Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: maynard on August 26, 2013, 09:46:50 PM

Title: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: maynard on August 26, 2013, 09:46:50 PM
I mean. MyGNR seems to be a place they won't visit anymore but this forum is cool and positive, why don't they post here more often?

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: D-GenerationX on August 26, 2013, 09:58:24 PM
Would you want to be deluged with inevitable questions you had no answers to?

Are you guys going to record?  Don't know.  Will there be another album?  Don't know.  Will it be the older stuff recorded years ago or new stuff?  Don't know.

Unless you are a big time guitar enthusiast and want to ask them about their strings, what can they really tell us?

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: Hustlers Revenge on August 26, 2013, 10:34:00 PM
or maybe they have other things to do? if they spent all their time answering everybody's questions on every internet forum that demands interaction, when would they have time to write songs, drink booze, get laid, etc?

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: D-GenerationX on August 26, 2013, 10:39:33 PM
or maybe they have other things to do? if they spent all their time answering everybody's questions on every internet forum that demands interaction, when would they have time to write songs, drink booze, get laid, etc?

365 days in a year, you don't have an hour some Tuesday night?  Come on now.

I've already said I understand why they don't do it.  But if you think about, people only ask because there is no other real avenue to get info.  Its not like they are wearing out reporter's tape recorders from all the interviews they do.  They do that and people still want online chats, OK, maybe that is excessive.

But the requests for chats are more like a sign of desperation.  Just people trying some way, any way, to get someone to talk.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: Hustlers Revenge on August 26, 2013, 10:43:40 PM shouldn't be so. but i get it. and you'll get what you want, just maybe not when you want it.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: D-GenerationX on August 26, 2013, 10:45:33 PM shouldn't be so. but i get it. and you'll get what you want, just maybe not when you want it.

Are you channeling Axl on some of these answers? :D

I'm just kidding, but I hope against all good sense you are proven right.  That it all works out, somehow.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: Hustlers Revenge on August 26, 2013, 10:56:05 PM shouldn't be so. but i get it. and you'll get what you want, just maybe not when you want it.

Are you channeling Axl on some of these answers? :D

I'm just kidding, but I hope against all good sense you are proven right.  That it all works out, somehow.

i'm not channeling axl, don't even know the dude. but i am reading your reports to mygnr about how people respond to you here. like i said, life is too short to get all wound up over things you can't control. but i understand, you feel protected by people who share your frustrations and bewildered and annoyed by those who do not.

it's gonna be okay, i promise.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: Manets on August 26, 2013, 11:13:01 PM
They don't even use their officially official forums, why would they use their unnofficial official one.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: jarmo on August 27, 2013, 09:26:01 AM
They don't even use their officially official forums, why would they use their unnofficial official one.

Using your logic, here's something to think about: Axl doesn't even answer questions from their official forums, why would he answer ones from an unofficial one.



Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: D-GenerationX on August 27, 2013, 09:33:59 AM shouldn't be so. but i get it. and you'll get what you want, just maybe not when you want it.

Are you channeling Axl on some of these answers? :D

I'm just kidding, but I hope against all good sense you are proven right.  That it all works out, somehow.

i'm not channeling axl, don't even know the dude. but i am reading your reports to mygnr about how people respond to you here. like i said, life is too short to get all wound up over things you can't control. but i understand, you feel protected by people who share your frustrations and bewildered and annoyed by those who do not.

it's gonna be okay, i promise.

I think this is a totally dishonest argument.  And I'm not singling you out, many others say this same stuff.

This is a GNR board.  As are the other ones.  We talk about...wait for it...GNR.  True story.  The talking point from everyone that thinks its all good in the hood is that those of us that wonder what the hell is going on are rocking back and forth in the corner chanting "Krusty is coming...Krusty is coming" 24/7/365. 

Is that legit?  Not really. 

The reality is that any message board based on a certain subject will feature conversation about that subject.  What you are essentially telling me and anyone else is to pipe down.  Let's be honest here.  Basically, we are free to chime in about our favorite band, but only to say all is well and running super smooth.

"Doesn't it seem like this operation could be run a bit better?" is not hate.  Its an observation.  No differnet than asking why your favorite QB keeps throwing interceptions.  You want to see the operation succeed, ultimately.  Asking about how things are going, and hoping they can run at maximum efficiency is positive hope, not a negative tear down.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: volcano62 on August 27, 2013, 10:08:20 AM
They should just abolish the official site and fan club. I feel embarrassed for the band even if it has nothing to do with them.

I did not renew my membership because we are ignored. The new packages are not even announced yet....I've never seen ANY other fan club operate is such incompetent manner.

This is coming from a fan that supports Axl and GNR 100% since 1988 so nobody dare come out and call me a troublemaker or a hater.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: el_loko on August 27, 2013, 11:54:43 AM
They should just abolish the official site and fan club. I feel embarrassed for the band even if it has nothing to do with them.

I did not renew my membership because we are ignored. The new packages are not even announced yet....I've never seen ANY other fan club operate is such incompetent manner.
They don't owe you anything!!!!!!!! You complaining bastard!

Band members don't chat here because they don't know anything/ can't talk about anything/ don't decide about anything. So they could only talk about their solo career.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: sofine11 on August 27, 2013, 01:38:02 PM
Would you want to be deluged with inevitable questions you had no answers to?

Are you guys going to record?  Don't know.  Will there be another album?  Don't know.  Will it be the older stuff recorded years ago or new stuff?  Don't know.

Unless you are a big time guitar enthusiast and want to ask them about their strings, what can they really tell us?

Pretty much exactly this.  As much as I'd love to see questions about the next album answered, I have a feeling even those who we'd all assume could answer them best really have no idea at this point.

Assuming the rumors and various comments over the years are true, and there is an entire 2nd album ready to go, with REAL intent to release it...Wouldn't...Wouldn't we hear something official by now?  :-\

And I'm not saying it doesn't exist, only that I have a feeling that the powers that be don't really care if it ever sees the light of day or not, fans be damned.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: Hustlers Revenge on August 27, 2013, 06:29:50 PM shouldn't be so. but i get it. and you'll get what you want, just maybe not when you want it.

Are you channeling Axl on some of these answers? :D

I'm just kidding, but I hope against all good sense you are proven right.  That it all works out, somehow.

i'm not channeling axl, don't even know the dude. but i am reading your reports to mygnr about how people respond to you here. like i said, life is too short to get all wound up over things you can't control. but i understand, you feel protected by people who share your frustrations and bewildered and annoyed by those who do not.

it's gonna be okay, i promise.

I think this is a totally dishonest argument.  And I'm not singling you out, many others say this same stuff.

This is a GNR board.  As are the other ones.  We talk about...wait for it...GNR.  True story.  The talking point from everyone that thinks its all good in the hood is that those of us that wonder what the hell is going on are rocking back and forth in the corner chanting "Krusty is coming...Krusty is coming" 24/7/365. 

Is that legit?  Not really. 

The reality is that any message board based on a certain subject will feature conversation about that subject.  What you are essentially telling me and anyone else is to pipe down.  Let's be honest here.  Basically, we are free to chime in about our favorite band, but only to say all is well and running super smooth.

"Doesn't it seem like this operation could be run a bit better?" is not hate.  Its an observation.  No differnet than asking why your favorite QB keeps throwing interceptions.  You want to see the operation succeed, ultimately.  Asking about how things are going, and hoping they can run at maximum efficiency is positive hope, not a negative tear down.

it's not a dishonest argument. it's not even an argument. read through the diatribes. people are pissed off when they don't get what they want when they want it. this is the age of immediacy and everyone is born spoiled rotten. and yes, i believe most people who obsess over anything are unhealthy and disturbed. not necessarily disturbed in a bad way, but more in a constant agitated state until they get their way.

guns n roses WILL release new music. you don't think they will? good. then give up. the future is full of surprises.

kinda like being in college and pulling fire alarms all night long while others are trying to sleep. right?

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: Hustlers Revenge on August 27, 2013, 07:03:53 PM
anyways, i've met and exceeded my yearly quota of posts on a gnr fan forum. i popped back in because of the recent leaks. going down is promising. looking forward to the final mix. the better redux x2...meh.

but i truly hope satisfaction finds you all, sooner or later. though knowing the history of this band and its fanbase, i have my doubts.

be well.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: One.In.A.Million on August 30, 2013, 02:29:30 PM
I think it's a combination of the band never really being about that anyway, and them not wanting to be seen to favour 1 forum over another (although I think it's obvious that rightfully so, they seem to like this one the most). At least Fernando and Beta post here often and that's more than cool, and I know Ron has also posted a few times on here, as has Axl obviously. I don't think I would want them posting on here constantly as it would be "to easy" so to speak, to know things and ask so and so etc. But I am however glad that when they choose to speak on forums, they tend to choose this one as its easily the best forum dedicated to GN'R on the net.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: bad_apples on August 31, 2013, 02:00:06 AM
The band probably doesn't come here to chat because there's nothing going on that's band related to talk about : ok:

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: team-axl on August 31, 2013, 06:24:33 AM

i wouldnt mind if axl came here from time to time just to talk about movies and books...or tell jokes. I would love if axl posted some pics online from time to time like "this is me in my garden petting my tiger" followed by "this is me leaving the hospital, glad they were able to stitch my arm back"

Just jk obviously but it would be a fun thing if axl talked to us from time to time but i don't blame him for not doing it. :)

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: raindogs70 on September 06, 2013, 10:53:29 PM
Have band members ever been asked to take part in the forum?

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on September 08, 2013, 08:25:35 AM
I don't think it is very often any of the band stop and think," I'm going to see what is new on the message boards."

 I know that if I owned 10 cars, a mansion and had an extremely large amount of money I may not be on here hardly ever.

But from my seat I think it would be very cool if any of the band came on here more often and let us know what was currently happening.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: The Wight Gunner on September 08, 2013, 12:20:58 PM
BBF and DJ Ashba TM have posted in the past as has Dexter himself, whose to say other members haven't? It maybe that they haven't come here as themselves IYSWIM...

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: Nightrained on September 08, 2013, 03:47:01 PM

I'm going to take a guess in that they speak to a lot of fans on show day meet n greets also through being private messaged on there own social media. They might lurk from time to time though, but they are not ignoring fans.

Axl himself, is an A-list celeb, so anything he says is likely to be published to a wider audience, than say a quote from any other member of the band, so perhaps he is more careful when he chooses to speak online. I also think he is just not into social media, might be a generation thing... Or he uses a fake account to keep into contact with his friends online. Do any other artists often participate in fan forums? It's easy being GNR fans to say "why don't they post..." but it might just not be the done thing for celebs.  ???

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: raindogs70 on September 09, 2013, 11:05:49 PM

I'm going to take a guess in that they speak to a lot of fans on show day meet n greets also through being private messaged on there own social media. They might lurk from time to time though, but they are not ignoring fans.

Axl himself, is an A-list celeb, so anything he says is likely to be published to a wider audience, than say a quote from any other member of the band, so perhaps he is more careful when he chooses to speak online. I also think he is just not into social media, might be a generation thing... Or he uses a fake account to keep into contact with his friends online. Do any other artists often participate in fan forums? It's easy being GNR fans to say "why don't they post..." but it might just not be the done thing for celebs.  ???

He's probably into social media, but it doesn't involve GNR. The band collectively busted their asses to promote when they started out, and talking about GNR is promotion-related. If there's nothing to promote, there's nothing to say. It's no different than any rock legend who might show up on social media once in a great while to do a Q&A.

Title: Re: why don't the band members use this forum to chat?
Post by: BangoSkank on September 18, 2013, 10:14:03 AM
I mean. MyGNR seems to be a place they won't visit anymore but this forum is cool and positive, why don't they post here more often?

with deep regret, I think Bumblefoot confirmed to someone that he does read MyGNR.