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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Hollywood Rose on August 15, 2013, 03:59:41 PM

Title: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: Hollywood Rose on August 15, 2013, 03:59:41 PM
Hi everyone,

my old account must have been deleted due to inactivity, but after only reading for a while there is a reason I'm writing now:

I'm studying Music Management/Musicology in Germany and I'm about to write my BA thesis on ambition and excess in the music videos of Guns N' Roses, focusing on the trilogy don't cry/november rain/estranged.
I'd be glad to get any kind of help researching interviews, articles, reviews etc. where something is said about the videos. I already got quite a lot of sources, books, the making of videos, del james' "the language of fear", but I'd be happy for every piece of information I can get.
So thanks in advance for every contribution :)

Title: Re: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: nick6sic6 on August 15, 2013, 04:14:44 PM
You have all you need i think.If you want opinions of say 1000 forum members,you'll end up with 1000 different theories.
Those videos were excessive as with everything in the GNR world back then.

Maybe that's why we have no official videos for chinese democracy yet,and probably never will...5 years later and counting who needs them ?  :)

Title: Re: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: Hollywood Rose on August 15, 2013, 04:33:50 PM
I'm not looking for opions by forum members, but rather official statements by band members, reviews from back in 91-93 or even more recent ones, articles (no yellow press), all kinds of sources. I'm also interested in stuff like VH1 video countdowns etc. where other musicians weigh in on the videos or the public image of the band. I'm not sure that I would use that, but it could be interesting nonetheless. I already did a lot of research (in addition to the stuff I already knew), found a lot, but I'm sure there are people out there who maybe collect all kinds of pieces of information and remember which magazine did a feature on which topic and so forth.

Title: Re: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on August 15, 2013, 08:36:38 PM
Does your thesis address the broader theme of ambition and excess in the music industry and use the trilogy as an example or is it solely about the videos? 

Sorry but I don't have any references on hand other than those you already have.

Good luck with the project.

Title: Re: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: LIGuns on August 16, 2013, 05:38:36 AM
They received the Michael Jackson award at the MTV Awards that year..Axl thanked everyone than stated how he wasn't sure how thus video had anything to do w/ MJ..

Title: Re: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: Hollywood Rose on August 16, 2013, 07:23:19 AM
@LIGuns: yeah, I was gonna mention that and the performance of November Rain w/ Elton John at the VMAs.

@14 Yrs of silence: The first one rather. It's a bit broader thant just the videos. There will be (short) references to other big budget Stars like Madonna and MJ, a little summary of the history of the medium itself, its aesthetics, how it changed in recent years and how it may change in the future. The main focus will be on the trilogy and how the band's larger than life image is reflected in and also further enhanced through the videos by telling such a (personal) story over the course of 3 videos. There will be a couple of other topics adressed as well, but discussing the trilogy as the example of ambition and excess will be the main goal of my thesis.

Thanks again for any input and feedback!

Title: Re: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: jarmo on August 16, 2013, 09:19:01 AM
Did you read the story Without You that the November Rain video is based on?


Title: Re: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: Hollywood Rose on August 16, 2013, 09:26:32 AM
Yes of course, like I said in my opening post, Del James' book is one of my sources (Axl's foreword as well). I also planned on asking him and others involved a couple of questions if they're willing to answer them  ;D

Title: Re: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: jarmo on August 16, 2013, 09:41:50 AM
Sorry.  :-[

That's a good starting point.


Title: Re: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: raindogs70 on August 17, 2013, 01:15:01 PM
The "I Want My MTV" book has some good info about the making of the videos.

I would also include why they decided to sell the videos and include the documentaries; I always felt because they were expensive videos, they learned from "The Making of Michael Jackson Thriller" to do the same with the trilogy videos, plus it's a good time capsule & insight of what GNR were going through over the period of time they made those videos.

Titanic and Estranged used the same tank in Escondido, California (half hour from San Diego) a facility called the Offshore Model Basin. It's not exactly a glamorous area for celebrities to hang out *L*, but it's interesting two expensive projects had something in common (apart from GNR's song being used in James Cameron's T2). So there's a little piece of obscure trivia for ya...

 Just remember music videos are usually the director's vision more than the band's. I think the band just liked the experience of it at the time, but I'm sure they would have rather been doing something else. It seemed like Duff and Matt got the biggest kick out of it, Slash was "whatever", and Axl just wanted it to do the songs justice.

It's up to you to find out whether Axl and Del felt Andy Morahan had made the video they envisioned the story to be, or he took it in a whole other direction that may have conflicted with what they wanted it to be at the time.

Music videos are usually practice for aspiring directors because it's a way to make a short film with a big budget and a union crew, but sometimes directors run rampant with their ideas and make some stuff that can derail the artist.

This is a good example of a director telling an artist what to do and having it destroy their career.

Title: Re: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: Hollywood Rose on August 17, 2013, 09:54:41 PM
Thanks for the info! I just added the "I Want My MTV"  book to my list yesterday, not knowing if there's anything about the videos in it. I thought I'd find some general infos, but it's good to know there's more than that! :)

Title: Re: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: J.Hanover on August 17, 2013, 11:17:24 PM
I know that I have seen on you tube "the making" of these 3 videos,  just need to search all different Gnr related angles.  But like a post before said there's the directors take and cut and making of the trilogy. I bet if you got the directors name and emailed him he would be willing to answer some questions. Good luck and I would personally love to read your paper after your done, maybe you could post it if ypu feel comfortable.  Again good luck fellow Gunner

Title: Re: [Help wanted] BA thesis on GN'R video trilogy
Post by: Hollywood Rose on August 18, 2013, 04:07:27 PM
Thanks! I already have Andy Morahan's contact information. I'm still working on interview questions. My thesis will be in German, so I'm not sure how that will work out, but maybe there's interest for a publication and/or translation. It's too early to tell. I will keep you updated on further plans though once I'm finished. :)