Title: Gilby Clarke - Malibu - (Live DVDR) Post by: jaco on December 15, 2012, 07:21:24 PM I need this dvd of Gilby, was sold at shows in 2006. If anyone has contact me. I have a lot of material from GNR and side project.
Email: gnr-project-tour@hotmail.com gnr-project-tour@hotmail.com gnr-project-tour@hotmail.com gnr-project-tour@hotmail.com Thank you! Gilby Clarke - Malibu - (Live DVDR) Date - Location: most likely 4/29/2005 - Malibu Inn, Malibu, CA [exactly date aint verified yet] 38:07min / 1,92gb / Proshot (5 cameras) Gilby Clarke: Guitar + Vocals Muddy Dutton: Bass + Vocals Chad Stewart: Drums + Vocals Songs: 1 - Motorcycle Cowboys 2 - Black 3 - Under The Gun 4 - Monkey Chow 5 - Pump It Up 6 - It's Only Rock N' Roll [The Rolling Stones] 7 - Cure Me...Or Kill Me 8 - Tijuana Jail (with some short instrumental from "My Michelle" [GN'R]) Video Attributes: Video compression mode: MPEG-2 TV system: 525/60 (NTSC) Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Display Mode: Only Letterbox Source picture resolution: 720x480 (525/60) Frame Rate: 30.00 Source picture letterboxed: Not letterboxed Bitrate: 5.12Mbps Audio Attributes: Audio Coding mode: LPCM Sampling Rate: 48kHz Audio application mode: Not specified Number of Audio channels: 2 Bitrate: 1536 Kbps Number of Audio streams: 1 |