100% serious.


total off topic, but well, I have to ask : are you INTJ?

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 09, 2015, 06:40:31 PM
total off topic, but well, I have to ask : are you INTJ?

No, Finnish.  :hihi:

No, I'm not.


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: DeN on October 10, 2015, 01:17:51 PM

 Finnish is good, too

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: Lucky on October 10, 2015, 02:21:29 PM

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on October 11, 2015, 05:39:20 AM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: GnR-NOW on October 11, 2015, 11:13:55 AM
Without being too specific, in one of his interviews, when asked if he was the only guitarist left, he kind of eluded too something was going on. And him and frank said 2016 was going to be a big year. So with what we heard, they probably told him no more hints until there's an official announcement. I don't see it really as a negative.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 11, 2015, 11:40:08 AM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Yeah. Not everybody understands common sense.

In this case, adding more fuel to the fire wouldn't be a smart move.


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: Wooody on October 11, 2015, 02:05:26 PM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Yeah. Not everybody understands common sense.

In this case, adding more fuel to the fire wouldn't be a smart move.


Yeah, but you would think they would've learned by now. They probably pity the fans though, so it shows they have heart  :hihi:

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 11, 2015, 05:37:25 PM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Declining to comment isn't lame or tiring, however the rampant gossip and idiotic speculation burning out of control... 

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: carmiedisco12 on October 11, 2015, 06:41:46 PM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Declining to comment isn't lame or tiring, however the rampant gossip and idiotic speculation burning out of control... 

Did he decline to comment or did he instead completely contradict the previous positive comments he made? I think the frustration with this band is that for years and years the members have either spoken in vague riddles much like politicians do or when they make definitive statements they are then almost without exception do not come to pass. And worse more often than not the same band member will be forced to admit they have zero idea what's going on in their own band.

The endless cycle of:
Fans cynical
Band member makes positive comment
Sycophants berate fans for cynicism - See X said this so I told you
Nothing happens
Band member admits they know nothing, becomes cynical themselves and leaves
Fans cynical
Sycophants berate fans 'plans change'. That band member is a bad egg.
Rinse and repeat for a decade etc

This is just silliness.
I think fans would accept lack of communication or even 'declining t comment' if the band had not cried wolf so many times and actually created and released music. The fact that even the fans are cynical says much more about the failures of the band and not the fans. You have to stop being irritated by people being perceptive and piecing a pattern of behaviours together. Humans wouldn't have gotten very far if we didn't have that ability and the tendancy to base future behaviour on past behaviour.

By all means have blind faith if you must but please stop dictating others should believe without evidence. The fact that the band have no idea what's going on and the fact that GNR has released 1 album in (insert years here) mean that the burden of proof lies on those that believe a new album will be released in reasonable time period.

And so endeth the surmon.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 11, 2015, 08:11:21 PM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Declining to comment isn't lame or tiring, however the rampant gossip and idiotic speculation burning out of control... 

Did he decline to comment or did he instead completely contradict the previous positive comments he made? I think the frustration with this band is that for years and years the members have either spoken in vague riddles much like politicians do or when they make definitive statements they are then almost without exception do not come to pass. And worse more often than not the same band member will be forced to admit they have zero idea what's going on in their own band.

The endless cycle of:
Fans cynical
Band member makes positive comment
Sycophants berate fans for cynicism - See X said this so I told you
Nothing happens
Band member admits they know nothing, becomes cynical themselves and leaves
Fans cynical
Sycophants berate fans 'plans change'. That band member is a bad egg.
Rinse and repeat for a decade etc

This is just silliness.
I think fans would accept lack of communication or even 'declining t comment' if the band had not cried wolf so many times and actually created and released music. The fact that even the fans are cynical says much more about the failures of the band and not the fans. You have to stop being irritated by people being perceptive and piecing a pattern of behaviours together. Humans wouldn't have gotten very far if we didn't have that ability and the tendancy to base future behaviour on past behaviour.

By all means have blind faith if you must but please stop dictating others should believe without evidence. The fact that the band have no idea what's going on and the fact that GNR has released 1 album in (insert years here) mean that the burden of proof lies on those that believe a new album will be released in reasonable time period.

And so endeth the surmon.

LOL @ your "surmon"[sic]

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question)

You can whine endlessly and complain and cry nonstop, but will that make one iota of a difference, or get news any quicker? (Another Rhetorical question)

Fernando said there would be news in a few months, I believe him.

I think it is a smart move to not comment and add ammunition to the ongoing shitstorm, and those who insist on forcing their own interpretations to anything said.

I also see clearly that common sense or Intellectual prowess is not a requirement nor a prerequisite for posting on these forums.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: C0ma on October 11, 2015, 09:07:10 PM

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question) If a tree falls and the forest and no one is there to hear it, did it make a sound?

Fernando said there would be news in a few months, I believe him. It's been a few months...

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: carmiedisco12 on October 12, 2015, 12:37:25 AM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Declining to comment isn't lame or tiring, however the rampant gossip and idiotic speculation burning out of control... 

Did he decline to comment or did he instead completely contradict the previous positive comments he made? I think the frustration with this band is that for years and years the members have either spoken in vague riddles much like politicians do or when they make definitive statements they are then almost without exception do not come to pass. And worse more often than not the same band member will be forced to admit they have zero idea what's going on in their own band.

The endless cycle of:
Fans cynical
Band member makes positive comment
Sycophants berate fans for cynicism - See X said this so I told you
Nothing happens
Band member admits they know nothing, becomes cynical themselves and leaves
Fans cynical
Sycophants berate fans 'plans change'. That band member is a bad egg.
Rinse and repeat for a decade etc

This is just silliness.
I think fans would accept lack of communication or even 'declining t comment' if the band had not cried wolf so many times and actually created and released music. The fact that even the fans are cynical says much more about the failures of the band and not the fans. You have to stop being irritated by people being perceptive and piecing a pattern of behaviours together. Humans wouldn't have gotten very far if we didn't have that ability and the tendancy to base future behaviour on past behaviour.

By all means have blind faith if you must but please stop dictating others should believe without evidence. The fact that the band have no idea what's going on and the fact that GNR has released 1 album in (insert years here) mean that the burden of proof lies on those that believe a new album will be released in reasonable time period.

And so endeth the surmon.

LOL @ your "surmon"[sic]

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question)

You can whine endlessly and complain and cry nonstop, but will that make one iota of a difference, or get news any quicker? (Another Rhetorical question)

Fernando said there would be news in a few months, I believe him.

I think it is a smart move to not comment and add ammunition to the ongoing shitstorm, and those who insist on forcing their own interpretations to anything said.

I also see clearly that common sense or Intellectual prowess is not a requirement nor a prerequisite for posting on these forums.  :hihi:

Sheesh. A spelling error. lol and OMG. Way to respond to the crux of my points. The sad thing is I suspected there were a few grammatical errors but couldn't be bothered checking spelling and was in a rush anyway. However I wondered if anyone would add a rational, reasonable rebuttal or pick on a grammatical error. Guess what we got? A childish comment about a spelling mistake, a lecture and then a peronal insult. No logical arguments on the points.

As far as 'common sense'. You are well and truly in the minirity if you feel that this band has not shown major signs of dysfuntion over the years. I have no enjoyment in saying that but it beggars belief that you can deny this based on the bands history. I could dot point it if you wish but you have a pre determined view ao there is no point.

Not only am I open to being wrong I WANT to be wrong. However common sense says otherwise.

Again, if we want to discuss who has commin sense and who doesn't what percentage of GNR fans across all forums do you feel are mildly cynical/dissapointed yowards GNR like myself abd what percentage has interpreted the known facts as being 'all is well' like you? If you are massively in the minority yhen I ask who is in the 'common sense' camp?

Gee what a constructive, logical and polite contributor you are. If you don't feel my virws hold any validity please do not respond.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: TheBaconman on October 12, 2015, 12:37:47 AM
I have no idea what's going on with guns

I can sing

I can play guitar

Damn I could almost be a band member   But I think I know too much what is going on hahha

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 12, 2015, 12:38:38 AM

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question) If a tree falls and the forest and no one is there to hear it, did it make a sound?

Fernando said there would be news in a few months, I believe him. It's been a few months...

Yawn-  Same tired, moth-eaten arguments. "Few" is not a certain number, here is a definition to amuse yourself with.

adjective, fewer, fewest.
not many but more than one

Also- remember this? It isnt multicolored like your special post but it is very apt and entertaining. :D

If you're waiting...don't. Live your life. That's your responsibility not mine. If it were not to happen, you won't have missed a thing. If in fact it does, you might get something that works for you ? in the end you could win on this either way. But if you're really into waiting, try holding your breath for Jesus 'cause I hear the payoff may be that much greater."

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 12, 2015, 12:47:47 AM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Declining to comment isn't lame or tiring, however the rampant gossip and idiotic speculation burning out of control... 

Did he decline to comment or did he instead completely contradict the previous positive comments he made? I think the frustration with this band is that for years and years the members have either spoken in vague riddles much like politicians do or when they make definitive statements they are then almost without exception do not come to pass. And worse more often than not the same band member will be forced to admit they have zero idea what's going on in their own band.

The endless cycle of:
Fans cynical
Band member makes positive comment
Sycophants berate fans for cynicism - See X said this so I told you
Nothing happens
Band member admits they know nothing, becomes cynical themselves and leaves
Fans cynical
Sycophants berate fans 'plans change'. That band member is a bad egg.
Rinse and repeat for a decade etc

This is just silliness.
I think fans would accept lack of communication or even 'declining t comment' if the band had not cried wolf so many times and actually created and released music. The fact that even the fans are cynical says much more about the failures of the band and not the fans. You have to stop being irritated by people being perceptive and piecing a pattern of behaviours together. Humans wouldn't have gotten very far if we didn't have that ability and the tendancy to base future behaviour on past behaviour.

By all means have blind faith if you must but please stop dictating others should believe without evidence. The fact that the band have no idea what's going on and the fact that GNR has released 1 album in (insert years here) mean that the burden of proof lies on those that believe a new album will be released in reasonable time period.

And so endeth the surmon.

LOL @ your "surmon"[sic]

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question)

You can whine endlessly and complain and cry nonstop, but will that make one iota of a difference, or get news any quicker? (Another Rhetorical question)

Fernando said there would be news in a few months, I believe him.

I think it is a smart move to not comment and add ammunition to the ongoing shitstorm, and those who insist on forcing their own interpretations to anything said.

I also see clearly that common sense or Intellectual prowess is not a requirement nor a prerequisite for posting on these forums.  :hihi:

Sheesh. A spelling error. lOl and OMG. Way to respond to the crux of my points. The sad thing is I suspected there were a few grammatical errors but couldn't be bothered checking spelling and was in a rush anyway. However I wondered if anyone would add a rational, reasonable rebuttal or pick on a grammatical error. Guess what we got? A childish comment about a spelling mistake, a lecture and then a peronal insult. No logical arguments on the points.

As far as 'common sense'. You are well and truky in the minirity if you feel that this band has not shown major signs of dysfuntion over the years. I have no enjoyment in saying that but it beggars belief that you can deny this based on the bands history. I could dot poibt it if you wish but you have a pre determined view ao there is no point.

Not only am I open to being wrong I WANT to be wrong. However common sense says otherwise.

Again, if we want to discuss who has commin sense and who doesn't what percentage of GNR fans across all forums do you feel are mildly cynical/dissapointed yowards GNR like myself abd what percentage has interpreted the known facts as being 'all is well' like you? If you are massively in the minority yhen I ask who is in the 'common sense' camp?

Gee what a constructive, logical and polite contributor you are. If you don't feel my virws hold any validity please do not respond.

You clearly are incapable or unwilling to read an entire post, not surprised.

You honestly do not want me to highlight all your many errors in the above post. :D

I know facts, I'm honestly not into speculation or judgmental whining and endless complaing.It is boring, negative and non-productive.
I guess I'm "well and truky in the minirity [sic]"
God forbid there be actual positive and supportive fans on a fan forum, that is such an alien concept to some.

I will reiterate this since you seem to have overlooked it-

I think it is smart to not comment and add any further fuel to the rampant speculation and countless interpretations of every single statement made and issued lately.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: FunkyMonkey on October 12, 2015, 12:57:22 AM

Did he decline to comment or did he instead completely contradict the previous positive comments he made?

Yes, he says now, he has no idea what's going on.

Richard: Yeah, yeah, to be honest with you, I have no idea what?s going on.

LOL @ your "surmon"[sic]

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question)

LOL @ your "than".

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 12, 2015, 01:04:58 AM

Did he decline to comment or did he instead completely contradict the previous positive comments he made?

Yes, he says now, he has no idea what's going on.

Richard: Yeah, yeah, to be honest with you, I have no idea what?s going on.

LOL @ your "surmon"[sic]

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question)

LOL @ your "than".

LOL @most of your posts
"than" was clearly a typo-I'm not frequently illiterate nor do I frequently misspell words.

Can you honestly not see how anything said could be twisted and used as ammo in the current climate and atmosphere?

I think holding back commentary was a good call.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: carmiedisco12 on October 12, 2015, 01:27:09 AM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Declining to comment isn't lame or tiring, however the rampant gossip and idiotic speculation burning out of control... 

Did he decline to comment or did he instead completely contradict the previous positive comments he made? I think the frustration with this band is that for years and years the members have either spoken in vague riddles much like politicians do or when they make definitive statements they are then almost without exception do not come to pass. And worse more often than not the same band member will be forced to admit they have zero idea what's going on in their own band.

The endless cycle of:
Fans cynical
Band member makes positive comment
Sycophants berate fans for cynicism - See X said this so I told you
Nothing happens
Band member admits they know nothing, becomes cynical themselves and leaves
Fans cynical
Sycophants berate fans 'plans change'. That band member is a bad egg.
Rinse and repeat for a decade etc

This is just silliness.
I think fans would accept lack of communication or even 'declining t comment' if the band had not cried wolf so many times and actually created and released music. The fact that even the fans are cynical says much more about the failures of the band and not the fans. You have to stop being irritated by people being perceptive and piecing a pattern of behaviours together. Humans wouldn't have gotten very far if we didn't have that ability and the tendancy to base future behaviour on past behaviour.

By all means have blind faith if you must but please stop dictating others should believe without evidence. The fact that the band have no idea what's going on and the fact that GNR has released 1 album in (insert years here) mean that the burden of proof lies on those that believe a new album will be released in reasonable time period.

And so endeth the surmon.

LOL @ your "surmon"[sic]

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question)

You can whine endlessly and complain and cry nonstop, but will that make one iota of a difference, or get news any quicker? (Another Rhetorical question)

Fernando said there would be news in a few months, I believe him.

I think it is a smart move to not comment and add ammunition to the ongoing shitstorm, and those who insist on forcing their own interpretations to anything said.

I also see clearly that common sense or Intellectual prowess is not a requirement nor a prerequisite for posting on these forums.  :hihi:

Sheesh. A spelling error. lOl and OMG. Way to respond to the crux of my points. The sad thing is I suspected there were a few grammatical errors but couldn't be bothered checking spelling and was in a rush anyway. However I wondered if anyone would add a rational, reasonable rebuttal or pick on a grammatical error. Guess what we got? A childish comment about a spelling mistake, a lecture and then a peronal insult. No logical arguments on the points.

As far as 'common sense'. You are well and truky in the minirity if you feel that this band has not shown major signs of dysfuntion over the years. I have no enjoyment in saying that but it beggars belief that you can deny this based on the bands history. I could dot poibt it if you wish but you have a pre determined view ao there is no point.

Not only am I open to being wrong I WANT to be wrong. However common sense says otherwise.

Again, if we want to discuss who has commin sense and who doesn't what percentage of GNR fans across all forums do you feel are mildly cynical/dissapointed yowards GNR like myself abd what percentage has interpreted the known facts as being 'all is well' like you? If you are massively in the minority yhen I ask who is in the 'common sense' camp?

Gee what a constructive, logical and polite contributor you are. If you don't feel my virws hold any validity please do not respond.

You clearly are incapable or unwilling to read an entire post, not surprised.

You honestly do not want me to highlight all your many errors in the above post. :D

I know facts, I'm honestly not into speculation or judgmental whining and endless complaing.It is boring, negative and non-productive.
I guess I'm "well and truky in the minirity [sic]"
God forbid there be actual positive and supportive fans on a fan forum, that is such an alien concept to some.

I will reiterate this since you seem to have overlooked it-

I think it is smart to not comment and add any further fuel to the rampant speculation and countless interpretations of every single statement made and issued lately.


"I have no idea what's going on" IS a comment. It is NOT....repeat NOT choosing not to comment. It IS a comment. Either he 'has no idea' or he is lying. It is not a statement of 'Look at this point I'd prefer not to make any comment until plans are finalised'.

For someone of your intellectual capacity I would have thought you be able to appreciate the difference.

As far as typo's etc. I have mostly been posting from an iPhone so please get over it. You would be a whole lot more agreeable if you would every now and again adopt the attitude that you can see others viewpoint and how they come to it but politely disagree because XYZ. Consider it.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: FunkyMonkey on October 12, 2015, 01:28:51 AM

"than" was clearly a typo-I'm not frequently illiterate nor do I frequently misspell words.

Then why give him shit for the same thing.  Lame.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: carmiedisco12 on October 12, 2015, 01:29:11 AM

"than" was clearly a typo-I'm not frequently illiterate nor do I frequently misspell words.

Then why give him shit for the same thing.  Lame.

It's ok me words no good.

I don't even follow her posts because they contain too many syllables for me anyway.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 12, 2015, 01:31:21 AM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Declining to comment isn't lame or tiring, however the rampant gossip and idiotic speculation burning out of control... 

Did he decline to comment or did he instead completely contradict the previous positive comments he made? I think the frustration with this band is that for years and years the members have either spoken in vague riddles much like politicians do or when they make definitive statements they are then almost without exception do not come to pass. And worse more often than not the same band member will be forced to admit they have zero idea what's going on in their own band.

The endless cycle of:
Fans cynical
Band member makes positive comment
Sycophants berate fans for cynicism - See X said this so I told you
Nothing happens
Band member admits they know nothing, becomes cynical themselves and leaves
Fans cynical
Sycophants berate fans 'plans change'. That band member is a bad egg.
Rinse and repeat for a decade etc

This is just silliness.
I think fans would accept lack of communication or even 'declining t comment' if the band had not cried wolf so many times and actually created and released music. The fact that even the fans are cynical says much more about the failures of the band and not the fans. You have to stop being irritated by people being perceptive and piecing a pattern of behaviours together. Humans wouldn't have gotten very far if we didn't have that ability and the tendancy to base future behaviour on past behaviour.

By all means have blind faith if you must but please stop dictating others should believe without evidence. The fact that the band have no idea what's going on and the fact that GNR has released 1 album in (insert years here) mean that the burden of proof lies on those that believe a new album will be released in reasonable time period.

And so endeth the surmon.

LOL @ your "surmon"[sic]

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question)

You can whine endlessly and complain and cry nonstop, but will that make one iota of a difference, or get news any quicker? (Another Rhetorical question)

Fernando said there would be news in a few months, I believe him.

I think it is a smart move to not comment and add ammunition to the ongoing shitstorm, and those who insist on forcing their own interpretations to anything said.

I also see clearly that common sense or Intellectual prowess is not a requirement nor a prerequisite for posting on these forums.  :hihi:

Sheesh. A spelling error. lOl and OMG. Way to respond to the crux of my points. The sad thing is I suspected there were a few grammatical errors but couldn't be bothered checking spelling and was in a rush anyway. However I wondered if anyone would add a rational, reasonable rebuttal or pick on a grammatical error. Guess what we got? A childish comment about a spelling mistake, a lecture and then a peronal insult. No logical arguments on the points.

As far as 'common sense'. You are well and truky in the minirity if you feel that this band has not shown major signs of dysfuntion over the years. I have no enjoyment in saying that but it beggars belief that you can deny this based on the bands history. I could dot poibt it if you wish but you have a pre determined view ao there is no point.

Not only am I open to being wrong I WANT to be wrong. However common sense says otherwise.

Again, if we want to discuss who has commin sense and who doesn't what percentage of GNR fans across all forums do you feel are mildly cynical/dissapointed yowards GNR like myself abd what percentage has interpreted the known facts as being 'all is well' like you? If you are massively in the minority yhen I ask who is in the 'common sense' camp?

Gee what a constructive, logical and polite contributor you are. If you don't feel my virws hold any validity please do not respond.

You clearly are incapable or unwilling to read an entire post, not surprised.

You honestly do not want me to highlight all your many errors in the above post. :D

I know facts, I'm honestly not into speculation or judgmental whining and endless complaing.It is boring, negative and non-productive.
I guess I'm "well and truky in the minirity [sic]"
God forbid there be actual positive and supportive fans on a fan forum, that is such an alien concept to some.

I will reiterate this since you seem to have overlooked it-

I think it is smart to not comment and add any further fuel to the rampant speculation and countless interpretations of every single statement made and issued lately.


"I have no idea what's going on" IS a comment. It is NOT....repeat NOT choosing not to comment. It IS a comment. Either he 'has no idea' or he is lying. It is a not a statement of 'Look at this point I'd prefer not to make any comment until plans are finalised'.

For someone of your intellectual capacity I would have thought you be able to appreciate the difference.

As far as typo's etc. I have mostly been posting from an iPhone so please get over it. You would be a whole lot more agreeable if you would every now and again adopt the attitude that you can see others viewpoint and how they come to it but politely disagree because XYZ. Consider it.

No, I look at it as not giving any further info into an already charged situation.

I do not think he is "lying" or "has no idea".

See how interpretation works? :D

I will never compromise my stance of being 100% pro GNR and finding  whining, complaing and crying about situations unproductive, negative and tiring.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 12, 2015, 01:33:03 AM

"than" was clearly a typo-I'm not frequently illiterate nor do I frequently misspell words.

Then why give him shit for the same thing.  Lame.

Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: FunkyMonkey on October 12, 2015, 01:36:43 AM

I also see clearly that common sense or Intellectual prowess is not a requirement nor a prerequisite for posting on these forums.  :hihi:

 :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: carmiedisco12 on October 12, 2015, 01:41:09 AM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Declining to comment isn't lame or tiring, however the rampant gossip and idiotic speculation burning out of control... 

Did he decline to comment or did he instead completely contradict the previous positive comments he made? I think the frustration with this band is that for years and years the members have either spoken in vague riddles much like politicians do or when they make definitive statements they are then almost without exception do not come to pass. And worse more often than not the same band member will be forced to admit they have zero idea what's going on in their own band.

The endless cycle of:
Fans cynical
Band member makes positive comment
Sycophants berate fans for cynicism - See X said this so I told you
Nothing happens
Band member admits they know nothing, becomes cynical themselves and leaves
Fans cynical
Sycophants berate fans 'plans change'. That band member is a bad egg.
Rinse and repeat for a decade etc

This is just silliness.
I think fans would accept lack of communication or even 'declining t comment' if the band had not cried wolf so many times and actually created and released music. The fact that even the fans are cynical says much more about the failures of the band and not the fans. You have to stop being irritated by people being perceptive and piecing a pattern of behaviours together. Humans wouldn't have gotten very far if we didn't have that ability and the tendancy to base future behaviour on past behaviour.

By all means have blind faith if you must but please stop dictating others should believe without evidence. The fact that the band have no idea what's going on and the fact that GNR has released 1 album in (insert years here) mean that the burden of proof lies on those that believe a new album will be released in reasonable time period.

And so endeth the surmon.

LOL @ your "surmon"[sic]

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question)

You can whine endlessly and complain and cry nonstop, but will that make one iota of a difference, or get news any quicker? (Another Rhetorical question)

Fernando said there would be news in a few months, I believe him.

I think it is a smart move to not comment and add ammunition to the ongoing shitstorm, and those who insist on forcing their own interpretations to anything said.

I also see clearly that common sense or Intellectual prowess is not a requirement nor a prerequisite for posting on these forums.  :hihi:

Sheesh. A spelling error. lOl and OMG. Way to respond to the crux of my points. The sad thing is I suspected there were a few grammatical errors but couldn't be bothered checking spelling and was in a rush anyway. However I wondered if anyone would add a rational, reasonable rebuttal or pick on a grammatical error. Guess what we got? A childish comment about a spelling mistake, a lecture and then a peronal insult. No logical arguments on the points.

As far as 'common sense'. You are well and truky in the minirity if you feel that this band has not shown major signs of dysfuntion over the years. I have no enjoyment in saying that but it beggars belief that you can deny this based on the bands history. I could dot poibt it if you wish but you have a pre determined view ao there is no point.

Not only am I open to being wrong I WANT to be wrong. However common sense says otherwise.

Again, if we want to discuss who has commin sense and who doesn't what percentage of GNR fans across all forums do you feel are mildly cynical/dissapointed yowards GNR like myself abd what percentage has interpreted the known facts as being 'all is well' like you? If you are massively in the minority yhen I ask who is in the 'common sense' camp?

Gee what a constructive, logical and polite contributor you are. If you don't feel my virws hold any validity please do not respond.

You clearly are incapable or unwilling to read an entire post, not surprised.

You honestly do not want me to highlight all your many errors in the above post. :D

I know facts, I'm honestly not into speculation or judgmental whining and endless complaing.It is boring, negative and non-productive.
I guess I'm "well and truky in the minirity [sic]"
God forbid there be actual positive and supportive fans on a fan forum, that is such an alien concept to some.

I will reiterate this since you seem to have overlooked it-

I think it is smart to not comment and add any further fuel to the rampant speculation and countless interpretations of every single statement made and issued lately.


"I have no idea what's going on" IS a comment. It is NOT....repeat NOT choosing not to comment. It IS a comment. Either he 'has no idea' or he is lying. It is a not a statement of 'Look at this point I'd prefer not to make any comment until plans are finalised'.

For someone of your intellectual capacity I would have thought you be able to appreciate the difference.

As far as typo's etc. I have mostly been posting from an iPhone so please get over it. You would be a whole lot more agreeable if you would every now and again adopt the attitude that you can see others viewpoint and how they come to it but politely disagree because XYZ. Consider it.

No, I look at it as not giving any further info into an already charged situation.

I do not think he is "lying" or "has no idea".

See how interpretation works? :D

I will never compromise my stance of being 100% pro GNR and finding  whining, complaing and crying about situations unproductive, negative and tiring.

Ok so you choose to believe that he doesn't mean what he says but then say that isn't lying. He says "I have no idea" but through the powers of ideological spin interpret that as "I don't think he has no idea".

My god it must take a lot of discipline to maintain your line.

As you have completely declined any invitation to meet in the middle and give a little ground to gain a little and thereby engage in a discussion where logic and 'common sense' wins a debate then I give up. A debate or discussion where both sides are so entrenched that neither can or will ever acknowledge the others view is just a waste of time.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 12, 2015, 01:41:34 AM

I also see clearly that common sense or Intellectual prowess is not a requirement nor a prerequisite for posting on these forums.  :hihi:

 :rofl: :rofl:

Gee, I don't feel like posting any cute little emoticons, how about another quote as a response?

And my observation stands.  :-*

You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.
Harlan Ellison

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 12, 2015, 01:45:41 AM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Declining to comment isn't lame or tiring, however the rampant gossip and idiotic speculation burning out of control... 

Did he decline to comment or did he instead completely contradict the previous positive comments he made? I think the frustration with this band is that for years and years the members have either spoken in vague riddles much like politicians do or when they make definitive statements they are then almost without exception do not come to pass. And worse more often than not the same band member will be forced to admit they have zero idea what's going on in their own band.

The endless cycle of:
Fans cynical
Band member makes positive comment
Sycophants berate fans for cynicism - See X said this so I told you
Nothing happens
Band member admits they know nothing, becomes cynical themselves and leaves
Fans cynical
Sycophants berate fans 'plans change'. That band member is a bad egg.
Rinse and repeat for a decade etc

This is just silliness.
I think fans would accept lack of communication or even 'declining t comment' if the band had not cried wolf so many times and actually created and released music. The fact that even the fans are cynical says much more about the failures of the band and not the fans. You have to stop being irritated by people being perceptive and piecing a pattern of behaviours together. Humans wouldn't have gotten very far if we didn't have that ability and the tendancy to base future behaviour on past behaviour.

By all means have blind faith if you must but please stop dictating others should believe without evidence. The fact that the band have no idea what's going on and the fact that GNR has released 1 album in (insert years here) mean that the burden of proof lies on those that believe a new album will be released in reasonable time period.

And so endeth the surmon.

LOL @ your "surmon"[sic]

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question)

You can whine endlessly and complain and cry nonstop, but will that make one iota of a difference, or get news any quicker? (Another Rhetorical question)

Fernando said there would be news in a few months, I believe him.

I think it is a smart move to not comment and add ammunition to the ongoing shitstorm, and those who insist on forcing their own interpretations to anything said.

I also see clearly that common sense or Intellectual prowess is not a requirement nor a prerequisite for posting on these forums.  :hihi:

Sheesh. A spelling error. lOl and OMG. Way to respond to the crux of my points. The sad thing is I suspected there were a few grammatical errors but couldn't be bothered checking spelling and was in a rush anyway. However I wondered if anyone would add a rational, reasonable rebuttal or pick on a grammatical error. Guess what we got? A childish comment about a spelling mistake, a lecture and then a peronal insult. No logical arguments on the points.

As far as 'common sense'. You are well and truky in the minirity if you feel that this band has not shown major signs of dysfuntion over the years. I have no enjoyment in saying that but it beggars belief that you can deny this based on the bands history. I could dot poibt it if you wish but you have a pre determined view ao there is no point.

Not only am I open to being wrong I WANT to be wrong. However common sense says otherwise.

Again, if we want to discuss who has commin sense and who doesn't what percentage of GNR fans across all forums do you feel are mildly cynical/dissapointed yowards GNR like myself abd what percentage has interpreted the known facts as being 'all is well' like you? If you are massively in the minority yhen I ask who is in the 'common sense' camp?

Gee what a constructive, logical and polite contributor you are. If you don't feel my virws hold any validity please do not respond.

You clearly are incapable or unwilling to read an entire post, not surprised.

You honestly do not want me to highlight all your many errors in the above post. :D

I know facts, I'm honestly not into speculation or judgmental whining and endless complaing.It is boring, negative and non-productive.
I guess I'm "well and truky in the minirity [sic]"
God forbid there be actual positive and supportive fans on a fan forum, that is such an alien concept to some.

I will reiterate this since you seem to have overlooked it-

I think it is smart to not comment and add any further fuel to the rampant speculation and countless interpretations of every single statement made and issued lately.


"I have no idea what's going on" IS a comment. It is NOT....repeat NOT choosing not to comment. It IS a comment. Either he 'has no idea' or he is lying. It is a not a statement of 'Look at this point I'd prefer not to make any comment until plans are finalised'.

For someone of your intellectual capacity I would have thought you be able to appreciate the difference.

As far as typo's etc. I have mostly been posting from an iPhone so please get over it. You would be a whole lot more agreeable if you would every now and again adopt the attitude that you can see others viewpoint and how they come to it but politely disagree because XYZ. Consider it.

No, I look at it as not giving any further info into an already charged situation.

I do not think he is "lying" or "has no idea".

See how interpretation works? :D

I will never compromise my stance of being 100% pro GNR and finding  whining, complaing and crying about situations unproductive, negative and tiring.

Ok so you choose to believe that he doesn't mean what he says but then say that isn't lying. He says "I have no idea" but through the powers of ideological spin interpret that as "I don't think he has no idea".

My god it must take a lot of discipline to maintain your line.

As you have completely declined any invitation to meet in the middle and give a little ground to gain a little and thereby engage in a discussion where logic and 'common sense' wins a debate then I give up. A debate or discussion where both sides are so entrenched that neither can or will ever acknowledge the others view is just a waste of time.

I think he avoided the topic intentionally.

I have absolutely zero intention of compromising my pro-GNR stance, I have been a GNR fan for 20 some years and I have always been a positive, supportive fan.

I don't see how whining, complaining and endless criticism is helpful at any level.

I'm sure some of the trolls will be more than happy to have a whine fest with you.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: carmiedisco12 on October 12, 2015, 02:01:35 AM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Declining to comment isn't lame or tiring, however the rampant gossip and idiotic speculation burning out of control... 

Did he decline to comment or did he instead completely contradict the previous positive comments he made? I think the frustration with this band is that for years and years the members have either spoken in vague riddles much like politicians do or when they make definitive statements they are then almost without exception do not come to pass. And worse more often than not the same band member will be forced to admit they have zero idea what's going on in their own band.

The endless cycle of:
Fans cynical
Band member makes positive comment
Sycophants berate fans for cynicism - See X said this so I told you
Nothing happens
Band member admits they know nothing, becomes cynical themselves and leaves
Fans cynical
Sycophants berate fans 'plans change'. That band member is a bad egg.
Rinse and repeat for a decade etc

This is just silliness.
I think fans would accept lack of communication or even 'declining t comment' if the band had not cried wolf so many times and actually created and released music. The fact that even the fans are cynical says much more about the failures of the band and not the fans. You have to stop being irritated by people being perceptive and piecing a pattern of behaviours together. Humans wouldn't have gotten very far if we didn't have that ability and the tendancy to base future behaviour on past behaviour.

By all means have blind faith if you must but please stop dictating others should believe without evidence. The fact that the band have no idea what's going on and the fact that GNR has released 1 album in (insert years here) mean that the burden of proof lies on those that believe a new album will be released in reasonable time period.

And so endeth the surmon.

LOL @ your "surmon"[sic]

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question)

You can whine endlessly and complain and cry nonstop, but will that make one iota of a difference, or get news any quicker? (Another Rhetorical question)

Fernando said there would be news in a few months, I believe him.

I think it is a smart move to not comment and add ammunition to the ongoing shitstorm, and those who insist on forcing their own interpretations to anything said.

I also see clearly that common sense or Intellectual prowess is not a requirement nor a prerequisite for posting on these forums.  :hihi:

Sheesh. A spelling error. lOl and OMG. Way to respond to the crux of my points. The sad thing is I suspected there were a few grammatical errors but couldn't be bothered checking spelling and was in a rush anyway. However I wondered if anyone would add a rational, reasonable rebuttal or pick on a grammatical error. Guess what we got? A childish comment about a spelling mistake, a lecture and then a peronal insult. No logical arguments on the points.

As far as 'common sense'. You are well and truky in the minirity if you feel that this band has not shown major signs of dysfuntion over the years. I have no enjoyment in saying that but it beggars belief that you can deny this based on the bands history. I could dot poibt it if you wish but you have a pre determined view ao there is no point.

Not only am I open to being wrong I WANT to be wrong. However common sense says otherwise.

Again, if we want to discuss who has commin sense and who doesn't what percentage of GNR fans across all forums do you feel are mildly cynical/dissapointed yowards GNR like myself abd what percentage has interpreted the known facts as being 'all is well' like you? If you are massively in the minority yhen I ask who is in the 'common sense' camp?

Gee what a constructive, logical and polite contributor you are. If you don't feel my virws hold any validity please do not respond.

You clearly are incapable or unwilling to read an entire post, not surprised.

You honestly do not want me to highlight all your many errors in the above post. :D

I know facts, I'm honestly not into speculation or judgmental whining and endless complaing.It is boring, negative and non-productive.
I guess I'm "well and truky in the minirity [sic]"
God forbid there be actual positive and supportive fans on a fan forum, that is such an alien concept to some.

I will reiterate this since you seem to have overlooked it-

I think it is smart to not comment and add any further fuel to the rampant speculation and countless interpretations of every single statement made and issued lately.


"I have no idea what's going on" IS a comment. It is NOT....repeat NOT choosing not to comment. It IS a comment. Either he 'has no idea' or he is lying. It is a not a statement of 'Look at this point I'd prefer not to make any comment until plans are finalised'.

For someone of your intellectual capacity I would have thought you be able to appreciate the difference.

As far as typo's etc. I have mostly been posting from an iPhone so please get over it. You would be a whole lot more agreeable if you would every now and again adopt the attitude that you can see others viewpoint and how they come to it but politely disagree because XYZ. Consider it.

No, I look at it as not giving any further info into an already charged situation.

I do not think he is "lying" or "has no idea".

See how interpretation works? :D

I will never compromise my stance of being 100% pro GNR and finding  whining, complaing and crying about situations unproductive, negative and tiring.

Ok so you choose to believe that he doesn't mean what he says but then say that isn't lying. He says "I have no idea" but through the powers of ideological spin interpret that as "I don't think he has no idea".

My god it must take a lot of discipline to maintain your line.

As you have completely declined any invitation to meet in the middle and give a little ground to gain a little and thereby engage in a discussion where logic and 'common sense' wins a debate then I give up. A debate or discussion where both sides are so entrenched that neither can or will ever acknowledge the others view is just a waste of time.

I think he avoided the topic intentionally.

I have absolutely zero intention of compromising my pro-GNR stance, I have been a GNR fan for 20 some years and I have always been a positive, supportive fan.

I don't see how whining, complaining and endless criticism is helpful at any level.

I'm sure some of the trolls will be more than happy to have a whine fest with you.

Ok so you have a go at me about common sense. Yet you openly admit that your stance is more important than free thinking, logic, common sense and open discussion.

I admit I am whining a bit. Big whoops. it's an internet forum to discuss things.
You are sycophant who under no circumstance will admit to anything that doesn't meet your pre-conceived outcome.

Personally I think that's intellectually dishonest. I love and support my family and friends. however if I IMO feel they are going off track or say something I disagree with I can and should offer an honest opinion rather than just go well I support them so I will no longer entertain an independent thought. To say anyone should do this to support a musical act is insanity. Yes I agree that at times the cynicism on here can go too far. I admit to falling into that trap myself at times but I think you will find if you can moderate your evangelism a tad and meet in the middle the counter arguments will be returned in a more agreeable manner.

Anyway our discussion has hit an end.

And so truly ends the Surmoun.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 12, 2015, 02:11:47 AM
Dont understand why he said 2016 will be the big year, and now say he doesnt know anyhing. Its so fucking idiotic and lame and tiring at this point.

Declining to comment isn't lame or tiring, however the rampant gossip and idiotic speculation burning out of control... 

Did he decline to comment or did he instead completely contradict the previous positive comments he made? I think the frustration with this band is that for years and years the members have either spoken in vague riddles much like politicians do or when they make definitive statements they are then almost without exception do not come to pass. And worse more often than not the same band member will be forced to admit they have zero idea what's going on in their own band.

The endless cycle of:
Fans cynical
Band member makes positive comment
Sycophants berate fans for cynicism - See X said this so I told you
Nothing happens
Band member admits they know nothing, becomes cynical themselves and leaves
Fans cynical
Sycophants berate fans 'plans change'. That band member is a bad egg.
Rinse and repeat for a decade etc

This is just silliness.
I think fans would accept lack of communication or even 'declining t comment' if the band had not cried wolf so many times and actually created and released music. The fact that even the fans are cynical says much more about the failures of the band and not the fans. You have to stop being irritated by people being perceptive and piecing a pattern of behaviours together. Humans wouldn't have gotten very far if we didn't have that ability and the tendancy to base future behaviour on past behaviour.

By all means have blind faith if you must but please stop dictating others should believe without evidence. The fact that the band have no idea what's going on and the fact that GNR has released 1 album in (insert years here) mean that the burden of proof lies on those that believe a new album will be released in reasonable time period.

And so endeth the surmon.

LOL @ your "surmon"[sic]

How do you know than no music has been created? (Rhetorical question)

You can whine endlessly and complain and cry nonstop, but will that make one iota of a difference, or get news any quicker? (Another Rhetorical question)

Fernando said there would be news in a few months, I believe him.

I think it is a smart move to not comment and add ammunition to the ongoing shitstorm, and those who insist on forcing their own interpretations to anything said.

I also see clearly that common sense or Intellectual prowess is not a requirement nor a prerequisite for posting on these forums.  :hihi:

Sheesh. A spelling error. lOl and OMG. Way to respond to the crux of my points. The sad thing is I suspected there were a few grammatical errors but couldn't be bothered checking spelling and was in a rush anyway. However I wondered if anyone would add a rational, reasonable rebuttal or pick on a grammatical error. Guess what we got? A childish comment about a spelling mistake, a lecture and then a peronal insult. No logical arguments on the points.

As far as 'common sense'. You are well and truky in the minirity if you feel that this band has not shown major signs of dysfuntion over the years. I have no enjoyment in saying that but it beggars belief that you can deny this based on the bands history. I could dot poibt it if you wish but you have a pre determined view ao there is no point.

Not only am I open to being wrong I WANT to be wrong. However common sense says otherwise.

Again, if we want to discuss who has commin sense and who doesn't what percentage of GNR fans across all forums do you feel are mildly cynical/dissapointed yowards GNR like myself abd what percentage has interpreted the known facts as being 'all is well' like you? If you are massively in the minority yhen I ask who is in the 'common sense' camp?

Gee what a constructive, logical and polite contributor you are. If you don't feel my virws hold any validity please do not respond.

You clearly are incapable or unwilling to read an entire post, not surprised.

You honestly do not want me to highlight all your many errors in the above post. :D

I know facts, I'm honestly not into speculation or judgmental whining and endless complaing.It is boring, negative and non-productive.
I guess I'm "well and truky in the minirity [sic]"
God forbid there be actual positive and supportive fans on a fan forum, that is such an alien concept to some.

I will reiterate this since you seem to have overlooked it-

I think it is smart to not comment and add any further fuel to the rampant speculation and countless interpretations of every single statement made and issued lately.


"I have no idea what's going on" IS a comment. It is NOT....repeat NOT choosing not to comment. It IS a comment. Either he 'has no idea' or he is lying. It is a not a statement of 'Look at this point I'd prefer not to make any comment until plans are finalised'.

For someone of your intellectual capacity I would have thought you be able to appreciate the difference.

As far as typo's etc. I have mostly been posting from an iPhone so please get over it. You would be a whole lot more agreeable if you would every now and again adopt the attitude that you can see others viewpoint and how they come to it but politely disagree because XYZ. Consider it.

No, I look at it as not giving any further info into an already charged situation.

I do not think he is "lying" or "has no idea".

See how interpretation works? :D

I will never compromise my stance of being 100% pro GNR and finding  whining, complaing and crying about situations unproductive, negative and tiring.

Ok so you choose to believe that he doesn't mean what he says but then say that isn't lying. He says "I have no idea" but through the powers of ideological spin interpret that as "I don't think he has no idea".

My god it must take a lot of discipline to maintain your line.

As you have completely declined any invitation to meet in the middle and give a little ground to gain a little and thereby engage in a discussion where logic and 'common sense' wins a debate then I give up. A debate or discussion where both sides are so entrenched that neither can or will ever acknowledge the others view is just a waste of time.

I think he avoided the topic intentionally.

I have absolutely zero intention of compromising my pro-GNR stance, I have been a GNR fan for 20 some years and I have always been a positive, supportive fan.

I don't see how whining, complaining and endless criticism is helpful at any level.

I'm sure some of the trolls will be more than happy to have a whine fest with you.

Ok so you have a go at me about common sense. Yet you openly admit that your stance is more important than free thinking, logic, common sense and open discussion.

I admit I am whining a bit. Big whoops. it's an internet forum to discuss things.
You are sycophant who under no circumstance will admit to anything that doesn't meet your pre-conceived outcome.

Personally I think that's intellectually dishonest. I love and support my family and friends. however if I IMO feel they are going off track or say something I disagree with I can and should offer an honest opinion rather than just go well I support them so I will no longer entertain an independent thought. To say anyone should do this to support a musical act is insanity. Yes I agree that at times the cynicism on here can go too far. I admit to falling into that trap myself at times but I think you will find if you can moderate your evangelism a tad and meet in the middle the counter arguments will be returned in a more agreeable manner.

Anyway our discussion has hit an end.

And so truly ends the Surmoun.

I am definitely thinking very clearly, I honestly think Richard said that as to not contribute anything further to the current shitstorm of speculation.

I don't see where constant whining and negativity accomplishes anything at all, and it is very tiresome to read the same whining day in and day out.

This is my honest opinion, it is how I really feel- however you need to spin it to make yourself feel better or attempt to justify your negativity.

It is never "intellectually dishonest" to state your honest feelings, but nice attempt there to paint colors not intended.

A supporter is not the same thing as a sycophant, nice attempted spin there.

I have zero intention of compromising and agreeing with trolls, whiners and haters. If I agreed with them we'd both be wrong :D Guess it is some far-fetched notion to have a positive, supportive fan on a fan forum.  :o

What a concept.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 12, 2015, 06:28:03 AM
Ok so you have a go at me about common sense. Yet you openly admit that your stance is more important than free thinking, logic, common sense and open discussion.

Another person who equals the so called free thinking with whining.
It doesn't have to be the same fucking thing.

If you were able to truly think freely, you'd be able to see more of the hypothetical picture instead of just whining day in and day out, week after week.
The notion that this equals free thinking is absurd: What don't I like about GN'R today?  :rofl:


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sky dog on October 12, 2015, 06:34:33 AM
How about reality? No tour dates scheduled and no album release date set. In the end, that is the current state of Guns N' Roses. Live with it.  :-\

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: carmiedisco12 on October 12, 2015, 06:59:15 AM
Ok so you have a go at me about common sense. Yet you openly admit that your stance is more important than free thinking, logic, common sense and open discussion.

Another person who equals the so called free thinking with whining.
It doesn't have to be the same fucking thing.

If you were able to truly think freely, you'd be able to see more of the hypothetical picture instead of just whining day in and day out, week after week.
The notion that this equals free thinking is absurd: What don't I like about GN'R today?  :rofl:


Not at all. To me free thinking is judging each issue according to it's merit and responding without agenda or a pre concieved outcome. Simple. Credit where cresit is due, constructive criticism where it appears due and outright disagreement where it is due.

Free thinking is the ability to hear anothers view, judge it according to merit and change your view or say yep good point perhaps I may be wrong. It also means the ability to offer positive and negative views. If you ahead of time determine to only have one response no matter what the evidence is you consider that free thinking? Really?

AgainI do admit I do fall into the trap of negativity here. Pointless I agree.

I have never liked people that have the my country right or wrong attitude. They are impossible to reason with. I will admit where I am wrong and regarding GNR I Want my perceptions to be incorrect. It's just that the evidence at hand over the last 20 years or so has been pretty negative.

You have too much skin in the game to be considered a credible observer Jarmo.

I have to say I think I made a real effort to admit my failings and also to be balanced. I
Mean I was arguing with someone who was trying to claim a direct quote from a band member can't be trusted and chise to interpret a completely different way. C'mon if it was a positive quote and I tried to spin it in a negative way rather than just accept it on face value you would be all over me....and rightly so.

What you cant seem to compute is that GNR fans aren't some weird breed more prone to negativity than fans of other bands. It's a reap what you sow thing.
If you do feel that GNR fans are naturally cynical types can you explain why?? Nature or nurture Jarmo? I would love to hear your theory?

That said I agree daily whining does no good but surely balanced commentary, discussion and even speculation isn't a bad thing.

How can you in all seriousness have a thread about a long term band member with the aforementioned quote and not expect some concern? Seriously???

I havent seen any nastiness or outright hate towards the band. Just slight disillusionment. That is to be expected surely??

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 12, 2015, 07:13:31 AM
You labeled people who think freely and lean towards supporting GN'R as sycophants. This isn't something I want to see here. You need to understand this ASAP.

Yet, these same people often get defensive when you call them whiny or question their motives. They can dish out insults, but when you question them it's not ok.

You have too much skin in the game to be considered a credible observer Jarmo.

That's funny.
Isn't that like saying somebody who works at the hospital is too involved to be credible?

Anyway, why do you come to a fan site for objectivity?
You honestly think you'll find a completely objective environment here? If that's what you're after.

People go to fan sites to communicate with others who share their love for the same band (in this case).

I don't think GN'R fans differ from other fans too much.
The history of the band might differ from other bands.
But the fans are people like most other fans.  :hihi:

With that said, just because you have a loud minority doesn't mean they represent the majority.


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: carmiedisco12 on October 12, 2015, 07:17:50 AM
You labeled people who think freely and lean towards supporting GN'R as sycophants. This isn't something I want to see here. You need to understand this ASAP.

Yet, these same people often get defensive when you call them whiny or question their motives. They can dish out insults, but when you question them it's not ok.

You have too much skin in the game to be considered a credible observer Jarmo.

That's funny.
Isn't that like saying somebody who works at the hospital is too involved to be credible?

Anyway, why do you come to a fan site for objectivity?
You honestly think you'll find a completely objective environment here? If that's what you're after.

People go to fan sites to communicate with others who share their love for the same band (in this case).

I don't think GN'R fans differ from other fans too much.
The history of the band might differ from other bands.
But the fans are people like most other fans.  :hihi:

With that said, just because you have a loud minority doesn't mean they represent the majority.


Lean towards support....all good. I'm all for that. We can discuss and find common ground. Good for discussion.
Will never ever offer anything other than everything is perfect and I will always agree no matter the topic or content....sycophant. If I was unclear in attaching that word to the 2nd group my apologies.

Somewhat objective is all I ask for. plausible positivity lets call it :)

I am pretty sure GNR faithful are a little more negative than other bands. I really think that based on what is said on various boards. I am not sure where you get this loud minority from. My perception is there is a loud angry mob on other boards with a lot more traffic to be fair. Then there is a 50/50 share between moderate nagtive posters and evangalistic people on here. I may be wrong but it certainly seems to mildly cynical to the outright haters far outweighs the others.

Though you must remember most want GNR to succeed. 90% would immediately be full of praise with a great album, great performances and seemingly better communication and less dysfunction. The others are just sad sacks :)

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 12, 2015, 07:25:34 AM
I think what you seem to fail to realize, among with some others, is that just because somebody leans a certain way, and take that side, they're still able to "think freely".

The irony of the situation is that those who are the opposite, consider themselves the free thinkers of the GN'R online universe...


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: carmiedisco12 on October 12, 2015, 07:31:26 AM
I think what you seem to fail to realize, among with some others, is that just because somebody leans a certain way, and take that side, they're still able to "think freely".

The irony of the situation is that those who are the opposite, consider themselves the free thinkers of the GN'R online universe...


Sigh. I thought I made myself clear. The moderates are fine. My comment was ONLY intended for those that openly say they will will never allow a negative thought And will jump on anyone that raises a question. That is all. I defined free thinking a couple of posts back. It's very even handed and fair. Go back and re-read it.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: JAEBALL on October 12, 2015, 10:27:01 AM
It's OK to insult every poster on this board as long as you never say anything mean about Axl or the people that work for him.

Try to ignore it.

All of us here love Guns N Roses music, to some that means you can't ever be critical of the people involved and their decisions.

Richard gave contradictory answers... it was pointed out... that's all there is to it. Hopefully he recovers from all of his injuries in a timely fashion.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: theseeker on October 12, 2015, 11:02:38 AM

Richard: I really have no idea what?s going to happen. I do know that Guns wants to do something next year, so I?m hoping that it does and I can be a part of it.

Richard: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. You know, I?m not opposed to talking about [Guns n? Roses]. There?s so much speculation going on right now that I don?t want to get myself into trouble and I really don?t know anything at this point.

I don't see the contradiction there. "what?s going to happen" & "speculation". I agree with Jarmo, he is essentially saying "No comment".

I have to say that most fans do not see how unlikable they are to the band. Seriously, most bands HATE their fans.
I'm sure Slash and his band and Axl and his band find all the prying and picking apart their words very annoying.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: Annie on October 12, 2015, 11:04:27 AM
Here is my .02. Cut Richard some slack.  He is recovering from a major motorcycle accident.  

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: FunkyMonkey on October 12, 2015, 11:12:54 AM

Richard: I really have no idea what?s going to happen. I do know that Guns wants to do something next year, so I?m hoping that it does and I can be a part of it.

Richard: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. You know, I?m not opposed to talking about [Guns n? Roses]. There?s so much speculation going on right now that I don?t want to get myself into trouble and I really don?t know anything at this point.

I don't see the contradiction there. "what?s going to happen" & "speculation". I agree with Jarmo, he is essentially saying "No comment".

You left out...

Richard: Yeah, yeah, to be honest with you, I have no idea what?s going on. There?s been a lot of talk about stuff. We?ve been talking. The world?s been talking. Who knows what?s going to happen. I have no idea.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: theseeker on October 12, 2015, 11:20:43 AM
"I really don?t know anything at this point." & "Who knows what?s going to happen. I have no idea."

Can you explain the contradiction that I am missing? I took the rest might point to the decision to tour next year or release an album
based on past comments by him and DJ.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: JAEBALL on October 12, 2015, 11:25:16 AM
"I really don?t know anything at this point." & "Who knows what?s going to happen. I have no idea."

Can you explain the contradiction that I am missing? I took the rest might point to the decision to tour next year or release an album
based on past comments by him and DJ.

Richard: No, there?s a lot going on with that whole thing right now. It is looking like next year is going to be the big year for Guns N? Roses.

This is the contradiction I was referring to. OBVIOUSLY, plans probably changed since then. It is still a contradiction to his more recent shoulder shrugs when asked about GNR plans.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: norway on October 12, 2015, 11:38:24 AM

How can you in all seriousness have a thread about a long term band member with the aforementioned quote and not expect some concern? Seriously

i lol a little, even axl doesn't know whats going on.

The cancelled euro-tour, when asked about facebook 'do we have one of those?', plugs being pulled on him etc

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 12, 2015, 12:16:03 PM
Sigh. I thought I made myself clear. The moderates are fine. My comment was ONLY intended for those that openly say they will will never allow a negative thought And will jump on anyone that raises a question. That is all. I defined free thinking a couple of posts back. It's very even handed and fair. Go back and re-read it.

Oh it's clear. It's more of the same... :)


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: Wooody on October 12, 2015, 01:10:56 PM

Whining about whining is as annoying as whining.  :)

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 12, 2015, 01:17:40 PM
Whining about the supposed whining about whining is the most annoying thing!



Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: Wooody on October 12, 2015, 01:20:58 PM
But to stay on the subject I think that the problem the bandmembers have is, that they have to give interviews.
They need to give interviews because that's part of how they earn a living, most of them have solo acts or other bands and the interviews always ask about those projects, and RIchard and others always answer those question very well, which is not the case regarding GNR related questions, because they just don't know the answers.

WHy then give out answers? why not just say : ''no comment'' ?
To answer my own question, I think it would be counterproductive to avoid answering all GNR questions, because if they don't they might not get interviewed for the personal bands/projects at all. So i think that's why they feel the need to say SOMETHING, when in fact they have nothing to say. And that's why everything they say is a mess.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: Wooody on October 12, 2015, 01:22:16 PM
Whining about the supposed whining about whining is the most annoying thing!



hahaha, we could go on like this forever  ;D

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 12, 2015, 02:43:12 PM

Richard: I really have no idea what?s going to happen. I do know that Guns wants to do something next year, so I?m hoping that it does and I can be a part of it.

Richard: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. You know, I?m not opposed to talking about [Guns n? Roses]. There?s so much speculation going on right now that I don?t want to get myself into trouble and I really don?t know anything at this point.

I don't see the contradiction there. "what?s going to happen" & "speculation". I agree with Jarmo, he is essentially saying "No comment".

I have to say that most fans do not see how unlikable they are to the band. Seriously, most bands HATE their fans.
I'm sure Slash and his band and Axl and his band find all the prying and picking apart their words very annoying.

Exactly- I see this as him not wanting to add to the misinformation bureau and current heated atmosphere.

I agree with Jarmo, and you.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: OscarAxl22 on October 12, 2015, 05:42:29 PM
Essentially, i think we all need to get to grips with the fact that Richard knows nudda!

Its pretty clear that hes out of the loop.. or at the very least a great actor at pretending he is. (Ill go with option A).

Until we hear from Axl, then the media is wasting their time.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: sky dog on October 13, 2015, 06:04:27 AM
At least Tommy admitted it months ago and multiple times....he hasn't contradicted himself. I would lean heavily towards none of the modern lineup knowing what is going to happen next. They have been paid for the work they did and now have to wait to see if they get another job offer. Simple as that.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 13, 2015, 05:47:57 PM

At least Tommy admitted it months ago and multiple times....he hasn't contradicted himself. I would lean heavily towards none of the modern lineup knowing what is going to happen next. They have been paid for the work they did and now have to wait to see if they get another job offer. Simple as that.

Not a bad way to look at it.

Not every actor knows if he's in the sequel until he sees a script.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: dmathski on October 13, 2015, 06:28:31 PM
At least Tommy admitted it months ago and multiple times....he hasn't contradicted himself. I would lean heavily towards none of the modern lineup knowing what is going to happen next. They have been paid for the work they did and now have to wait to see if they get another job offer. Simple as that.

Yup, they were hired for the job. The job is over. Maybe contracts are up. They have no say. It's not truly a band as Axl calls ALL the shots. Cold hard truth as much as we want to think it's a "band". Sorry if that offends anyone but that's the way I see it. 

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: jarmo on October 13, 2015, 06:33:04 PM
A band can be a band, even if they have a leader.


Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: D-GenerationX on October 13, 2015, 06:44:15 PM
Run DMC first said a DJ could be a band.

Stand on its own feet.  Get you off your seat.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: HBK on October 13, 2015, 09:32:05 PM
At least Tommy admitted it months ago and multiple times....he hasn't contradicted himself. I would lean heavily towards none of the modern lineup knowing what is going to happen next. They have been paid for the work they did and now have to wait to see if they get another job offer. Simple as that.

Yup, they were hired for the job. The job is over. Maybe contracts are up. They have no say. It's not truly a band as Axl calls ALL the shots. Cold hard truth as much as we want to think it's a "band". Sorry if that offends anyone but that's the way I see it. 

Guns = Members - Rose = Axl

This Is -> GUNS N' ROSES

Founder, Writer, Producer = AXL ROSE From 1985

 : ok:

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 13, 2015, 09:48:05 PM
At least Tommy admitted it months ago and multiple times....he hasn't contradicted himself. I would lean heavily towards none of the modern lineup knowing what is going to happen next. They have been paid for the work they did and now have to wait to see if they get another job offer. Simple as that.

Yup, they were hired for the job. The job is over. Maybe contracts are up. They have no say. It's not truly a band as Axl calls ALL the shots. Cold hard truth as much as we want to think it's a "band". Sorry if that offends anyone but that's the way I see it. 

It offends nobody that you are incorrect, it just makes you look dumb.

? a ​group of ​musicians who ​play ​music together, esp. ​popular ​music:
a ​jazz/​rock band
a ​marching/​military band

GNR is definitely a band , stupid non-argument  :peace:

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: Lord Stan on October 13, 2015, 10:17:11 PM
GNR is definitely a band , stupid non-argument  :peace:

Of course it's a band. I absolutely hate that incorrect perception that a couple without kids is not a family. Of course it's a family.

However, in this Guns' situation I believe they are a band but none of them have current contracts. It's a bit like sometimes sportsmen train off-season with their old teams while looking for their next appointment.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: EmilyGNR on October 13, 2015, 10:57:24 PM
GNR is definitely a band , stupid non-argument  :peace:

Of course it's a band. I absolutely hate that incorrect perception that a couple without kids is not a family. Of course it's a family.

However, in this Guns' situation I believe they are a band but none of them have current contracts. It's a bit like sometimes sportsmen train off-season with their old teams while looking for their next appointment.

I can appreciate and respect that view. :)

What gets me are the people that blindly insist that GNR is "not a band" or that "It is not GNR" they are in error on both counts- it IS a band and they can choose to like it or not, support it or not-  but they absolutely do not get to determine what is GNR and what is not.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: Wooody on October 14, 2015, 11:17:59 AM
At least Tommy admitted it months ago and multiple times....he hasn't contradicted himself. I would lean heavily towards none of the modern lineup knowing what is going to happen next. They have been paid for the work they did and now have to wait to see if they get another job offer. Simple as that.

Yup, they were hired for the job. The job is over. Maybe contracts are up. They have no say. It's not truly a band as Axl calls ALL the shots. Cold hard truth as much as we want to think it's a "band". Sorry if that offends anyone but that's the way I see it. 

It offends nobody that you are incorrect, it just makes you look dumb.

? a ​group of ​musicians who ​play ​music together, esp. ​popular ​music:
a ​jazz/​rock band
a ​marching/​military band

GNR is definitely a band , stupid non-argument  :peace:

I don't think it makes him look dumb. Its an opinion.

Title: Re: Richard Fortus 'I Have No Idea What's Going On' With Guns N' Roses
Post by: HBK on October 14, 2015, 12:57:29 PM
GNR is definitely a band , stupid non-argument  :peace:

Of course it's a band. I absolutely hate that incorrect perception that a couple without kids is not a family. Of course it's a family.

However, in this Guns' situation I believe they are a band but none of them have current contracts. It's a bit like sometimes sportsmen train off-season with their old teams while looking for their next appointment.

I can appreciate and respect that view. :)

What gets me are the people that blindly insist that GNR is "not a band" or that "It is not GNR" they are in error on both counts- it IS a band and they can choose to like it or not, support it or not-  but they absolutely do not get to determine what is GNR and what is not.

The True Hurts
