Title: Dirt Inc - Selftiteled debut album! Finally! (Spotify update) Post by: Captain P?l on November 10, 2013, 12:49:18 PM Hey guys and girls!
We have for a while now played the waiting game for releasing this album. (Us GNR fans ought to be used to it by now) But now its here. Due to some technical difficulties its not due on spotify and such for another 14 days! But we all have youtube, right? We are a 5 piece playing the music we love. Just give it a listen, it's free so it doesnt hurt anyone else but the band. Link to playlist on youtube is on the buttom of the page. You can also find us on facebook: www.facebook.com/dirtinc (http://www.facebook.com/dirtinc) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTJNXU0QdgE&list=PLGB8cV0uiaE2qWMeqhhJEBzkziEEmDyvI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTJNXU0QdgE&list=PLGB8cV0uiaE2qWMeqhhJEBzkziEEmDyvI) We are also on Spotify and other digital media sites now! Search for Dirt Inc and thou shall find! |