Title: Slash on Howard Stern this morning (9-16-2014) Post by: AxlHBK on September 16, 2014, 04:36:28 PM Haven't listened to it yet, but, figured some of you might want to be aware that it happened.
Title: Re: Slash on Howard Stern this morning (9-16-2014) Post by: faldor on September 17, 2014, 01:05:54 AM I listened to it. Was pretty good. Nothing groundbreaking, but solid promotion by Slash and the boys. Howard played a few snippets of some classic GNR tunes and asked Slash to comment on how he came up with the riffs. Again, nothing really new, but still cool to hear. They played "World on Fire" live and sounded quite good. I'm sure it's probably up on YouTube by now if anyone wants to search for it.