Title: Request: Rosemont/Chicago 1992 DVD JohnM Post by: Welcome_To_Paradise_City on December 20, 2012, 08:38:28 PM Does someone have the torrent or download link for the Chicago 1992 concert, JohnM version (I checked the others out and I'm pretty sure this is the best version). I have most of it, but the section Double Talkin' Jive to Welcome to the Jungle, Band Intros to Coma, and So Fine to Estranged (so 3 VOB files) are corrupted and keeps pausing and skipping so its impossible to play them. I tried redownloading it off of gunsnroses.us/ but at first it did the same thing, and then when I tried for the 3rd time it didn't even start to download. If any of you could link me to a download or a torrent with seeds it would be AMAZING! Thank you!